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William Roscoe
Sir James Edward Smith
23 Oct 1827
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/17/147, The Linnean Society of London

His infirm health and increasing debility prevent him from joining the Smiths at Holkham, [Norfolk, home of Thomas William Coke]; reflections on approaching death. Endeavouring to finish his literary work with all reasonable speed: revising his catalogue of Holkham manuscripts for last time, including Mr Madden's additions; finishing his "Mondandrian Plants" with the 15th number; and finishing his pamphlet on American penitentiary system with advocation for a system equally desireable in this country if not for its "old institutions & inveterate prejudices".

Thanks for Smith's remarks on his descriptions of Monandrian plants and assents to Smith's opinion regarding 'Renealmia'; will place in it the 'Cardamom' plant, radical flowering 'Alpinia', and other plants which according to their system are not in any other genus. Received from [William] Carey [(1761-1834)] in Serampore four flowers of 'Curcuma' preserved in spirits. Had been anxious about [Nathaniel] Wallich after hearing he had remained behind the embassy among the Burmese, but now hears he is expected in about a month with an "immense cargo" of living and dried plants including 'Curcuma' and 'Crina'; the 'Scitamineae' Wallich promised him will be too late for his purposes now.

The Linnean Society of London
William Roscoe
Sir James Edward Smith
16 Jun 1804
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/17/15, The Linnean Society of London

"Unhinged" by his trip to London and return journey to Allerton [Hall, near Liverpool], where he enjoyed the "attractive company" of his friend [Henry] Fuseli [(1741-1825), painter]. Looking forward to Smith's planned trip to Liverpool next year. Received Smith's letter of 6 [June] containing parcel of Indian seeds collected by Captain [Thomas] Hardwicke. Hopes Smith has seen his son, James, at Norwich; asks his opinion of James' health.

The Linnean Society of London
William Roscoe
Sir James Edward Smith
8 Jan 1828
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/17/150, The Linnean Society of London

Suffered a stroke on 16 December, affecting his speech and right-hand side of his body, but much recovered after copious bleeding, blistering, and other remedies; still confined to his library. Finished his catalogue of the Holkham manuscripts, although [Thomas William] Coke has postponed its publication. His botanical work ["Monandrian Plants"] almost completed. Shortly before his stroke he concluded his correspondence with New York respecting the discipline in the prisons there, closing his investigation, so for the first time in many years free from any literary engagements.

The Linnean Society of London
William Roscoe
Sir James Edward Smith
25 Jul 1804
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/17/16, The Linnean Society of London

Rejoices with Smith at "the happy event which has just taken place". Thanks Smith and his wife for the "kind & continued attention" they have shown James, his son, [studying under Samuel Taylor, farmer, in Norfolk]. Looking forward to seeing Smith in Liverpool and eulogises their friendship. Sends regards to Mrs [Susannah] Taylor and [William Fitt] Drake.

The Linnean Society of London
William Roscoe
Sir James Edward Smith
22 Nov 1804
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/17/18, The Linnean Society of London

His joy at receiving a letter from Smith. Pleased Mrs [Pleasance] Smith recovered her health through sea-bathing; Liverpool is "the most frequented bathing place in the kingdom". All his Liverpool friends "charmed" with Mrs Martin [Smith's sister] but concerned she is walking too long. Flattered by Smith's proposal to dedicate "Exotic Botany" to him.

Responds to points in Smith's previous letter: has not seen Captain [Thomas] Hardwicke, though received seeds and letter from him; [John] Shepherd [(c 1764-1836, curator Liverpool Botanic Garden] sent Lady [Amelia] Hume plants two months ago, and she sent back specimen of 'Humea elegans'; Shepherd hopes to send Cooper cuttings of 20 kinds of 'Passiflora' in the spring, their collection has considerably increased; safely received parrot tulip roots; will soon send packet of seeds from the gardens; observed the "minute criticism" [of Smith's "Flora Britannica"] in the "Monthly Magazine" and agrees the author must be handled "with tenderness". His "[Life and Pontificate of] Leo [the Tenth]" [(1805)] in final parts of fourth volume. Ordered "Annals of Botany" with "Exotic Botany". Glad of progress in his son [James, placed with Norfolk farmer Samuel Taylor] and [William Fitt] Drake.

The Linnean Society of London
William Roscoe
Sir James Edward Smith
6 Jan 1805
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/17/20, The Linnean Society of London

Praises Smith's "Exotic Botany"; flattered by the dedication. Criticises Smith for his treatment of "the poor snail" [Smith's response to criticism of his "Flora Britannica" in the "Monthly Magazine"] and thinks [William Fitt] Drake would have handled it better; applauds Drake's appearance in "Annals of Botany". Approves Smith's title page for "Flora Graeca". Saw Frederick Smith [Smith's brother] in Liverpool; looking forward to visit by Smith and Mrs [Pleasance] Smith.

