For CD’s approval, cites passage from CD note he wants to quote in a lecture;
pleads for CD’s moral support for FEA’s work in free-thought movement.
Sends $50 [dollars or pounds!?] because he wants CD to become regular contributor to Index.
Showing 1–1 of 1 item
The Charles Darwin Collection
The Darwin Correspondence Project is publishing letters written by and to the naturalist Charles Darwin (1809–1882). Complete transcripts of letters are being made available through the Project’s website ( after publication in the ongoing print edition of The Correspondence of Charles Darwin (Cambridge University Press 1985–). Metadata and summaries of all known letters (c. 15,000) appear in Ɛpsilon, and the full texts of available letters can also be searched, with links to the full texts.
For CD’s approval, cites passage from CD note he wants to quote in a lecture;
pleads for CD’s moral support for FEA’s work in free-thought movement.
Sends $50 [dollars or pounds!?] because he wants CD to become regular contributor to Index.