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Sir James Edward Smith
Edmund Davall
4 Jan 1791
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/14/28, The Linnean Society of London

Alphabetical confirmation and observations on specimens sent by Davall [on 12 November 1790], plants include: 'Allium angulosum', 'Phalaris phleoides', variety of 'Lotus corniculata', 'Selinum palustre', 'Agrostis calamagrostis', 'Arundo epigejos', 'Ribes petraeum', 'Coronulla minima', '[Gnaphalium] orientale', 'Hieracium molle', 'Rosa collina', 'Rosa arvensis', 'Androsaces villosa', 'Androsace lactea', 'Anemone alpina', 'Scirpus caespitosus', and 'Schoneus ferrugineus'.

Numbered observations on specimens sent by Davall in parcel of 27 February 1790, now complete. Will send 'Arundo epigejo' another time. Mislaid 'Saxifraga sedoides' so cannot give opinion.

The Linnean Society of London
Sir James Edward Smith
Edmund Davall
9 Mar 1791
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/14/30, The Linnean Society of London

Responds to Davall's five letters [of 11 February 1791] and remarks further on plants sent by Davall on which their opinions differ. Thinks that Davall should either confide the Latin of his book to [Jacob] Wyttenbach, send his manuscript to [Samuel] Goodenough or himself, or communicate his findings in English to Linnean Society for second volume of "Linnean Transactions", so long as it appears in some form or other. Does not know 'Psora testacca' but Davall should keep it for his own work, as he would rather quote it from that to save himself trouble.

The Linnean Society of London
Sir James Edward Smith
Edmund Davall
27 May 1791
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/14/35, The Linnean Society of London

The first folio of this letter includes receipt from James Sowerby for £20 from Smith on behalf of Davall. Numbered observations by Smith on plants sent by Davall in previous parcels: 'Lamium maculatum', 'Potentilla opaca' HL, 'Draba fladnizensis' Jacquin, 'Mespilus cotoneaster', 'Aria flexuosa', 'Astragalus montanus', 'Astragalus depressus', 'Leontod pyrenaicus' Gouan, 'Eriophorum vaginatum', 'Scirpus caespitosus' HL, 'Scirpus pauciflorus' Lightfoot, 'Agrostis halleri' Villars, 'Poa bulbosa', 'Carex curvula' Allioni, 'Carex hirta', 'Carex distans' HL, 'Carex leporina', 'Festuca duriuscula', 'Lactuca augustana' Allioni, 'Androsace lactea', 'Morbid euphorbia', 'Fontinalis pennata' HL, 'Medicago polymorpha-minima', 'Equisetum linosum', 'Cerastium tomentosum' HL, 'Sisymbrium pyrenaicum', 'Cytisus sessilifolius' HL, 'Corohilla minima' Jacquin, 'Polypodium montamum' Allioni, 'Festuca duriuscula', 'Oenanthe fistulosa', 'Allium schaenoprasum' HL, 'Carex rostiata' Stokes, 'Carex disticha' Hudson, 'Carex acuta' HL, 'Poa alpina', and 'Salix myrsinites'.

Responds to Davall's letters of 11 March and 30 April: [Joseph von] Jacquin generally worthy; intends to announce his "Systema Vegetabilum" in preface to the new edition of "Flora Lapponica". Received visit and parcel of plants from Dr [Franz Joseph] Maerter [(1753-1827)] who has been in South America and the West Indies; all of Jacquin's rare plants are from him though Maerter's collections have been seized at Brussels and their recovery is uncertain. Addresses Davall's remarks on 'Anemone', 'Dianthus glaucus', 'Potamogeton obtusum', and 'Potentilla'. Hopes "Icones pictae" will be profitable as his lectures are not but is determined not to give up botany. Intends to devote summer to his ["Sketch of a Tour on the Continent"], "Systema vegetabilum", and perhaps "Flora Anglica". His servant François [Borone] with him again. The Queen takes three large paper copies of his "Icones pictae".

The Linnean Society of London
Sir James Edward Smith
Edmund Davall
6 Jun 1791
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/14/36, The Linnean Society of London

Sends first number of his "Spicilegium [botanicum]". Second number of "Icones pictae" in preparation. Also sending specimens of 'Lichen gypsaceus' and 'Lichen saxifragas' and describes both characters, to see if the latter is Davall's 'Psora testacea'.

The Linnean Society of London
Sir James Edward Smith
Edmund Davall
6 Jul 1791
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/14/37, The Linnean Society of London

Numbered observations on parcel of plants sent by Davall via Mr Mandrot in May, received June 1791: 'Turritis hirsuta' HL, 'Plantago', 'Cerinthe major', 'Cerinthe perennis' Davall, 'Thesium alpinum' HL, 'Bupleurum angulosum' HL, 'Laserpitium silaifolium', 'Dianthus', 'Arenaria liniflora', 'Potentilla caulescens' HL, 'Anemone fragifera' Jacquin, 'Ranunculus thora', 'Ranunculus pamassifolius' HL, 'Ranunculus alpestris', 'Ajuga genevensis', 'Ajuga alpina', 'Pedicularis sylvatica' HL, 'Antirrhinum arvense' HL, 'Hypericum tetragynum', 'Geranium pusillum', Geranium rotundifolium', 'Geranium molle', 'Crepis tectorum' HL, 'Ophrys cordata', 'Satyrium repens', 'Carex pauciflora' Lightfoot, 'Clutia pulchella', 'Chrysocoma coma-aurea' HL, 'Bidens pilosa', 'Coreopris leucantha' HL, 'Gentiana', 'Asplenium trichomanes', 'fastigiatus', '[Lichen] tiliaceus' Hoffmann and Smith, '[Lichen] saxatilis', '[Lichen] centrifugus', '[Lichen] aeruginosus', '[Lichen] fagineus', '[Lichen] subfucus' HL, '[Lichen] horizontalis', '[Lichen] chrysoleucus' Smith, and '[Lichen] encaustus' Smith.

