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Mary Watson- Wentworth
Sir James Edward Smith
30 May 1797
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/15/124, The Linnean Society of London

Disappointed not to see Smith before he left, especially as was in Windsor, [Berkshire]. Thanks Mrs Smith for Norfolk cakes and requests the recipe. Returns copies of Smith's "Spicilegium [botanicum]" and "[Icones] pictae [plantarum rarorium]" and requests others, and sends a Sierra Leone 'Amarylis' to be drawn by [James] Sowerby, requests the name. An exchange of fasciculi with set of late [Harvey] Spragg's.

Enquires after [John] White [(1757-1832), surgeon in New South Wales], Mrs [Elizabeth] Weddell reports that he "had got what he wished" although not sure what that is other than it being "ten shillings a day". Imagines White saw a lamentable scene at Portsmouth, [Hampshire]; she fears "all things are growing worse & worse". Wishes to subscribe to the work Smith mentioned.

The Linnean Society of London
Mary Watson- Wentworth
Sir James Edward Smith
25 Nov 1797
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/15/125, The Linnean Society of London

Thanks for Smith's "rich cargo" of Norwich biscuits; uses them medicinally when she has a dry mouth and throat in the night. Smith's visit to Wales must have been "truly gratifying" on account of "being the means of restoring health to a beloved Daughter of a beloved Friend" [Mariamne Johnes, daughter of Thomas Johnes]. Invites Smith to visit on his return journey and details of the roads from Bath, [Somerset].

Apologises for not being able to send recipe for "those little cream cheeses". Her health better recently and freer from "those billious pains & sensations that are so tormenting both to the body & the mind".

The Linnean Society of London
Sir Thomas Frankland
Sir James Edward Smith
24 Dec 1797
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/15/2, The Linnean Society of London

Cannot find any of the 'Bromus' he suspects is 'B. squarrosus' but encloses coloured drawing made by his sister [extant]. Encloses the grass [not extant] he previously mentioned to Smith, small sketch in ink illustrating a point about its growing, it differs from 'Poa rigida', [William] Curtis is growing it from a root from foot of St Vincent's Rock, [near Bristol].

Coloured drawing of plant [Smith has annotated: "'Bromus secalinus' JES"].

The Linnean Society of London
Thomas Johnes
Sir James Edward Smith
[19 Feb 1797]
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/16/35, The Linnean Society of London

Recounts his recent movements between Bath, Haford, and London, where he was called to prevent the destruction of all the timber at Croft, which Smith may have seen advertised, but failed. Saw Sir Joseph Banks this morning. Received from Dr [James] Anderson "a lock of the golden fleece" which he supposes Smith has accounts of in the papers; it is "very curious & just the colour of raw silk, a high gold colour".

The Linnean Society of London
Thomas Johnes
Sir James Edward Smith
[22 Feb 1797]
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/16/36, The Linnean Society of London

Opportunity to acquire seeds from Constantinople, as long as the list corresponds with [Peter] Forsskål [(1732-1763), Swedish naturalist]; asks Smith to compile a list of rare and beautiful plants in return for a share of the seeds, had hoped to send list from [Peter Simon Pallas'] "Flora Rossica", particularly 'Rhododendron'. Much hampered by his mother's conduct but sale of the timber prevented by an injunction. Has heard from his sister, Charlotte; she and Mrs Kindersley both well and there is an addition to the family, she was going to Baughlepoor.

The Linnean Society of London
Thomas Johnes
Sir James Edward Smith
[4 Mar 1797]
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/16/37, The Linnean Society of London

Thanks Smith for list of seeds to be requested from Constantinople. Forwarded Smith's letter to Charlotte Smith; sorry she has met with such "ill usage, the abuse of the laws is the severest tyranny" but thinks her writings are "the first in the romance line".

Has had a blow to his credit. Praises gallantry of his countrymen. Heard this morning that the Dutch fleet are at sea, the east wind prevents the Downs fleet from sailing after them. Slow recovery of his daughter's health at Bath, [Somerset].

