Search: Hooker, W. J. in addressee 
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Sir Joseph Dalton Hooker
Sir William Jackson Hooker
24 August 1842
Source of text:
JDH/1/2 f.69, The Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew

JDH replies to letters from his father, William Jackson Hooker. JDH arrived at the Bay of Islands, [New Zealand] 18 Aug. At Port Jackson got 200 species incl. new Sclotheimia. Area is well known but JDH has found ferns & mosses new to Cunningham's flora. Collected animals from 400 fathoms, but no marine vegetation. In flower are: Vitex littoralis, Fuchsia excorticans & orchids incl. Pterostylis Banksii. Found a few lichens, fungi & seaweed. Met missionary, Colenso, through Captain King, they will collect Crytogammia. Describes landscape. Habitat wrong for Andraea, has found Trichostomum peridiatale, Neckera setosa & a Fissidens, looks for Dawsonia & Polytichium dendroides. Colenso will send live specimens incl. Hookeriae rotulata, pennata, quadrifaria & Leptostonum macrocarpona. Thanks Robb & Mitchell for letters. Hopes Thomson succeeds at the Calcutta Museum. Has few opportunities to botanize, is studying crustacea as a temp. alternative. Captain Ross has an excellent collection of marine zoology. Hopes that the findings of the expedition will be of scientific value & public interest. Next they go to Chatham Island, Falklands & the Cape. Hopes his sisters are well. Has concerns re. his Van Diemen's Land flora. Discusses spelling of VDL & name change to Tasmania. Points out errors in ICONES [PLANTARUM] re. Ranunc[ulus] pimpinellifolius & others. Mentions JOURNAL [OF BOTANY], Gardner's return, future plans, Arnott, completion of the Arctic Botany & 'Beechey's'. Compares Fitch's work in the GERENA FILICUM to Bauer's. Wants news from Athenaeum, Glasgow Association, Link & Klotzsch. Mentions Lindley's activities, Bentham's collections & Bagan at [Glasgow] University. JDH is sending a map & drawing in confidence. He stores collections in rum & tobacco casks. Has 20 bird skins, shells & insects for Maria. Describes a ball on the ships Erebus & Terror on Derwent [River], attended by John Franklin. Notes the Antarctica expedition has received less fanfare than Arctic ones.

Hooker Project
Sir Joseph Dalton Hooker
Sir William Jackson Hooker
25 August 1842
Source of text:
JDH/1/2 f.114-115, The Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew

JDH writes to his father, WJH, re. Falklands plants. Lichens are abundant, algae huge, mosses only now fruiting. He has found the same species as Gaudichaud & D'Urville & kept notes on distribution. Discusses mosses on East Falkland, incl: Andreaea, Sphangnum & Trichostoma. 30 lichens found incl Usnea melaxantha which he compares to a Kerguelen sp.. Collected 50 sp. of seaweed incl Macrocystis & Laminariae. Disagrees with Harvey re. Sphacelaria callitricha. Confervoid plants cover the bays. Fungi are scarce but Lyall will send some in spring, incl. large Agarici. Lists ferns collected, incl. a tiny new Aspidium. Asks that a contribution be made to William Burnett on his behalf. The expedition will soon leave for Cape Horn & St Martin's Cove or other port in Tierra del Fuego, allowing JDH to complete his flora of the Antarctic regions. Discusses Fagus sp. found there by Foster & Mirbel. Mentions 3 plants from sub-Antarctic islands which represent new natural orders. Mentions Niger Expedition. Discusses books on cryptogamic plants. Wants Gardner to help arrange his mosses. McLeary will collect moss for JDH in New Holland [Australia]. Discusses Quinary & circular classifications for cryptogamic plants. Mentions the sale of Bauer's drawings & Fitch illustrating GENERA FILICUM. Fielding of Staddagy Lodge has left his collection to the Botanical Society London. Describes walking from Berkeley Sound to Uranie Bay. Plants seen incl Macrocystis & Sticta. Birds observed: steamer ducks sandpiper, kelp goose, Carcara Hawk, gulls, Teal, oyster catcher & Chionis. Describes the quartz hills & the lichens that grow on them, Uranie Bay, a seaweed possibly D'urvillea, the sand hills & the sp. that grow there. Describes a Usnea. Berkeley is wrong about Darwin finding fungi on timber in the Falklands. JDH is sending a parcel to WJH, as well as plants it incls a sketch by Davis, veneer from HMS 'Terror's' rudder, kaurigum, & Tussac grass seeds to share with Edmonstone in the Shetlands.

Hooker Project