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William Younge
Sir James Edward Smith
6 Jul 1787
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/10/107, The Linnean Society of London

Detailed account of journey from Milan to Geneva via Lago Maggiore, Valois, Simpelen, Bryg, Syon, Martigny, Villeneuve, Vevay, and Lausanne. Found on the banks of the lake Margozza a possible 'Lobelia', and 'Ros solis', its irritability proven by the flies trapped in the leaves. Alpine plants found on Mount Simpelen: 'Alchemilla alpina', a 'Pinguicula' (an 'alpina'?), a 'Pedicularis', 'Geranium pyrenaicum', a 'Gnaphalium', two 'Gentian', 'Primula', 'Pinguicula' in abundance, and profusion of probable 'Rhododendron ferrugineum'. Remarks on the large size of and frequency of goitres amongst the female inhabitants of Syon and to a lesser extent the men, believes it is a swelling of the parotid and submaxillary glands. Recommends the bookseller Potts in Lausanne where it is possible to procure the "Introduction ad Hist. Nat." printed in Prague and "Anni V" of Scopoli. Warns that there are no botanical books in Geneva.

The Linnean Society of London
William Younge
Sir James Edward Smith
17 Jul 1787
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/10/108, The Linnean Society of London

His experiences in Basle, his first business being to inquire after the mansuscripts and paintings of [Desiderius] Erasmus [(1466-1532), humanist scholar and reformer] and [Hans] Holbein [the younger (1498-1543), artist] held in the Library there. Under the supervision of Professor Falkner saw there Holbein's portrait of Sir Thomas More's family; his "Passion of the Christ" in eight separate panels, praising Holbein's faces for not having "that great stiffness observable in most paintings of the year 1520"; his "Last Supper", Younge's favourite; and two "capital" minitures of Erasmus by Holbein. Another room contained Erasmus' manuscripts including a copy of "Stultitiae Laus" ["In Praise of Folly" (1511)] with drawings by Holbein in the margins; Erasmus' will in his own hand; a manuscript of the Coucil of Basel's suspension of the pope's authority; and a copy of [Fabio] Colonna's [(1567-1650)] "Phytobasnos".

His second visit was to see [Caspar] Bauhin's [(1560-1624), Swiss botanist] herbarium, owned by Mr de la Chenal. Chenal assisted [Albrecht von] Haller in his "great botanical work" and has the greatest private botanical library he has ever seen, including: Dillenius' "Hist. Muscorum", Columnae's "Le Phrasis" and "Phytobasnos", [John] Ray's "Synopsis Plant." (1724), [Sir Hans] Sloane's "Jamaica", Gerard, Jacquin, Linnaeus' "Flor. Lapp.", "Hist. Botan." etc. Jacquin has named 'Lachenalia tricolor' after Chenal, Younge has received a coloured plate of it. Chenal has offered Smith any assistance needed with Bauhin's plants, including those Linnaeus was mistaken about. Jacquin considering publication of a "Systema vegetabilium". Informs Smith that Chenal has two copies of "Phytobasnos", hints that Smith might be able to procure one for himself [Smith did acquire one of these copies].

Recommends Smith visit the house of M Mechel, engraver, for a very fine collection of English, French, and German prints, and a churchyard for a dance of death in in the style of Holbein. No old books in Basel, particularly botanical. Planning on travelling to Paris via Strasbourg.

The Linnean Society of London