Charles Robert Darwin
Warren Maude Moorsom
11 Sept [1877]
Source of text:
DAR 146: 385a
Thinks most monkeys would become habituated to alcohol if they could get it.
Darwin Correspondence Project
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Thinks most monkeys would become habituated to alcohol if they could get it.
In Descent [1: 12] CD discusses intoxication among animals. South African elephants reportedly eat a plant that makes them wild.
Pleased with CD’s interest in temperance. Can he quote CD? Sorry the elephant story is a myth. It fits his argument for temperance: a passion for alcohol is natural [primitive]. Only the morally developed can resist. Moral development will take a long time. Thus education cannot cure alcoholism now. Thus public sale of alcohol must be outlawed. Although he is a follower of J. S. Mill and Herbert Spencer he has been forced to this conclusion.
Sends extract reporting elephants that get drunk on a plant.