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Thomas Butt
Sir James Edward Smith
17 Mar 1813
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/2/114, The Linnean Society of London

Disputes Smith's attribution of 'Fragaria indica' as a new genus in "Linnean Transactions" and [Abraham] Rees' "Cyclopedia", countering Smith's observations with his own, taken from his own plant given him by Lord Valentia [George Annesley]. Would like to show Smith his collection around 1000 hardy herbacious perennials, would be grateful if Smith could suggest anyone with whom he could exchange. Toured Scotland in 1811 but did not make any botanical discoveries. Has [John] Mackay's [(1772-1802), employed at Dickson nursery, Edinburgh] Irish 'Saxifragas' from Edinburgh. List of plants and their habitats.

The Linnean Society of London
Thomas Butt
Sir James Edward Smith
28 Jun 1813
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/2/115, The Linnean Society of London

As "English Botany" is almost finished asks Smith to reconsider the genus 'Circaea', encloses a specimen from a Yorkshire plant and a 'Circaea alpina'. Through comparison with Linnaeus, [Carl Ludwig] Willdenow, and [William] Withering, believes 'Circaea alpina', 'Circaea intermedia' and 'Circaea lutetiana' are all distinct. Contests the validity of separate genera for 'Potentilla' and 'Tormentilla' when 'Potentilla reptans' and 'Tormentilla reptans' have the same flower. Thinks that 'Geranium lancastriense' and 'Geranium sanguineum' are distinct, his observations. Would like to be introduced to [George] Don's successor. List of rare British plants, hopes for assistance from Smith's friends in acquisition, [some of the names are marked by circles with dots in the middle].

The Linnean Society of London
Thomas Butt
Sir James Edward Smith
30 Jul 1813
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/2/116, The Linnean Society of London

Butt puzzled by a 'Rubus' which grows in a nearby wood, gives descriptions in Latin of three varities and in English of his variety, which he thinks may be a hybrid of raspberry and blackberry, would like Smith's observations.

The Linnean Society of London
Thomas Butt
Sir James Edward Smith
13 Dec 1813
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/2/117, The Linnean Society of London

Wishes Smith success with his Cambridge candidature. Agrees with Smith that "the small 'Circaea'" is 'Circaea alpina' but thinks it differs from that in "English Botany". Has not made any further observations on 'Rubus'. 'Glechoma hederacea' is known in his neighbourhood as "ground ivy" and "robin-run-in-the-hedge", a tea is made from it for "scorbutic complaints".

The Linnean Society of London