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Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, Richmond in repository 
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Sir Joseph Dalton Hooker
Sir William Jackson Hooker
30 August 1848
Source of text:
JDH/1/10 f.103-106, The Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew

It rains everyday at Darjeeling & the Ganges has flooded. Plant are flourishing, especially Galium, Synaphalium, Hydrocotyle nepalensis, Cyrtandraceae spp, Torenia like Asiatica, Polygona, Balsams, Hypericum, Epilobium, Urticeae, Hydrangea, Adamia, Cyanea, Ophelia, Bignonia resembling B. picta. Prevailing trees are Laurineae, Chestnut, Oaks, Alder, Birch, Bucklandia, Magnolia, Cherry & Rosaceous trees. Climbers incl Araliaceae, Hydrangea, Vitis, Polygona & an Amaranthaceous thing. There are no grasses or Ranunculaceae & 1 Crucifera: Cardamine hirsuta, Umbeliferae incl a Hydrocotyle, Mimulus semperflorens & a liquorice scented Magnolia. Collectors from Tonglo have got Meconopsis nepalensis, Clematis acuminata, Thalictrum sp & Aconitum palmatum: the source of 'Bik' poison used in Sikkim. Has poison for the museum & is getting Lepcha hats & umbrella [illustrated]. Has 9 palms: Phoenix, Caryota & Calamus spp & museum specimens of all, also specimens of a Cycas & all 8 local bamboos & rices, but no Tabasheer. Discusses wild & cultivated bananas & enormous cucumbers. Local people eat most things: fern tops, Solanum leaves, vitis, Urticae, Bolete, Polypore, berries & a Cucurbitaceae with large fruit that he describes & illustrates. Discusses: orchids in the region, a Streptolirion sent to Calcutta [Kolkata], Araliaceae incl. Helwingia, alpine plants compared to Bhotan & Nepal, relative altitude where plants such as figs & Rhododendrons are found. JDH has collectors in Tibet, Sikkim & the Terai where there is jungle flora & Sylhet spp. Discusses [Archibald] Campbell & Lord Dalhousie. & arrangements for trip to Kinchin [Kanchenjunga]. Wants to research the geographical distribution of plants in high mountains, or go to upper Assam tea districts via Gowahatty or across the Cossya to Churrra & Munneypore. & find place in Assam to grow Gutta Percha. Next year JDH may return to Kinchin or go to Sudya & Dupha-Bom. Asst Surveyor General Captain Thuillier has lent instruments.

Hooker Project
Sir Joseph Dalton Hooker
Sir William Jackson Hooker
12 September 1848
Source of text:
JDH/1/10 f.108-109, The Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew

JDH thanks his family for letters. Discusses his finances, managed by Jas. Findly of Smith McVicar & Co. Full NIGER FLORA sent. Is glad WJH sent pocket sextant with telescope, will use them to observe terra nova. Lord Dalhousie has ordered the Sikkim Rajah, at Choombi, to let JDH go to the snowy passes. JDH hopes to go over Kinchin [Kanchenjunga] to Tibet so he can describe the world's highest mountain & determine the elevation of the plateau of Central Asia. It is 11000 feet at Leh, the Lakes of Mansarowar [Manasarovar], & Rawin Chad[?] but is undetermined at Yaroo--tsampa [Yalung Tsangpo] river. Alternatively JDH may go to Jongri village, the botany will be similar & include new things. Discusses the races of people: Booteas, meaning natives of Tibet not Bootan [Bhutan] serve the Rajah & oppress the Lepchas, who are North Himalayan Tartars. JDH has collections to send to Calcutta [Kolkata]. Has sent collectors to Nepal & Lepcha parties collect locally& help JDH & Clemanze dry specimens. JDH is keeping a meteorological record measuring rainfall & barometer temperature at Hodgson's house. Mentions Lady Rolles arboretum. Critiques Griffith's publications. Has written to Stocks. Is scathing about Dr Royle. Mentions Grant & Thomas Thomson. Has piece of silk, Tibetan letter & brick of tea for RBG Kew museum & Campbell has a shield. Mentions: copy of journal for Lord D. & republication of extracts, Royal visit to RBG Kew, [John] Lindley [JH] printing JDH's letters in the GARDENERS CHRONICLE & annoying Brown, JH's disapproval of JDH travelling before finishing the FLORA OF AUSTRALIA, Lord Auckland, illness of Sir L. Peel, Doom Palm, Calami, acorns, chestnuts, walnuts, Gordonia wallichii. JDH will return to Darjeeling, the richest field except for Cathmandu [Katmandu] & the Mishmees, to collect spring flora on Kinchin. [Hugh] Falconer is lecturing & maintaining Calcutta Gardens. Discusses cost of post & Citoyen's queries about generic affinities. Gurney has gone to sea.

