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Olof Peter Swartz
Sir James Edward Smith
12 Feb 1806
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/9/97, The Linnean Society of London

Introduces the bearer of the letter, [William Dandridge] Peck, professor of natural history at University of Cambridge [Harvard University], Massachusetts, who has been in Sweden. Hopes Smith received the parcel he sent last year via [Nathaniel] Winch. Sends his reprinted paper on 'Orchidae'. Hopes Smith received the letter he sent last December . Encloses a letter to be forwared to [Archibald] Menzies.

The Linnean Society of London
Olof Peter Swartz
Sir James Edward Smith
16 Dec 1808
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/9/98, The Linnean Society of London

The war [between Britain and France] has disrupted their correspondence for two and a half years, sends recent "transactions" of [Swedish] Academy [of Sciences]. Effect of the war on Swedish science: isolated from foreign literature, except for occassional communications from Britain, has seen parts of Smith's "Exotic Botany" and "Flora Graeca" and [Dawson] Turner's "Hist. Fucorum". Only remarkable things produced in Sweden have been the "Swedish Botany and Zoology" [Palmstruch's "Svensk botanik" (1802-1819)?], supervised by himself, and [Johan Peter] Westring's "history of the lichens". Isolated from European colleagues, which has disrupted the planned collaboration between himself and [Daniel Matthias Heinrich] Mohr [(1780-1808)] on a "Synopsis or Historia Muscorum", and [Heinrich Adolph] Scharder's Gottingen printing of [Erik] Acharius' "Lichenographia universalis".

Concern over fate of an "instructif [sic] present" sent to the Linnean Society by Acharius. [Carl Peter] Thunberg and [Adam] Afzelius are living in Uppsala, the latter has written on the Swedish 'Rosa' and put his "African treasures" aside. Report of a "secular celebration of the birthday of a giant man [Linnaeus]", including a eulogy by Dr [Sven Anders] Hedin, one of his former pupils, held in Linnaeus' first school in Wexiö [Växjö], and a grand fete at the Academy of Uppsala. It is the only instance in Sweden of a public honour being given to an individual subject. The museum and auditory were also consecrated, attended by "many thousands" including most of the old "Linnaean disciples" who gave the whole "a most venerable appearance". Eager to see new genus of moss ['Hookeria'] described by Smith.

The Linnean Society of London
Olof Peter Swartz
Sir James Edward Smith
1 Jun 1812
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/9/99, The Linnean Society of London

Has sent parcels for Smith and Sir Joseph Banks with Professor [Jöns Jacob] Berzelius, [(1779-1848)], chemist, who is coming to England. Smith's parcel contains: third volume of "Flora Ind. occidentalis"; "transactions" of the Royal Academy of Sciences from 1809 to 1811; his "Synopsis filicum" for either [William Jackson] Hooker or Smith; and six volumes of "Swedish Botany", a gift of the Academy to the Linnean Society. Hopes Hooker received the letter he sent before he left Europe [abandoned plans for travelling to Ceylon with Sir Robert Brownrigg]. Curious to know how far [Robert] Brown's "Prodromus florae Novae Hollandiae" has advanced, hopes to establish an exchange with him. Swedish Academy of Sciences, of which he is now the secretary, is keen to have full set of "Linnean Transactions" and the second part of Brown's "Flora". [Erik] Acharius has published his "Lichenographia universalis" and has still not received any thanks for the collection he sent to the Linnean Society.

[Georg] Wahlenberg's recently published "Flora Lapponica" has doubled the number of plants described in Linnaeus' "Flora Lapponica", it includes 30 plates and a large botanico-geographical map. [Alexander von] Humboldt, von Bruhl and W have proceeded on similar principals and plans for their own works. Asks after progress of "Flora Graeca", "English Botany", and [Dawson] Turner's "Historia fucorum".

The Linnean Society of London