The Linnean Society of London
William Roscoe
Sir James Edward Smith
5 Apr 1805
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/17/22, The Linnean Society of London

Rejoices with Smith on the "happy events" [probably birth of a child to Smith's sister, Mrs Fanny Martin, resident in Liverpool] and was delighted to meet Mrs Smith [Smith's mother]. Has discussed Smith's upcoming Liverpool lectures with Mr Martin; anticipating Smith, Mrs [Pleasance] Smith, and [William Fitt] Drake's stay at Allerton. Admires plan and execution of Smith's "Exotic botany", but believes it needs better advertisement. Expects his "Leo" to be published in London in May.

The Linnean Society of London
William Roscoe
Sir James Edward Smith
26 May 1805
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/17/23, The Linnean Society of London

Letter to Smith delayed by work and a feverish cold but has seen Mrs Smith, Mr and Mrs Martin [Smith's sister], and their son. Subscription for Smith's Liverpool lectures has opened headed by Prince William Frederick [(1776-1834)], the Mayor, Dr Brandreth, and 30 more; confident the subscription will match or exceed the last course. His book "Leo" complete, gives his opinion of it.

The Linnean Society of London
William Roscoe
Sir James Edward Smith
4 Nov 1805
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/17/25, The Linnean Society of London

Laments [James] Currie [(1756-1805), physician and author] and Clarke, who both died shortly after Smith left Liverpool. Remarks on positive change in character of his son, James, following his return to Allerton after long absence [training under Samuel Taylor of Norfolk, farmer]. Thanks for Smith's letter of observations and specimens; convinced his system will withstand criticism but has struggled to write dissertation on it.

Has learnt via [William Fitt] Drake that after receiving a "very violent" letter from [Richard] Salisbury, Smith has terminated all further intercourse; [Roscoe] glad Salisbury has shown himself publically, thus making the split justifiable and proper.

Reports on unexpected docking of "The Investigator" at Liverpool on way to Plymouth, and encounter with the two naturalists [Robert] Brown and [Ferdinand] Bauer [(1760-1826), botanical artist]; their collections could not be opened or seen but informed they found only one Scitamineae, an 'Alpinia'. Smith has a start on them with "Exotic botany".

Postscript on left-hand side of verso of first folio: returns "valuable specimen" of the "Arur. Cardamom", keeping the other specimens for present.

The Linnean Society of London
William Roscoe
Sir James Edward Smith
1 Dec 1805
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/17/27, The Linnean Society of London

Replies to Smith's letter of 20 November: yet to see the letters [copies of acrimonious correspondence sent between Richard Salisbury and Smith] but is glad to hear that Smith has acted with the "most decisive conduct" and believes the estrangement must be "absolute & total". [Robert] Brown and [Ferdinand] Bauer [(1760-1826), botanical artist] do not feel threatened by Smith's "Exotic botany", though they were surprised on being shown the first numbers by [John] Shepherd [(c 1764-1836, curator Liverpool Botanic Garden]. Prevented from sending Smith his dissertation on the "Monandrian plants".

The Linnean Society of London
William Roscoe
Sir James Edward Smith
22 Jan 1806
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/17/28, The Linnean Society of London

Hopes Smith's health is good. Intends to send copy of his Monandrian essay but busy correcting his "[Life and Pontificate of] Leo [the Tenth]" for second edition; defends the book against criticism in journals and "Critical Review" by stating the critics' ignorance of the period.

The Linnean Society of London
William Roscoe
Sir James Edward Smith
8 Jun 1803
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/17/3, The Linnean Society of London

Pleased Smith's series of lectures in Liverpool has been confirmed; details, including acquisition of a room over the Union Coffee House, offers to supply Smith with any botanical works or specimens required over the course of the lectures, having the works of [Nikolaus von] Jacquin and the principle "Floras", and advertising by himself and Taylor.

The Linnean Society of London
William Roscoe
Sir James Edward Smith
1 Mar 1806
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/17/30, The Linnean Society of London

Sends draft of his paper [on 'Scitamineae']; if Smith agrees with principal points he can improve it with Smith's herbarium and library. Comments on a "sullen & ungracious" critique of his "[Life and Pontificate of] Leo [the Tenth]" in the "Edinburgh Review", pointing out its errors and his determination to respond to the "volumes of abuse". Pleased by Mr Reeve's "favourable opinion" of the book.