Hooker Project
Sir Joseph Dalton Hooker
Sir William Jackson Hooker
1 October 1848
Source of text:
JDH/1/10 f.110-11, The Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew

Still awaiting reply to Lord Dalhousie's letter from [Sikkim] Rajah. If [Archibald] Campbell finds out the Rajah intends to oppose them they will travel to Jongri on the south face of Kinchin [Kanchenjunga] rather than going via the east face to the Tibet passes.[Brian Houghton] Hodgson [BHH] too ill to accompany JDH & AC also injured. JDH sent [Hugh] Falconer [HF] his journal of trip from Bhaugalpore [Bhagalpur] to Darjeeling. HF is ill but has found JDH another Portuguese servant who he hopes will be half as good as 'Friday'. He has added to his growing collection: Balanophora typhina, B. polyandra, a Rhubarb & a new Aconite used to make 'Bikh' poison, of which he has museum specimens. Recounts story of man killed with Bikh poisoned arrow. Has sent live roots of 150 species to Calcutta [Kolkata], mostly Orchideae & Seitamineae. Has specimen of a very large tree fern for WJH. During break in rains JDH collected more roots incl. Magnolia, Helwingia & white Rhododendrons. Oaks & most other seeds are not ripe yet, Compositae are just blooming & there are relatively few grasses. Though he is obliged by expectation to embrace many disciplines in his explorations, JDH has not neglected Botany. By measuring mountains, recording weather & explaining his work locally JDH has gained credit in India. The Surveyor General was always secretive about his activities. JDH has measured Kanchenjunga & Sinchal with instruments from Captain Thuilliers & calculated height of Tonglo with Muller. JDH has sketched the flags at Ging & a panoramic view of country around Darjeeling. Also found: pink flowered Luculia, [William] Griffith's Larch & a curious little Rhododendron. Has forwarded a letter from Thomas Thomson from Karakerum range beyond Ladakh, also written to Mr Philipps. Discusses conditions for sowing some seeds he is enclosing & compares to similar sent by Edgeworth for the Gibson Craigs in Edinburgh. The Lacteraea should be in flower soon, he thinks it will be half hardy.

Hooker Project
Sir Joseph Dalton Hooker
Sir William Jackson Hooker
20 October 1848
Source of text:
JDH/1/10 f.115-117, The Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew

JDH is making arrangements for trip to the snow. Rajah of Sikkim has given permission as a result of pressure from [Archibald] Campbell & Lord Dalhousie. JDH details negotiations that led to permission to travel. Rajah of Nepal much more accommodating of JDH's travel plans. Describes audience with the Dhurma Rajah, his appearance, dress, & behaviour & that of his entourage including the Vakeel & Tibetan Seneschal, Bhotea [Bhotia] attendants, JDH's Nepalese guards [Gurkhas] & their Havildar or 'Corporal' of the Kawass tribe, the Lepcha servants, Bhootanese [Bhuntanese] subjects of Sikkim & Bhutan, & a few Musselmen [Muslims] & Hindoos [Hindus], Mrs Campbell & her children. Though JDH does not consider many of the party trustworthy he does not fear for his own safety once they start to march. He hopes his expedition into Sikkim will pave the way for others to follow with less suspicion. JDH will be careful only to take observations, e.g. with barometer, in his tent so he does not alarm his guard. They are suspicious that his every action will lead to their country being taken, but he plans to charm them & will soon have them collecting for him. The Rajah has provided a guide. JDH explains his route will go North past Kinchin [Kanchenjunga] to a village called Jongri then West to the border of Nepal & beyond to the Kangliachem pass leading to Tihibet [Tibet]. Achieving this will realize Hooker's great ambition as a botanist & traveller. He will be gone 30 days & will take any opportunity to send letters. In getting permission to travel he has defied the expectation of Lord Auckland, [Hugh] Falconer, [Brian Houghton] Hodgson & Sir Herbert Maddock. Many tried to help get him permission but did not think he would succeed. Mrs Campbell has kindly provided him with supplies & provisions. JDH asks WJH not to publicise his planned trip though he may share news from his letters with Bentham, Harvey, Berkeley et cetera & asks that this letter be forwarded to Darwin.