Compliments them both on their ability to search for plants. Comments on box of lichens sent by Davall. Pleased to hear account of Davall's happy family life. [Edward] Forster disappointed that Davall has not written. "Flora Lapponica" has gone to press with fifty-five new species added to the flora. Hopes Davall will entrust [Jacob] Wyttenbach with correction of the Latin for his work. After consultation with [William] Hudson and [James] Dickson gives numbered remarks on box of lichens. Can only send Davall a few plants in return, including 'Arenaria saxatilis', but Davall should request [Dominique] Villars' 'A. saxatilis' for the true 'A. laricifolia'. Sends present of "two tinkling balls [...] of the very newest mode" for Davall's baby daughter. 'Nymphaea nelumbo' in flower at Bulstrode, [Buckinghamshire, home of Duke of Portland] for the first time in Europe, it is a new genus to be called 'Portlandia' and the old renamed 'Catesbaea'.

The Linnean Society of London
Sir James Edward Smith
Edmund Davall
3 Sep 1791
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/14/40, The Linnean Society of London

Condolences on death of Davall's daughter, believes it must have been a very violent fever independent of teething. Transcribes part of an epitaph on four children who died of the plague 150 years ago, engraved on a monument in a field somewhere in England. Wishes Davall could visit England as his connections are now much increased: quite intimate with Lady Rockingham; made acquaintance with Sir Abraham and Lady [Amelia] Hume and stayed with them in Hertfordshire; recently stayed at Bulstrode, [Buckinghamshire, home of Duke of Portland]. Will send first volume of "Linnean Transactions" for Davall. Requests duplicates of ten or twelve plants for François [Borone's] herbarium.

Postscript at top of verso of first folio that he would gladly figure 'Cerinthe perennis' [in "Spicilegium botanicum"].

The Linnean Society of London
Sir James Edward Smith
Edmund Davall
30 Dec 1791
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/14/44, The Linnean Society of London

Note in Davall's hand that this letter was received 13 January 1792.

Acknowledges receipt of Davall's letters of 6 November, with seeds, and 2 December, and parcel of plants via Mr Mandrot. Observations on plants, ordered by Greek letters: 'Trifolium rubens' HL, 'Trifolium pratense' HL, 'Trifolium alpestre' HL, 'Trifolium filforme' HL, 'Astragalus cicer' Linnaeus, 'Serapias palustris' HL, 'Potentilla norvegica' HL, 'Gnaphalium sylvaticum', 'Filago germanica' HL, 'Crepis dioscorides' HL, 'Festuca', 'Cuscuta europaea', 'Veronica hybrida' HL, 'Centaurea paniculata' HL, 'Campanula rhomboidalis', 'Thalictrum lucidum', 'Geranium sanguineum', 'Geranium rotundifolium', 'Lotus maritimus' HL, 'Sisymbrium murale' HL, 'Cheiranthus alpinus' Jacquin, 'Sium latifolium' HL, 'Lychius quadridentata' HL, '[Lychius] alpestris' HL, 'Silene alpestris' "Hortus Kewensis" and Jacquin.

Observations on plants, ordered by Roman letters: '[Arenaria] ciliata', 'Anemone sulphurea', '[Thlaspi] alpestre' HL, 'Erysimum cheiranthoides' HL, 'Lathyrus cicera' HL, 'Lathyrus palustris' HL, 'Orchis palustris' Jacquin, 'Acrostichum ilvense' Hudson, 'Acer opalus', 'Lavatera punctata', and 'Carduus crispus' HL.

Responds to Davall's letter of 6 November: pleased by his approval of first volume of "Linnean Transactions" but thinks his scheme for Linnean Society figuring plants not feasible; has not heard from [Werner de] Lachenal [(1736-1800)] or [Dominique] Villars, and Villars may have heard of his 'Arenaria' from Professor Wiborg at Copenhagen; thanks for seeds, gave most to Fairbairn and some to [William] Aiton [(1731-1793)]; [William] Curtis angry with Smith for helping [James] Sowerby with "English Botany" as he thinks it infringes on his domain, he owes Sowerby £50 and is a "man of very unsound principle, & a bad temper at bottom"; [Edward] Forster sorry Davall is not impressed with the specimens he sent, which he thought very valuable; does not know Davall's lichen 46, and 48 is found in England on Charlton Church and used to be called 'Lichen cretaceus'; will send on "English Botany" and box of lichens.

Responds to Davall's letter of 2 December: distressed by Davall's ill health, essential for him to exercise, asks if fruit is laxative or not for him and whether red port makes him costive; thanks Davall for enabling exchange of lichens with with [Horace Bénédict] de Saussure [(1740-1799)]; will write to [Carlo] Bellardi; wishes to settle about 'Davallia' as what he intended is a 'Trianthema', asks if he would prefer 'Trichomanes canariense' or an Indian genus from his uncoloured icones.

His brother Richard spending the winter in a lodging by himself, "doing nothing, & burying good taste & abilities in mere sloth". Lady Rockingham in good health. Many seeds from Botany Bay lately.

The Linnean Society of London