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Dawson Turner
Sir James Edward Smith
29 Jan 1810
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/26/24, The Linnean Society of London

Apologises for delay in sending Smith the information he requested in his last letter. Transcribes character of 'Ulva plantanginea' ('Tremella marina' of Dillenius) from [Albrecht Wilhelm] Roth's "Catalecta botanica", observations on description.

Has written to [Lewis Weston] Dillwyn [(1778-1855), naturalist] on subject of 'Ulva turneri' being published in "English botany", as Dillwyn had intended to publish it in "Linnean Transactions"; thinks it satisfactorily distinct from 'U. fistulosa', and thinks same of Miss Hutchin's 'U. ramulosa' and branched varities of 'U. compressa'; observations. Has never had 'Conferva fibrata' in fruit, and neither drawings nor specimens of 'C. radicans', having given all he had to Dillwyn when he published his "Synopsis".

Encloses a 'Conferva' just received from [William Jackson] Hooker. Pleased that Smith obtained [Heinrich Adolph] Schrader's "Flora [Germanica]" and has good opinion of it; hopes it and [Daniel Matthias Heinrich] Mohr's [(1780-1808), botanist] "cryptogamic flora" will be finished. Has requested [William] Borrer's first genera of 'Lichen' for comparison against Smith's, hopes Borrer will finish and publish without waiting for remaining genera.

Returns Linnaean 'Fucus' specimens.

The Linnean Society of London