Search: Gray, Asa in correspondent 
1870-1879::1878::02 in date 
Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, Richmond in repository 
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Sir Joseph Dalton Hooker
Asa Gray
25 February 1878
Source of text:
JDH/2/22/1/1 f.62-63, The Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew

JDH informs Asa Gray that he has resigned as President of the Royal Society. JDH believes [William] Spottiswoode, mathematician & engineer, will be his successor. He explains why he is glad that it will not be [George] Stokes. He hopes that John Evans will be elected treasurer. George Engelmann has written to JDH about his Abies & about Juniperus. JDH disagree with Engelmann that the Sierra Nevada juniper is the same as Juniperus occidentalis of Colorado, he explains in detail the different characteristics & habit of each species including a small sketch of the roots. JDH congratulates Gray on his hypothesis regarding distribution of North American Flora, which ties in well with a lecture JDH is giving on the subject at the Royal Institution. His theme will be meridional distribution & he will compare the effect of the Alps with the American mountains. JDH credits the Mediterranean with less importance as a barrier to another Pliocene than Gray does. JDH has been comparing the flora of the Eastern United States with that of California & is amazed at the differences e.g. in order Caryophyllea. In his lecture JDH will cover Gray's researches on the Japan Flora, his own on Arctic flora, their shared travels in America & subsequent private work. JDH is surprised by the number of Asian types in the flora of West America not present in East America & wonders if they are the result of two Asiatic migrations in different periods. JDH asks Gray's opinion of the last volume of THE LIFE OF HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS THE PRINCE CONSORT & expresses his own surprise at its revelations regarding unconstitutional political manoeuvring by Prince Albert & Queen Victoria, especially in relation to the Crimean War. JDH comments on the reversal in popularity of Gladstone & Disraeli, JDH suspects Gladstone's charges about the ministry intending to help the Turks has moved opinion. JDH is not a Tory but thinks the Liberals have made a mess of things.

Hooker Project