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Olof Peter Swartz
Sir James Edward Smith
22 Mar 1809
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/25/47, The Linnean Society of London

Hopes Smith has received last parcel he sent by way of Yarmouth, [Norfolk]; it included most recent "Acta" from their Academy of Sciences. Glad to hear from [William Jackson] Hooker of Smith's good health; his own health is good. Relief and some trepidation at recent turn in political events [probably in reference to Sweden's defeat in Finnish War and Pomeranian War]. Keen to see ninth volume of "Linnean Transactions" and the papers on cryptogams, as they will be an addition to the "opsculi" he is working on, and which he believes is his last.

His friend, [Goran] Wahlenberg [(1780-1851), botanist], has almost finished his "Flora Lapponica"; remarks on increase in species.

The Linnean Society of London
Olof Peter Swartz
Sir James Edward Smith
2 Feb 1801
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/9/91, The Linnean Society of London

Received Smith's letter of 16 November 1800. Surprised by Smith's statement that 'Polypodium cambricum' is a variety of 'Polypodium vulgare'. Discussion of flowers of 'Malaxis loeselii' and 'Malaxis [rheedei]' ('Epidendrum resupinatum' Forst.), believes 'Limodorum nutans' Rox. and 'Epidendrum candatum' are of the 'Malaxis' genus. Would like to send Smith his last paper on the 'Orchideous' order. Hopes Smith received the cryptogamous plants he previously sent.

Discussion of 'Carex': has received several new species of 'Carex' from Lapland. One is from 71 degrees latitude, believes it is the "primitive" 'Carex leporina' of "Flora Lapponica" and has named it 'Carex [lagopodioides]' as they intend the 'leporina' name for the common one or the "ovalis Gooden.". Requests specimens of the 'Carex' from Smith's paper in fifth volume of "Linnean Transactions", except 'Carex tomentosa' [Smith has annotated: "sent binervis, laevigata, fulva & distans"], in addition to 'C. rigida' [ticked by Smith], 'C. pulla', 'C. axillaris' [ticked by Smith], 'C. teretiuscula' [ticked by Smith], 'C. divisa', and 'C. paludosa'. Asks if Smith agrees that the English 'Polypodium ilvense' is quite different from the Linnaean one, which is common in Sweden. Surprised to find that what was labelled a specimen of 'Cypripedium bulbosus' was in fact a true 'Linodori' and not a 'Cymbidium' as he thought. Asks what species of 'Salix' the Huntingdon or Leicester willow is. [Erik] Acharius and [Johan Peter] Westring worthy candidates for Linnean Society. Surprised that Corrêa has not heard of his election to the Stockholm Academy of Sciences and fears his letters to him have miscarried. [Adam] Afzelius is well.

The Linnean Society of London
Olof Peter Swartz
Sir James Edward Smith
4 Nov 1801
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/9/92, The Linnean Society of London

Relief that the tension between Britain and Sweden has abated. Two parcels sent, the first contains: lichens from [Erik] Acharius; a second paper on 'Orchidea' inserted in a volume of transactions of [Swedish] Academy [of Sciences], in between the leaves of which he has inserted specimens of mostly new 'Carex' provided by [Georg] Wahlenberg [(1780-1851)]; specimens of 'Musci frondosi'; and copy of "Dispositio systematica muscorum frondosorum Sveciae". The second parcel contains: first two volumes of "Flora Indiae occidentalis"; [Carl Peter] Thunberg's "Icones pl. Japonicarum"; first 13 plates from "Icones plant. ind. occid."; and packs of West Indies grasses.

Asks if Smith knows 'Festuca arundinacea', it is almost a fascimile of 'Poa aquatica', and 'Arundo stricta'. Wahlenberg has gathered many plants from northern Lapland and also discovered a new 'Arenaria (sulcata)' and a 'Myosotis (related to virginica)', will send them next time. Wahlenberg is working on a "synopsis 'Caricum'" and planning another trip as far north as Nordcap. Asks Smith's opinion of his work on 'Orchidea', explains some of his observations, the papers are published in transactions of [Swedish] Academy [of Sciences]. He has also "laboured through" the ferns, the paper is published in [Heinrich Adolph] Schrader's "Journal [of Botany]". Asks Smith's opinion of [Christaan Hendrik] Persoon's "Synopsis fungorum", and if [Johann] Hedwig's posthumous "Species muscorum" and "Icones filicum" have appeared in England.

