Search: Smith, James Edward in addressee 
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Thomas Johnes
Sir James Edward Smith
27 Apr 1799
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/16/53, The Linnean Society of London

Received Smith's letter of 19 [April]; sorry to hear the indifferent accounts of Smith's sister. Determined not to quit this house though this winter has been severe: lost many sheep and has already sold 330 skins, thinks corn will be scarce and bad, and has not sown his oats due to the wet. His daughter [Mariamne Johnes] sending in another letter Conchium flower that Smith requested some time ago. Asks Smith to acquire for him from Bristol "this famous oxygenated muriatic acid that gives such a powerful stimulus to seeds".

Sees that Dr [Robert John] Thornton [(c 1768-1837), physician and writer on botany] has "done wonders" with Dr [Thomas] Beddoes' [(1760-1808), chemist and physician] airs [Beddoes founded the Pneumatic Institute, which advocated the inhalation of "factitious airs" as a medical treatment]; "they will make a new & grand epocha in medicine" and "surely he deserves more thanks than this ungrateful nation will give him". Wonders if they would do any good for his daughter in reducing the tumours she has near the chin and on some of her glands; her back is now almost flat.

Davies still wants Croft though he is "a poor devil & not deserving of it" but has a proposal for another estate which if it succeeds will make him comfortable.

The Linnean Society of London
Arthur Bruce
Sir James Edward Smith
8 Apr 1799
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/21/47, The Linnean Society of London

Replies to Smith's letter of 9 August 1798. Working on long delayed paper [on cattle]. Spent time in Fifeshire, Perthshire, and Roxburghshire last year, found no new acquisitions but saw 'Oenanthe fistulosa', 'Sison inundatum', 'Pilularia globulifera', 'Convallaria polygonatum', 'Euonymus europaeus', 'Utricularia', roots of 'Serapies longifolia', 'Valeriana diocia'.

"Flora Britannica" much anticipated. Recently received specimens from Lady Ashburton, in Devon, of 'Scilla autumnalis', 'Convolvulus soldanella', 'Colyledon umbil.', 'Crithmum maritimum', and species of 'Geranium'. Natural History Society of Edinburgh recovering from late treasurer, Mr Cunningham's, insolvency and loss of their funds; they have committed all funds and secretaryship to himself. His solitary mode of life. Smith's labours on British grasses will be much appreciated. Thanks for specimens from Smith.

The Linnean Society of London
Thomas Velley
Sir James Edward Smith
3 Apr 1799
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/26/34, The Linnean Society of London

Has left instructions for his 'Fucus' paper for next "Linnean Transactions" to be delivered to Smith, and has included a drawing of the "singular and curious 'Conferva'" to be engraved and coloured by [James] Sowerby. Thinks it unfortunate that the plates for the "Transactions" are not well executed, and suggests charging Fellows 5 shillings on receipt of their copies.

The "calamitous state of the times" will oblige them to carry out any further correspondence "across the ocean".

The Linnean Society of London