Search: Goodenough, Samuel in addressee 
1800-1809::1809::10 in date 
Linnean Society of London in repository 
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George Don
Samuel Goodenough
7 Oct 1809
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/GD/26, The Linnean Society of London

Sending specimens of 'Arundo neglecta', 'Rottboellia filiformis', very rare, 'Silene alpestre', and non-descript 'Poa'; observations. Observes what Goodenough says about 'Viola', there seem to be 3 species under name 'V. canina'. Does not think 'Arundo neglecta' can be what [John Leonard] Knapp has drawn for 'A. calamagrostis'; supposes he has received better 'Rubus' specimens from [Charles] Lyell.

Detailed observations on 'Avena', particularly 'A. pubescens' and a new glaucous one. Found new species of 'Aira' by the sea. Could not find 'Chaerophyllum'. Seeds for 'Galium witheringia' all gone for this year, but will collect seed next year as it is a common plant here. Sorry to disagree with Goodenough on the 'Gnaphalium'. Encloses seeds of two varities of 'Daucus mauritanicus'.

Desires Goodenough's opinion on remainder of the plants he sent via Lyell. Sent [James] Sowerby a 'Cochlearia', who thought it 'C. anglica', would like opinion on this and 'Potentilla tridentata', which grows amongst roots of 'Erica vulgaris'.

The Linnean Society of London
George Don
Samuel Goodenough
21 Oct 1809
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/GD/27, The Linnean Society of London

Numbered observations on enclosed specimens: 1. nondescript 'Poa', different from most other species including 'P. compressa'; 2. 'Asplenium alternifolium' from America; 3. an 'Agaricus' growing on 'Trichosotum lanuginosum'; 4-5. 'Biameages' [?]; 6. possible 'Lichen abietinus' of "English botany"; 7. 'Conferva' growing on decayed 'Agaricus'; 8. 'Conferva'; 9. [indecipherable, same as 4 and 5]; 10. 'Dicranum strumiferum'; 11. minute 'Grimmia'.

Long desiderata for his garden, to be sent by franks or ship from London to Dundee.

The Linnean Society of London