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Sir Thomas Gery Cullum
Sir James Edward Smith
27 Aug 1820
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/13/66, The Linnean Society of London

Lady Cullum's cataract operation a success: performed in under five minutes with no pain and before the intense heat of June which would have complicated her recovery. Operation took place same day as Sir Joseph Banks' death, 19 June. Observations on possible 'Dianthus virgineus' grown from seed collected on Lake Garda and mentioned in last letter, it is figured in "Botanical Magazine" tab.1740. Thinks [Nathaniel Shirley] Hodson's [(fl 1800s-1830s)] botanic garden at Bury "a romantic scheme" but has subscribed two guineas and though Hodson is unqualified and "quite an amateur of flowers" he has occassionally procured curious and scarce plants.

Prior to operation Lady Cullum's eyes were treated with drops of infusion of leaves of 'Atropa belladonna', some oculists also use 'Datura stramonium' and 'Hyoscyamus'; believes [John] Ray confounded the effects of 'belladonna' and 'datura' in "Syn[opsis methodica stirpium Britannicarum] p.266", though it now turns out both dilate the pupils [Smith has annotated "Ray caused this confusion - compare ed. 2 & 3"]. Did not see [Aylmer Bourke] Lambert before he left London, little hope of Mrs [Catherine] Lambert's recovery. Invites the Smiths to visit Bury in October.

Mary Cullum adds postscript, in her own hand, sending her love to the Smiths.

The Linnean Society of London
Sir James Edward Smith
Sir Thomas Gery Cullum
31 Aug 1820
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/13/67, The Linnean Society of London

Delighted to hear of Lady Cullum's successful operation. Sending seeds from Paris to [Nathaniel Shirley] Hodson [(fl 1800s-1830s), founder of Bury botanic garden] but will not subscribe to the garden. Discusses the confusion between 'Atropa belladonna' and 'Datura' in second edition of [John] Ray's "Synopsis" caused by repetition of an error by Dillenius. Confirms he gathered 'Dianthus virgineus' on Mount Cenis exactly like in "Botanical Magazine" t.1740. Unable to accept Cullum's invitation to Bury. Last saw Sir Joseph Banks a month before he died and he was "quite easy about the event, which he knew could not be far distant". Received letter from Sir Thomas Gage from Castel a Mare, near Naples, they are in "perfect safety, though living in the midst of a revolution". Mrs [Catherine] Lambert not better since moving into the country.

The Linnean Society of London