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Sir James Edward Smith
Edmund Davall
25 Apr 1790
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/14/18, The Linnean Society of London

Numbered observations on some of the plants Davall sent him. Lady Rockingham has been ill but now recovered. Intends to bring out "Syst. Veg." next winter followed by "Obs[ervationes] Bot[anicae]". Warns Davall not to be cheated by [Albrecht von] Haller [(1758-1823)] and [Jacob] Wyttenbach and to bring out his book as soon as possible, approves of title "Illustrationes Hallerianae". Received Davall's box sent via [Charles St Clair, 13th] Lord Sinclair [(1768-1863)]; thanks for 'Lichen cucullatus', forwarded parcel to [William] Curtis. Spoke to [James] Sowerby about copying 'Protea mellifera'. '[Tussilago] paradoxa' called 'Tussilago spuria' of [Anders Jahan] Retzius [(1742-1821)]. His 'Senecio nemorensis' has "eight or nine rays". Knows no good figure of 'Carex saxatilis'.

Flattered that Davall should wish him to be godfather to his child but could not promise to bring it up in the Church of England as he finds it too close to popery and "believes no nonsense under the specious name of mystery"; explains his own religious beliefs.

The Linnean Society of London