The Linnean Society of London
Olof Peter Swartz
Sir James Edward Smith
16 Apr 1802
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/9/93, The Linnean Society of London

Pleased Smith received the items he and [Erik] Acharius sent. Thanks for 'Carex' specimens Smith sent. Lists contents of a missing parcel sent for Smith in 1800, it was largely of cryptogamous plants and hopes to make it up again. Surprise at the accumulation of 'Carex' species in the Swedish flora. [Georg] Wahlenberg [(1780-1851)], who collected many of them, is on a return expedition to the north and hopes to go as far as Nordcap, a return journey of 2400 miles. Wahlenberg has described 170 species of 'Carex' in his paper on the subject, to be published in [Swedish] Academy [of Science's] "Handlingar", lists their intentions for enhancing it. Discusses lichens: possibly sent Smith 'Urceolaria gibbosa' instead of 'Lichen cinereus', discusses both. The Upsala 'Lichen calcareus' Acharius sent is not the old 'L. calcareus' but a true 'L. verrucaria' and not different from Smith's 'L. [tessellatus]', 'multipanctatus' comes near to 'verrucaria'.

Recommends [Johann] Hedwig for settling the mosses in the cryptogamic section of "Flora Britannica", his own opinion is that inflorescene cannot serve as a character for genera, further comments on multiple genera including 'Hypnum', 'Bryum', and others. Would like to correct the errors in Hedwig's "Species muscorum". Also recommends [Heinrich Adolph] Schrader's "Journal of Botany" for its cryptogamic content, there was recently an article in it on 'Filicum', asks Smith's opinion on it and sketches what he learnt from it. Sends specimen of 'Arenaria sulcata'. [Johan Gustaf] Acrel died more than a year ago after being weakened by apoplectic fits, his place [as professor of medicine at Uppsala University] has been taken by [Adam] Afzelius' brother. Afzelius is processing the "Sierra Leone novelties somewhat slow".

This letter mentions and discusses multiple lichen, moss, and fern species.

The Linnean Society of London
Olof Peter Swartz
Sir James Edward Smith
10 Sep 1802
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/9/94, The Linnean Society of London

Hopes Smith soon recovers from his illness, relates his own "sundry pulmonary attacks". Went to Öland island in the summer, amongst the peculiar plants growing there is 'Cistus oelandicus', however the season was too late for scarcer plants such as 'Orchidea', and the rain so continual that little could be done, but obtained some good cryptogamic plants. Also found 'Carex obtusata', sends Smith a specimen of it, it is close to 'Carex pulicaris'. Expects [Georg] Wahlenberg back from the northern regions [an expedition to Lapland], part of his "Carciographia" has been printed in transactions of [Swedish] Academy [of Sciences]. Hopes printing of [Erik] Acharius' "Lichenographia" ["Methodus lichenum"?] will begin soon. Asks if Smith has seen his paper on 'filices' in [Heinrich Adolph] Schrader's "Journal of Botany".

The Linnean Society of London
Olof Peter Swartz
Sir James Edward Smith
10 Oct 1802
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/9/95, The Linnean Society of London

Pleased to hear of Smith's recovery. A parcel sent has been sent for Smith by Adam Afzelius, containing: lichens; some other plants; a packet of plants from [Erik] Acharius; a copy of his paper on ferns from [Heinrich Adolph] Schrader's "Journal [of Botany]"; and a parcel to forward to [Dawson] Turner. Asks Smith's opinion of the roses he has cultivated [and sent specimens of]. [Georg] Wahlenberg [(1780-1851)] has returned from expedition to Nordcap, [Lapland], but forced to leave his collections at 71 degrees latitude until the spring, is now collating his observations: 30 to 40 new lichens, several other undetermined plants, and a new species of Hedwig's ['Arrhenapherum'] moss genus have been collected. His topographical observations are curious. Acharius' "Methodus Lichenum" now printing.