The Linnean Society of London
Thomas Johnes
Sir James Edward Smith
26 May 1797
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/16/38, The Linnean Society of London

Received Smith's letter of 12 [May]. Gained relief from the worst cough he ever had by applying a blister to his chest, and now so well as to go to Bath tomorrow, where he will bring drawings for Mr Edwards. When he returned to Hafod found that Mrs Johnes had "performed miracles", including finishing the conservatory. 'Azalea pontica' growing so well gardener is considering laying it to get more. Asks for any Botany Bay seeds Smith is sent by his friends. The Botany Bay Gum tree is dead but 'Assa foetida' alive, hopes to have two 'Strelitzia' next year, which had a narrow escape from being destroyed due to damp bottom. Asks Smith's opinion of Calonne's museum, which he has been offered and would like to buy for his daughter [Mariamne Johnes]. Received magnificent present from Sir John Sebright [7th baronet (1767-1846) ?] of Edward Lloyd's [Edward Lhuyd (1660-1709), naturalist and antiquary ?] collection of Welsh manuscripts.

The Linnean Society of London
Thomas Johnes
Sir James Edward Smith
5 Jun 1797
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/16/39, The Linnean Society of London

Sorry to hear Smith unwell; his own cough remains and took a "good dose of tennis this morning", a "pleasanter medicine than James's powder". Sending portfolio of drawings and plans of Hafod to Mr Edwards, including moonlight view of Abersytwyth belonging to Mr Walker of Edinburgh, who persuaded him to make an exchange he regrets for a drawing of Jacob Moore. Sorry to have lost Calonne's collection, now advertised to be sold piecemeal, as he wishes to encourage his daughter's [Mariamne Johnes] love of natural history as much as possible, "for it must tend to good". Discusses qualities and worth of the Hafod drawings but catalogue of the library delayed. Cannot give Smith good account of his daughter's health and is impatient to set out for sea water, "our sheet anchor".

The Linnean Society of London
Sir James Edward Smith
Pleasance Smith
25 Oct 1797
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/16/40, The Linnean Society of London

Arrived safely at Hafod and gives details of his journey from Gloucestershire, including visit to Gloucester cathedral, overnight stay at Abergavenny, and Welsh hospitality. His patient, Mariamne Johnes, "looks more healthy than last year"; the "projection of her back is rounder, not sharp" with no appearance of any matter making its way out as feared, and the machine has "done wonders" and though its maker, Jones, has managed her well he is a drunkard. Mr Tait, an architect, is staying.

[Letter incomplete: text missing, presumed destroyed]

The Linnean Society of London
Thomas Jenkinson Woodward
Sir James Edward Smith
27 Feb 1797
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/18/108, The Linnean Society of London

Thanks for Smith's letter of 20 January [1797]; pleased to hear of Smith's successful move from Hammersmith, [Middlesex], to Norwich, [Norfolk]. Had a letter from [Samuel] Goodenough expressing his regret at Smith's removal from London and fears of it being injurious to the Linnean Society; he himself fears Smith's "uninterrupted literary leisure" at Norwich will prevent his visits to London being as frequent as the wellbeing of the Society requires. Plans for their visit to the Smiths in Norwich.

Glad to hear of hopes of favourable outcome for [Mariamne] Johnes' lameness. There is no "greater plague than the fancied discoveries of young botanists", in reference to "minute" specimens sent by Dawson Turner of several marine plants. Writer in the "Gentleman's Magazine" for December [1796] has proposed arranging 'Fucus' with the zoophytes; in response states that 'Fucus' are "really & truly vegetables, producing seeds", and [John] Stackhouse is currently engaged in experiment of raising the larger sort from seed, and expects to succeed.

Glad Smith likes [William] Withering's new edition [of "An arrangement of British plants"]; Withering is indebted to Smith and others for the improvements; Withering's "true spirit of candour". Surprised by Smith's objection to the alteration of the system; had idea that Smith entirely approved [Carl Peter] Thunberg's system and that he intended to adopt it for his "Flora [Britannica]". Curious to see [Archibald] Menzies', not [Adam] Afzelius', 'Fucus' specimens, one appears similar to his 'Ulva decorticata'.