Hooker Project
Sir Joseph Dalton Hooker
Sir William Jackson Hooker
31 January 1849
Source of text:
JDH/1/10 f.122-125, The Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew

JDH has returned to Darjeeling after a trip to the mountains. The Kazi of Lingcham accompanies JDH & likes the Murwa pot. JDH's route passed the Great Rungeet & a spur of Kinchin [Kanchenjunga]. Met Archibald Campbell [AC] in Teesta valley, the former had a hard journey obstructed by Sikkim officials. JDH was welcomed at villages en route & they gave him more than enough food for his party. AC & the Sikkim Rajah camped on opposite sides of the river. The Rajah's Dewan is a rogue. Describes audience with the Rajah, his manners, appearance & gifts exchanged. The camp was in Bhomsong, a valley with tropical forests incl. palms & Sikkim Pandanus. JDH began the march to the Lachen & Lachoon [Lachung]passes, AC came as far as Pemiongchi monastery then left for the Titalya fair. Ascended forest covered Mainomchoo Mt, crowned with Abies webbiana & a wooden temple. Made sketches & meteorological observations. Collected mosses, Rhododendrons incl. R. falconeri & an alpine bamboo. Describes Lama convent at Tassiding, incl. buildings & decoration by Lhassa artists. There was no sign of Hindu religion. On the road were slabs engraved with Tibetan characters. Also visited, Yuksun [Yuksom] on the Ratong River & Doobdee [Dubdi] convents where Cypress trees used to make wreaths. Describes ascent to & view from Jongri yak port above the snow line at 13000 ft. Notes the geology & glacial features of the range & view of Pundim & Kubroo peaks. Vegetation Herbaceous but incl. Tingurisella Pine. Describes marching through snow & danger of snow blindness. Collected strong-scented dwarf Rhodo. which causes headaches, rock lichen, Andrea, a Splachnum, 46 species of fern chiefly Spheropteris. Visited holy lake & Changachelling convents where his likeness was painted onto the wall. The journey was without mishap, the Bhotheas [Bhotias] & Lepcha people were hospitable. At Darjeeling JDH is staying with Muller, whose brother Charles is at Patna, & arranging his collections & museum specimens.

Hooker Project
Sir Joseph Dalton Hooker
Sir William Jackson Hooker
1 February 1849
Source of text:
JDH/1/10 f.128-130, The Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew

Discusses the death of his Uncle Gurney who was well respected in Calcutta [Kolkata], & the death of Williams in unhealthy jungle. Urges his father not to worry, JDH avoiding unhealthy places with the advice of [Brian Houghton] Hodgson [BHH]. Assam is unhealthy at this time of year & tensions with Nepal on the NW frontier will hamper travel to Cattmandu [Kathmandu] so Hooker will stay at Darjeeling & the Himalayas. Wants to make more geological, geographical & meteorological observations of Kinchin [Kanchenjunga] as well as collect its botany. Whilst in Darjeeling he will continue to collect specimens, draw plants, prepare his flora 'Cibaria & Economira' & send roots to Kew. He hopes to visit 'the snows' again at least as far as Jongri. JDH has received letters from home with news of Bessy's [Elizabeth Hooker] illness & recovery & Planchon's contemptible conduct. Also received instruments from Newman & Jacket & books forwarded through Colvile. Discusses publication of new Rhododendrons & the identification, characteristics & proposed names for different Rhodo. species: macrophyllum, campbelliae, wallichii or setosum, argentuem or arboretum & falconeri. Mentions Reeves & the LONDON JOURNAL OF BOTANY. Discusses the likelihood of Thomson joining him from Ferozepore [Firozpur]. Mentions Madden, Wallich & the [Calcutta Botanic] Garden, Falconer being sent to Moulmain [Mawlamyine] to report on Teak & Macrae taking over. Soane river collections not yet sent home, will be shared with the East India Company, Linnean Society & Calcutta Gardens. Bentham has taken up Vogel. Discusses running of the [RBG Kew] herbarium, including outgrowing Aiton House & needing an assistant, he suggests Mitten, not Spruce. JDH ordering instruments for Muller. Brown has been staying at Kew & JDH is willing to make amends. There is no Zallacca at Darjeeling, only Wallichia. Speculates on the future of ANNALS OF KEW & the Linnean Society incl. possibility of WJH being chair.

