Happily home, he sends thanks to his "first Lord of the Admiralty". Will visit Maer in two or three weeks.
Happily home, he sends thanks to his "first Lord of the Admiralty". Will visit Maer in two or three weeks.
CD describes his happy home-coming. Finds his family and Shrewsbury unchanged.
His joy at being home. Anxious to see JSH for advice on his geological specimens.
Last four days have been spent calling on naturalists. Geologists have been kind, but zoologists seem to think a number of undescribed creatures a nuisance.
Will send his belongings to Cambridge, but eventually his quarters must be London.
FitzRoy is to be married.
Congratulates CW on his marriage. Waiting in London till Beagle arrives in Woolwich.
Describes recent visit to Henslow in Cambridge.
At a loss to arrange specimens and observations.
CD in London to meet with naturalists about his collections. Lyell and Owen are helpful, but no one else, except R. E. Grant, seems to want to examine his specimens.