The Linnean Society of London
William Roscoe
Sir James Edward Smith
7 Apr 1806
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/17/32, The Linnean Society of London

Responds to Smith's remarks on his Scitamineae paper, transcribes a new opening paragraph and makes other additions and corrections. Smith and himself should take strength against their attackers: [Richard] Salisbury's pamphlet ["Generic characters in the English Botany"] attacking Smith, and his own criticical reviewers in "Critical Review" and "Edinburgh Journal"; has written a paper against the latter. Thanks for numbers of "Exotic botany" but insists on purchasing the rest.

The Linnean Society of London
William Roscoe
Sir James Edward Smith
14 Jun 1806
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/17/34, The Linnean Society of London

Thanks for Smith's and [Jonas] Dryander's remarks on his 'Scitamineae' paper; plans to add some notes before it is printed and other corrections based on fifteen Scitamineae plants sent by Lord Seaforth [Francis Humberston Mackenzie] from Barbados. Details some of the corrections he is making for second edition of "[Life and Pontificate of] Leo [the Tenth]".

The Linnean Society of London
William Roscoe
Sir James Edward Smith
28 Jun 1806
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/17/35, The Linnean Society of London

Returns his revised paper on 'Scitamineae'; details some of the changes including rearrangement of genus 'Canna' after observations and thinks all the varieties marked in "Hortus Kewensis" are distinct species. Has been making improvements to his lands and buildings since start of the year. Encourages Smith to investigate difficult genus 'Amomum'. Has no interest in critical reviews of "Exotic botany" and encourages Smith to continue it, thinking that it will "answer much better in the result" than "English Botany".

The Linnean Society of London
William Roscoe
Sir James Edward Smith
8 Sep 1806
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/17/36, The Linnean Society of London

Further remarks on his 'Scitamineae' paper; transcribes note to be added explaining Smith's discovery which has abolished 'Colebrookia', and discusses possibility of abolishing 'Globba'. Agrees that Smith should reprint the first sheet of "Flora Graeca", on basis that Smith is the editor, not the author, and to make other corrections. Has not seen issue of "Exotic botany" containing the plant named after him ['Roscoea'].

The Linnean Society of London
William Roscoe
Sir James Edward Smith
5 Oct 1806
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/17/37, The Linnean Society of London

Thanks Smith for naming plant ['Roscoea'] after him in September issue of "Exotic botany"; discusses its claims to be a distinct genus based on his system. Unsure whether he should include the synoptical table in his 'Scitamineae' paper on account of it being "in the very teeth of Lin[naeu]s".

Ready to receive first parcel of herbarium Smith is preparing, and though [Liverpool Botanic] garden funds currently low is confident of success of a subscription for the herbarium. Has orders for several quatro copies of "Exotic botany"; asks [James] Sowerby to send direct rather than through booksellers. Suggests Sowerby and his son tour England to draw rare plants in private collections as research for "Exotic botany". Still considers Smith the "destined Editor of the works of Linnaeus"; discusses whether Smith should publish them by subscription. Proposes Lord [Edward Smith-]Stanley as FLS and requests certificate for his nomination.

The Linnean Society of London
William Roscoe
Sir James Edward Smith
8 Nov 1806
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/17/39, The Linnean Society of London

Elected MP for Liverpool by a majority over both the other candidates.

Envelope, addressed to Smith, with note in red ink "Mr Roscoe's first Frank".

The Linnean Society of London
William Roscoe
Sir James Edward Smith
14 Nov 1806
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/17/41, The Linnean Society of London

Encloses Lord [Edward Smith-]Stanley's FLS nomination certificate and asks Smith to find two signatories. Asks for copies of his last arrangement of genus 'Canna' and the first copy of of his paper on 'Scitamineae' plants; agrees that the genus needs investigation; wishes he had seen Smith's 'Canna glauca' in "Exotic botany" as Smith's figure differs entirely from 'Canna glauca' of "Hortus Elthamensis"; his knowledge of the two kinds of the genus, the nerved leaved kind, including 'Canna lutea', 'Coccinea', 'Canna latifolia', and the glaucos kind, including 'Cannacorus' of "Hortus Elthamensis", Smith's 'glauca', 'Maranta arundinacea' and 'Maranta sylvatica', which both agree with 'lutea' of [Nikolaus von] Jacquin; small ink sketch of detail of plant. Intends to distribute 'Monandrian' plants to friends with stoves.

[Parts of this letter appears to have been written some time before its dating, as Roscoe mentions being called to offer himself as a candidate in the election, which he won in early November].

The Linnean Society of London