Informs CD of his intention to bequeath his property to him.
Showing 1–20 of 24 items
Informs CD of his intention to bequeath his property to him.
Gives CD details of the property he proposes to bequeath to him.
Regrets that illness prevents his travelling to visit CD but would be pleased to see CD or his sons at Worthing.
He would be happy to receive a visit from one of CD’s sons at any time.
Will see CD in Worthing next week.
Speaks of the delight of having met CD.
Hopes William Darwin may be able to visit Worthing.
Starlings seem to share their food. Are they communists as they struggle for their existence?
Describes movement of a caterpillar.
Best wishes for CD’s trip to Cumberland.
Thanks for CD’s amusing letter from Coniston.
Commiserates on CD’s proof-reading chore.
George Darwin has visited him.
Thanks for Erasmus Darwin.
New Year greetings.
Writes of the weather,
his reading of Huxley’s Crayfish [1880],
and domestic matters.
CD’s portrait at exhibition is praised by critics. CD and the Prime Minister may boast of having been in their day "the best abused men in England".
The Philadelphus CD sent is flourishing and appears to attract a particular kind of fly.
Science and the law as professions. Lawyers in politics.
Thanks for Movement in plants.
Condolences on S. E. Wedgwood’s death.
Contemptuous of Samuel Butler.
Has read that Huxley will be Inspector of Fisheries.
When CD visits in spring, he will acquaint him with legalities of Worthing house.
AR plans, when he dies, to leave sea-side house at Worthing to Huxley.
Pleased that Huxley is likely to accept gift of AR’s house.
Huxley has written to accept gift of Rich’s house.
Approves of Lord Derby’s politics.
The Huxleys have visited; CD may come soon.