Asks to be sent Dr Frank’s Die Natur: wagerechte Richtung von Pflanzentheilen.
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Asks to be sent Dr Frank’s Die Natur: wagerechte Richtung von Pflanzentheilen.
Sends autograph.
Discusses dates when he might meet the prince (Crown Prince Rudolf of Austria) in London, or perhaps the Prince might visit Down.
"With Mr. Charles Darwin’s compliments enclosing one guinea."
Thanks for gift of a book, and offers to send copy of Expression.
"I was born in the town of Shrewsbury Feb. 12, 1809."
Thanks for two German letters about translations, which he has answered. The enclosed one contains a proposal for CD’s correspondent to bring out a translation of a very successful German book, and must be answered by the correspondent.
"I have received a very large box full of beautiful tea from Russia yesterday … my life is as regular & monotonous as a clock.
I make sure, but wofully slow progress, with my new book."