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Thomas Jenkinson Woodward
Sir James Edward Smith
25 Apr 1786
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/18/26, The Linnean Society of London

Sends specimens for [Samuel] Goodenough, including: 'Orobance ramosa' near Bungay; 'Lobelia urens' Shute Common, Devon; 'Galium pusillum' Matlock, Derbyshire; 'Melampyrum arvense' near Norwich, Norfolk; 'Marchantia conica' Bungay; 'Lycopodium alpinum' Old Man of Coniston, Lancashire, the hill evidently a former volcano; and 'Astriplex pedunculata'. Sends 'Orobance ramosa' for Sir Joseph Banks, [James] Dickson, and [William] Curtis and will send Banks Norwich specimen of 'Bromus arvense' when found. Sends Smith possible variety of 'Ervum tetraspermum'.

Examined [Albrecht von] Haller's plates and descriptions according to [William] Hudson's reference; notes. List of his Hudson desiderata: 'Poa alpinia', 'Juncus filiformis', 'Elatine alsinastrum', 'Orchis corioptore', 'Salyrium hircitrum', 'Carex limosa', and 'Carex strigosa' are marked. Sends Smith specimens of 'Marchantia conica'. His bookseller, T Miller, reports from Portland sale that lots sold cheap, that Da Costa was a great buyer, and Royal Admiral shells sold for £1 6s 9d each.

The Linnean Society of London
Thomas Jenkinson Woodward
Sir James Edward Smith
13 Aug 1786
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/18/28, The Linnean Society of London

Remarks on Smith's comments in his previous letter on Amsterdam and Leyden; wonders whether [Nicolaas Laurens] Burman [(1734-1793)] reminded Smith of [William] Hudson. Compliments Smith's literary style in his letters and translations. Has failed to find 'Orobance ramosa' in hemp fields again. Books to acquire, including Leers' "Flora", Schreber's "de Phasco", [Schmidel's] "Dissertio de Buxkaumia", and Bulliard's plates ["Histoire des champignons" (1791-1812)]. News of mutual East Anglian friends. Asks if Broussonet intents to publish any more of "Icthyology".

The Linnean Society of London