The Linnean Society of London
Thomas Jenkinson Woodward
Sir James Edward Smith
19 Jun 1797
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/18/109, The Linnean Society of London

Plans to visit Smith in Norwich on 3 July [1797]. Directions for copies of "Linnean Transactions" vol 3. Criticises comment made by [Samuel] Goodenough in preface to their paper on 'Fucus', printed in that volume. Wished he could have attended the anniversary meeting at the Crown & Anchor. Hopes to see [Thomas] Velley at Norwich, even though he is a "botanical bore". Encloses certificate nominating [Dawson] Turner as FLS.

The Linnean Society of London
Thomas Jenkinson Woodward
Sir James Edward Smith
30 Jun 1797
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/18/110, The Linnean Society of London

They will arrive in Norwich on 17 [July 1797], notwithstanding any further obstacles. Thanks for account of 'Saxifraga', which [William] Withering requested him to enquire about, who wanted to know where [William] Hudson's 'S. caespitosa' was from. Thanks for 'Scirpus multicaulis', though as yet does not see it as being truly a 'Salisburia'. Many errors in printing of his and [Samuel] Goodenough's paper on 'Fucus' in "Linnean Transactions", blames Goodenough. Hopes to meet [Thomas] Velley when they come to Norwich.

The Linnean Society of London
Thomas Jenkinson Woodward
Sir James Edward Smith
26 Sep 1797
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/18/111, The Linnean Society of London

Encloses certificate proposing Lord St John as FLS. Received visit from [Thomas] Velley; discussed his and [Samuel] Goodenough's joint paper on 'Fucus'. Praises second fasciculus of [John] Stackhouse's ["Nereis Britannica"], but criticises his plan to form several genera based on microscopic observations, as Hedwig did with mosses, as being too "minute & intricate for general observers"; his own proposed criteria for separating 'Fucus' genera. Chases up copies of his and Goodenough's paper and [James] Sowerby's "Fungi".

The Linnean Society of London
Thomas Jenkinson Woodward
Sir James Edward Smith
30 Oct 1797
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/18/112, The Linnean Society of London

Replies to Smith's letter of 2 October [1797]. Account of Mrs Manning's [Woodward's mother-in-law] suspected severe inflammation of the lungs, which she overcame at age of 73. He has suffered attack of gout in his right hand. At Smith's request examined all his specimens of 'Bromus' and finds that a "ciliated" "inner value" appears in the "coarse, rough" species, but not 'B. giganteus', observations on this; also examined his 'Festuca' specimens for same; observations.

Sorry for "sad account" of Mariamne Johnes, hopes Smith's attendance on her will not incovenience him too much.

The Linnean Society of London
Thomas Jenkinson Woodward
Sir James Edward Smith
16 Nov 1797
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/18/113, The Linnean Society of London

Thanks for Smith's letter of 4 November [1797]; pleased by account of favourable turn in [Mariamne] Johnes condition; recommends book just published in Paris detailing similar cases, "Observations sur la nature et sur le traitment du Rachitisme, pur M. Poral". Steady recovery of Mrs Manning [Woodward's mother-in-law], in spite of her old age.

Reexamined all his 'Bromus' specimens and found that 'B. erectus' is ciliated; notes on this. [John] Stackhouse has a new 'Medusa' for Smith, and a nondescript bird with description for Linnean Society [see RelatedMaterial below]. Glad Oxford has a professor "more liberal minded" than [John] Sibthorp; "mysteries & secrets in scientific matters never answer any other purpose than to hurt the character of the person who deals in them". Thinks the 'Tordglium maximum' and 'T. officinale' must be erroneous, knowing that the habitats given for them are the same place.

The Linnean Society of London
Francis Hamilton
Sir James Edward Smith
15 Nov 1797
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/2/123, The Linnean Society of London

Received Smith's letter of 1 February; congratulates him on his marriage and for giving up the "drudgery of medical practice" to devote himself to the "study of sciences". Urges Smith to undertake the production of a new "Genera and Species Plantarum" for the honour of Britain, as [Joseph Pitton de] Tournefort and Linnaeus did for France and Sweden.

Since his return from Burma has been botanising at Luckipore, India, on the east side of the Meghna River, and sending findings to [William] Roxburgh, arranging geographical papers, written a treatise on the religion of the Burmas, and is comfortable except for want of books and a wife. Concerned that the papers he sent for possible inclusion in "Linnean Transactions" have not been received, and that Smith is ignorant of the "Enumeration of Burma" plants, specimens and drawings that were probably offered to Sir Joseph Banks. If Banks is not interested in them he is confident that [William Fullerton] Elphinstone, director [of the East India Company], will assist Smith in procuring them for himself.