Hooker Project
Sir Joseph Dalton Hooker
Sir William Jackson Hooker
10 March 1849
Source of text:
JDH/1/10 f.143-145, The Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew

No summary available.

Hooker Project
Sir Joseph Dalton Hooker
Sir William Jackson Hooker
27 March 1849
Source of text:
JDH/1/10 f.146-147, The Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew

JDH has collected Rhododendron seeds at 13000 ft & will enclose seeds of a 13th species, the great white macrophyllum, in a letter to be sent by the 8th [April]. Other seeds sent include; acorns looked over by Hodgson, & chestnuts. When boxes arrive JDH will send; seedlings of Rhododendrons, a Primula, Palms drawings, seeds of a Calamus & 2 genera; Caryota & Calami. JDH says Wallichi Chamerops is not found in Darjeeling. JDH procured trunks of a species of tree fern at the foot of the hills, 1 dichotomous & plenty of specimens, also Beaumontia fully in flower, & cones of A. Brunoniana. JDH discusses Wallich, Griffiths & McLelland. JDH mentions he will speak to Falconer about fruit collected in Calcutta [Kolkata] & Palm Stems on his return. JDH & Hodgson have been reading Broomfield's letters in the L[ondon] J[ournal] B[otany] with great pleasure. JDH discusses how Ld. Auckland's death will affect his future prospects as Supernumerary Acting Surgeon in Borneo. JDH mentions: Ab[ies] Brunoniana, the Teta he believes is Bentham's Picrorhiza, & the Jatamansi he believes is Valeriana. JDH complains his servant Hoffman is inferior to Clamanze. Wight has sent JDH books in return for Flora Antarct[ica], & is sending WJH seeds as well as working up 22 species of Utricularia & putting them near Cyrtand[ra].JDH mentions: Jenkins, Balfour, Forbes, Wallich, Bentham, Brown & the coal fossil of E. Grey. JDH has a parcel of 20 species of dried Rhododendrons arriving in Calcutta before the next mail. Jenkins has heard of Lobb's arrival down the river. JDH is sketching the coniferous vegetation of E[ast] Nepal & Sikkim for the As[iatic] Soc[iety] Journal & LJB.JDH understands that Thomson has been offered the Opium Deputy Agency at Patna & discusses Dr Corbett's previous position there. He mentions Sir H Maddock & O'Shaughnessy in relation to the application process.

Hooker Project
Sir Joseph Dalton Hooker
Sir William Jackson Hooker
31 January 1845
Source of text:
JDH/2/8 f.4-5, The Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew

No summary available.

Hooker Project
Sir Joseph Dalton Hooker
Sir William Jackson Hooker
5 February 1845
Source of text:
JDH/2/8 f.10, The Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew

No summary available.

Hooker Project
Sir Joseph Dalton Hooker
Sir William Jackson Hooker
5 February 1845
Source of text:
JDH/2/8 f.11-14, The Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew

No summary available.

Hooker Project
Sir Joseph Dalton Hooker
Sir William Jackson Hooker
Source of text:
JDH/2/8 f.25-26, The Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew

No summary available.

Hooker Project
Sir Joseph Dalton Hooker
Sir William Jackson Hooker
27 February 1845
Source of text:
JDH/2/8 f.30-32, The Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew

No summary available.

Hooker Project
Sir Joseph Dalton Hooker
Sir William Jackson Hooker
8 March 1845
Source of text:
JDH/2/8 f.33-34, The Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew

JDH informs his father, Sir William Jackson Hooker, that he has been looking through specimens at the Leyden [Leiden] herbarium with Carl Ludwig Blume. He is impressed by the number of things from Borneo, Java, Sumatra & Japan & wishes Blume would share duplicate specimens more readily. He suggests that they might exchange specimens if more willingly if places ever actually sent them things for their museum. JDH particularly notes how impressive Korthal's Nepenthes are. Blume & Sibeold have established a garden for things from Japan & Dutch colonies. Blume has promised JDH a specimen of a Sumatran Rafflesia & his described ferns & mosses. JDH describes his impressions of Blume & his wife. Explains that the Leiden herbarium did give India & Madagascar specimens to [Joseph] Decaisne in Paris in return for him doing dissections for RUMPHIA. JDH is disappointed that Blume has published nothing since BIJDRAGEN TOT DE FLORA VAN NEDERLANDSCH INDIË. Siebold only looks after the living plants. Miguel is developing connections with Japan & may in time be able to send specimens to RBG Kew but it will be a long time before his collections match those at Leiden. JDH suggests they send Blume named Java things to try & get Japanese specimens in return. There are two moss men at the Leiden herbarium: Dr Dozy & Dr Molkenboer who send duplicate material to Paris, the latter apparently wrote to WJH but got no reply. JDH thinks Miguel is a very promising botanist & RBG Kew should buy his work on Cycadeae. Miguel is working on peppers, figs & Suriname & Java plants. Many people ask JDH about Charles Darwin because of his book [about the voyage of HMS Beagle]. They also ask after [Robert] Brown. JDH informs WJH of his plans to travel to England from Brill or Hellevoetsluis via Rotterdam. He mentions the British Flora for Edinburgh students, he is glad in Scotland he will not have to lecture in Latin as they do in Leiden. He discusses the merits of Heward's plan for a plant & book agency.

