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Thomas Marsham
Sir James Edward Smith
5 Feb 1796
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/ADD/57, The Linnean Society of London

Received Smith's letter of 28 [January 1796]. Account of last Linnean Society meeting: [George] Shaw disappointed him in not taking the Chair as promised, but [Richard] Salisbury filled the place and read the papers; received papers from Colonel [George] Montagu [(1753-1815)] on 2 or 3 species of birds; a motion was made for the Society to treat with Smith for purchase of the Linnaean fossil collection he intends to sell, but doubtful the funds can be found. An artist has offered to give the Society a portrait of Smith if the members subscribe to a print of it.

[Aylmer Bourke] Lambert encloses a newspaper clipping [extant], stating that Smith has retired from London on a pension "granted by his pupil the Queen"; his concerns. [James] Sowerby has obtained Smith's parcel from [Olof] Swartz.

The Linnean Society of London
Thomas Marsham
Sir James Edward Smith
22 Sep 1796
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/ADD/58, The Linnean Society of London

Received Smith's letter of 20 [September 1796]; pleased he has returned safely from Wales. [William] Kirby has been left the living of Coddenham, [Norfolk]. Still awaiting [Bracy] Clark's paper on 'Oestrus'. His despair at decline of the Linnean Society: at the last meeting there was neither President, Vice-Presidents, or Treasurer, and only two members besides himself, the members are £100 in arrears, the rules are not kept to, the museum is in confusion, the new volume of "Linnean Transactions" has been in the press for two years, "it is become a perfect lounge once a month for a few persons", and convinced it will grow worse on Smith's quitting London. Account of [Robert] Townson's [(1762-1827), natural historian and traveller] evasion of paying his Society subscription and his illiberal opinion of the Secretary and Treasurer.

The Linnean Society of London
Thomas Marsham
Sir James Edward Smith
28 Sep 1796
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/ADD/59, The Linnean Society of London

Apologises for not replying sooner to Smith's letter of 23 [Sep 1796]. Disagrees with Smith's propositions respecting the new arrangement of the Linnean Society, Smith's child; "grieved to see the Father leave his Child to be supplanted by aliens & strangers" and is hurt to see it "neglected" when he thought it was about to rise "to the summit of perfection".

Reassures Smith that he will never be found "dishonorable or dishonest", and that any harsh expressions he used were intended for [Robert] Townson [(1762-1827), natural historian and traveller, in respect to his subscription arrears]; believes arrears should not extend beyond two years.

The Linnean Society of London
Thomas Marsham
Sir James Edward Smith
24 Dec 1796
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/ADD/60, The Linnean Society of London

Directions for Smith to obtain box expected for him from Calcutta, before going through Customs House; Smith still has a friend at Court, Mr Dominicus, brother-in-law to [William] Kirby and Mrs Sutton. He is making two cabinets, one for insects and one for shells. [Jonas] Dryander presided [at Linnean Society] but was very ill "with the Piles". [Aylmer Bourke] Lambert also ill.

Papers for "Linnean Transactions" vol 3 plentiful, including ones by [John] Latham on "The Trachea of Birds" and [Bracy] Clark's paper. Sorry to hear that ideas have started for removing Smith from his Chair; reassures Smith he does not think so and thinks the best solution for Smith's absence is a "steady & active substitute", which [Jonas] Dryander is to undertake.

The Linnean Society of London