Makes some observations on his "Enumeratio", mostly corrections and clarifications in the naming of plants and new genera, with reference to Roxburgh and [Jonas] Dryander: his 'Asclepias tinctoria' is in fact 'Asclepias tingens'; his 'Sium ninsi' is '[Sium] sisarum' as stated by Dryander in "Linnean Transactions"; a new genus of 'Laurus' which Roxburgh names 'Buchania', believes the plant he sent which Smith named for him is a 'Valisneria'; does not agree that 'Oxalis corniculata' is two species as discussed in "Linnean Transactions"; his 'Rhizophora conjugata' Roxburgh has since named '[Rhizophora] decandra'; his 'Hibiscus strigosus' may just be variety of '[Hibiscus] cannabinus'; his 'Epidendrums' are all 'Limodorums'; believes his 'Bryonia saggitata' is the same as Roxburgh's '[Bryonia] umbellata'; his 'Pandanus pecten' is Roxburgh's '[Pandanus] foetidus'; and his 'Cissampelos pata' is Roxburgh's '[Cissampelos] hexandra'.

Does not collect insects but has sent a parcel of dried plants, will supply descriptions if desired. Dampness and insects currently make it impossible for him to preserve plants and form a collection. Notes on the plants he has sent to Smith: 'Gardenia bisperma' could differ from plant "barbarously" named by Roxburgh; he thought 'Asclepias reticulata' might be the 'Apocynum reticulatum' but now sure it is new to Linnaeus; his 'Polygonum sagittatum' may be the new species '[Polygonum] horridum'; 'Kirpa', a fine timber tree, is 'Decandria monogynia'; believes Roxburgh's 'Athulia aquatica' is a new genus; the 'Painlot' of the natives may be a 'Tannonia' although he has called it a 'Bryonia', has not found the female plant; the plant he called 'Urtica' may not belong to that genus, having only seen the female flowers; and the plant with six stamens inserted into a globular nectarium of which he formerly sent a drawing is 'Amur'. Literary pursuits frustrated by a lack of books.

The Linnean Society of London
James Brodie
Sir James Edward Smith
23 Sep 1797
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/2/77, The Linnean Society of London

Sending by Mr Falconer specimen and seeds of a grass from the Cape of Good Hope, believes it to be 'Holeus saccharatus' but seeks Smith's opinion. Poor weather has prevented him from pursuing botany.

The Linnean Society of London
Adam Afzelius
Sir James Edward Smith
30 Dec 1797
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/20/11, The Linnean Society of London

Encloses generic description of 'Afzelia' [extant]. Studied the 'Brownea' and found they consitute a whole family; Linnaeus took the genus up from Jacquin, Jacquin's first plant different species from Loesling's, among his African plants there are 3 genera belonging to 'Brownea' family, [William] Roxburgh's 'Jonesia' and Aublet's 'Eperica' also belong to it; queries for Smith to follow up.

[Note in Smith's hand detailing his reply] will soon publish essential characters of 'Afzelia' with some other genera in a pamphlet.

Description of 'Afzelia' [in Latin, 4 pp]

The Linnean Society of London
William Babington
Sir James Edward Smith
28 Mar 1797
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/20/33, The Linnean Society of London

Transcript of advert placed by Mr Tupper in several papers for Smith's botanical lectures at Guy's Hospital, commencing 10 April 1797. Hopes to improve his acquaintance with Sir Abraham Hume.

The Linnean Society of London
Arthur Bruce
Sir James Edward Smith
5 Jun 1797
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/21/44, The Linnean Society of London

Received Smith's letter of 19 [May 1797]; glad specimens reached him. Congratulates Smith on his move to Norwich and his marriage. Feels his advancing age; offers to bequeath his herbarium to Smith. News of Dr Woolcombe and Mr McRitchie. Rejoices at prosperity of Linnean Society and success of "Linnean Transactions".

The Linnean Society of London
Document type
Transcription available