From consultation of Smith herbarium the 'Rosa' specimens sent by Swartz appear to be 'Rosa caesia', 'Rosa spinoissima n', 'Rosa multiflora', and 'Rosa arvensis', which were all acquired in 1803.

The Linnean Society of London
Olof Peter Swartz
Sir James Edward Smith
16 Jun 1803
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/9/96, The Linnean Society of London

Received Smith's letters of 27 January and 11 April, pleased that the parcel sent to Smith has arrived. Fears that the new war will impede their literary intercourse [resumption of war between Britain and France]. Has sent Smith and Sir Joseph Banks copies of Acharius' "Methodus lichenum". Congratulates Smith on acquisition of [Edmund] Davall's herbarium, will take up offer to send items from it, in particular Regnier's 'Polytrichum pulverulentum', and the roses.

Discussion of roses: thanks for Smith's observations on his roses ['Rosa caesia', 'R. spinoissima n', 'R. multiflora', and 'R. arvensis'], agrees that his 'Rosa arvensis' may be a different species but distinct from his 'R. canina' and 'R. collina', believes this is Jacquin's. Currently cultivating 30 rose species, requests ripe fruit of the 'R. arvensis' in the autumn.

Observations on enclosed specimen of 'Malaxis monophyllos' [in Smith herbarium], when it is found with two leaves it is 'Ophrys latifolia'. Will endeavour to acquire some of [Georg] Wahlenberg's [(1780-1851)] Lapland discoveries for Smith, remarks that he is a superior traveller to any other who have visited "those remote regions". Asks Smith's opinion of [Antonio] Cavanilles arrangement of filices. Has received letter from Cavanilles in which he states that he has discovered the true seeds of ferns and mosses, which shall overthrow [Johann] Hedwig's theory of the sexes.

The Linnean Society of London
Olof Peter Swartz
Sir James Edward Smith
12 Feb 1806
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/9/97, The Linnean Society of London

Introduces the bearer of the letter, [William Dandridge] Peck, professor of natural history at University of Cambridge [Harvard University], Massachusetts, who has been in Sweden. Hopes Smith received the parcel he sent last year via [Nathaniel] Winch. Sends his reprinted paper on 'Orchidae'. Hopes Smith received the letter he sent last December . Encloses a letter to be forwared to [Archibald] Menzies.

The Linnean Society of London
Olof Peter Swartz
Sir James Edward Smith
16 Dec 1808
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/9/98, The Linnean Society of London

The war [between Britain and France] has disrupted their correspondence for two and a half years, sends recent "transactions" of [Swedish] Academy [of Sciences]. Effect of the war on Swedish science: isolated from foreign literature, except for occassional communications from Britain, has seen parts of Smith's "Exotic Botany" and "Flora Graeca" and [Dawson] Turner's "Hist. Fucorum". Only remarkable things produced in Sweden have been the "Swedish Botany and Zoology" [Palmstruch's "Svensk botanik" (1802-1819)?], supervised by himself, and [Johan Peter] Westring's "history of the lichens". Isolated from European colleagues, which has disrupted the planned collaboration between himself and [Daniel Matthias Heinrich] Mohr [(1780-1808)] on a "Synopsis or Historia Muscorum", and [Heinrich Adolph] Scharder's Gottingen printing of [Erik] Acharius' "Lichenographia universalis".

Concern over fate of an "instructif [sic] present" sent to the Linnean Society by Acharius. [Carl Peter] Thunberg and [Adam] Afzelius are living in Uppsala, the latter has written on the Swedish 'Rosa' and put his "African treasures" aside. Report of a "secular celebration of the birthday of a giant man [Linnaeus]", including a eulogy by Dr [Sven Anders] Hedin, one of his former pupils, held in Linnaeus' first school in Wexiö [Växjö], and a grand fete at the Academy of Uppsala. It is the only instance in Sweden of a public honour being given to an individual subject. The museum and auditory were also consecrated, attended by "many thousands" including most of the old "Linnaean disciples" who gave the whole "a most venerable appearance". Eager to see new genus of moss ['Hookeria'] described by Smith.

The Linnean Society of London