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George Don
Samuel Goodenough
16 May 1809
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/GD/12, The Linnean Society of London

He has been collecting the palmated 'Saxifraga' for some years, and has cultivated them in every soil and situation to determine to settle which are species and which are varities, will send specimens of all those he thinks species.

Encloses specimens of 1. 'Saxifraga' from Angushire that may be two species or two varities [Smith annotation: "'pedatifida' Ehrhart"], observations; 2. 'Lamium' he sent last year [Smith annotation: "pray send seeds"]; 3. '[Lychnis] alpina' [Smith annotation: "HL"]; 4. a 'Juncus' distinct from common species [Smith annotation: "no"]. Observations on the 'Lamium'. Asks Goodenough to forward this letter to Dr [James Edward] Smith.

The Linnean Society of London
George Don
Samuel Goodenough
18 May 1809
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/GD/13, The Linnean Society of London

Encloses plant specimens, thinks most are new. Numbered observations on enclosed specimens: 1. new 'Ranunculus' proposed name 'R. macrophizus' [Smith annotation: "same as D Turner's from Snowdon, acris?"]; 2. new 'Saxifraga' [Smith annotation: "same brought by [Turner] from Snowdon -new -petals round"]; 3. new 'Potentilla' [Smith annotation: "surely a variety of 'aurea'"]; 4. new 'Grimmia'. Has also enclosed specimen of 'Potentilla aurea' of "English botany" [Smith annotation: "new probably"]. Asks Goodenough to forward this letter to Dr [James Edward] Smith.

The Linnean Society of London
George Don
Samuel Goodenough
20 May 1809
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/GD/14, The Linnean Society of London

Encloses further plant specimens, some of which he believes are new to Britain. Numbered observations on enclosed plants: 1. 'Glechoma', possibly 'G. hirsuta' [Smith annotation: "var[iet]y of 'hederacea' with abortive anthers?"]; 2. 'Saxifraga' he thought a hybrid between 'S. hypnoides' and 'S. geranoides' [Smith annotation: "'pedatifida'?"]; 3. 'Saxifraga' previously sent on 3 April 1807; 4. possible 'Viola uniflora' [Smith annotation: "'lactea' var."]; 5. possible 'Viola pumila' [Smith annotation: "Mr Crowe's little shrubby violet?"]; 6. 'Viola' from Ben Lawers distinct from 'V. trivalis'; 7. possible 'Sirapus alba' [Smith annotation: "I think so"]. Asks Goodenough to forward this letter to Dr [James Edward] Smith.

The Linnean Society of London
George Don
Samuel Goodenough
29 May 1809
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/GD/15, The Linnean Society of London

Encloses further specimens, numbered observations: 1. an 'Aira' [Smith annotation: "In HL from Lapl[an]d. I think it new 'A. vivipara' JES"]; 2. 'Erigeron uniflorum' [Smith annotation: "right"]; 3. new 'Saxifraga'; 4. a 'Saxifraga' the same as his no.4 in letter of 17 December 1808; 5. 'Geum' close to 'G. rivale' [Smith annotation: 'rivale?'].

Necessity for someone with books and botanical knowledge to publish a monograph on palmated 'Saxifraga'; difficulty of recognising the species in "Flora Britannica". Asks Goodenough to forward this letter to Dr [James Edward] Smith.

The Linnean Society of London