About the procedures WL uses when observing, and the responsibilities of an assistant.
About the procedures WL uses when observing, and the responsibilities of an assistant.
Ozone powders are in dry state. Intends tomorrow to make experiments with ozone using a kite. Can JH inform him about the amount of nitric acid in the air.
Is wondering if his letter [see GM's 1862-11-14] reached JH.
Informs JH of a meeting of the finance committee of the Hawkhurst Volunteers.
Announces a meeting of the Ball Committee to be held at Cranbrook.
Comments on matters relating to the provision of a reflecting telescope to Melbourne University [see JH's 1862-12-10].
Trying to resolve disagreement between author of a paper, William Hopkins, and JH, a referee.
Note accompanying payment for JH's writing [see SE's 1862-9-13].
Discusses proposed Melbourne telescope, opinions of various scientists, and projected costs of construction.
Sends [William] Lassell's letter regarding Melbourne telescope. Pleased with scientific memoirs received from Harvard College.
In light of recent discussions of metric system, which WS dislikes for 'lack of divisibility,' asks where to find JH's article on advantages of British measurement system.
Is sending from the Navy Board a new publication.
Directs JH to inquire regarding a pension for John Russell. Note C. P. Smyth's use of Outlines Astr. Mentions Isaac Fletcher as a promising amateur astronomer.
Invitation to JH to visit him if he is attending the B.A.A.S. meeting.
Thanks for the gift of volumes on meteorology and the telescope. Hopes that JH will be able to visit Newcastle with the B.A.A.S.
Would like to pass on JH's views on ice to A. R. Abbott, who is giving a lecture on glaciers at the Friend's Institute. Remarks on storms. Confusion of Thomas Young's views with JH's. Regarding JH's paper on earthquakes and volcanoes.
Has read JH's brochure with pleasure. Regarding the alleged obstruseness of some of his own mathematical theories.
E. W. L. Tempel's 1860 discovery of nebula near Merope.
Sending a gift of his Weather Book. Hopes JH will send his comments on chapter 18. Has scarcely seen M. F. Maury.