Hooker Project
Sir Joseph Dalton Hooker
Sir William Jackson Hooker
7 March 1845
Source of text:
JDH/2/8 f.35-37, The Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew

JDH gives his opinion of the botanic garden in Brussels; he was impressed by the palm collection incl. Elate sylvestris & Caryota urens. The garden secretary Mr Drapier is unpopular. Mentions some other botanists of Brussels: Lucien; Dumortier; Galiotti, whose nursery he visited; Quetelet, who he met at the Brussels Academy. JDH admired the picture gallery in Brussels, especially the Rubens, & the Church of St Gudula. In Ghent he saw further fine paintings & churches. He also wen to Van Houtens nursery with [Joseph] Decaisne's brother, a regimental surgeon. Van Houten has impressive collections of camellias & palms. His collectors in Guiana, Brazil & West Africa were not productive. He is willing to exchange plants with William Jackson Hooker, for things from Antipodes & Jamaica plants such as [Ronald Campbell] Gunn's seeds. All 3 Decaisne brothers, botanist, painter & surgeon, have received the Legion of Honour. At Antwerp saw the cathedral, exposition of plants & botanic garden. Went on to Breda on the 'Diligence' then to Rotterdam & Leiden. At Leiden he has met with [Caspar Georg Carl] Reinwardt & seen the botanic garden, with excellent succulents & Japan duplicates to be sent to RBG Kew. JDH recommends further plant exchanges with the Dutch botanists as they have good connections with the Japan & Java. [Carl Ludwig von] Blume has shown JDH [the Rijkshrbarium] collection of Japan things; which he has at the expense of Siebold & is willing to share with JDH, incl specimen of Staffleria patina. JDH may extend his trip to see HORTUS CLIFFORTIANUS in Harlem & Linnaeus' Lapland dress in Amsterdam. JDH notes how spectacular Blume's collection of Orchideae, drawings & birds is. Visiting Leiden & the Jardin de Plantes, Paris have been epochs in JDH's life. Mentions the high opinion of WJH & his publications in Europe. Discusses his plans for taking over Robert Graham's lectures [at Edinburgh]. Muscologists in Leiden want [George] Gardner's Brazilian mosses.

Hooker Project
Sir Joseph Dalton Hooker
Sir William Jackson Hooker
Source of text:
JDH/2/8 f.38-39, The Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew

JDH informs his father Sir William Jackson Hooker of the difficulties he is having getting a passage to London. The steamer boats go from Helvetsluys which is some distance away & to travel there with all his luggage would be expensive so JDH has decided not to take that route. This means he will be unable to visit WJH at [Robert] Brown's. Instead JDH will return to Antwerp, crossing the Maas, Moordike [Moerdijk?] & Scheldt. From Antwerp he should be able to get passage to London on Sunday, but if the river Schledt is frozen there he will have to go on to Ostend. Dr Miguel sends his regards to Brown & to WJH.

Hooker Project
Sir Joseph Dalton Hooker
Sir William Jackson Hooker
8 June 1845
Source of text:
JDH/2/8 f.40, The Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew

No summary available.

Hooker Project
Sir Joseph Dalton Hooker
Sir William Jackson Hooker
12 March 1845
Source of text:
JDH/2/8 f.41-42, The Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew

No summary available.

Hooker Project
Sir Joseph Dalton Hooker
Sir William Jackson Hooker
18 June 1845
Source of text:
JDH/2/8 f.43, The Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew

JDH comments that he has received some corrections from [Miles Joseph] Berkeley but does not think that the number of errors justify the printing of a new page. Berkeley's manuscript was illegible, JDH had to make a new copy & look up species names in [Elias Magnus] Fries. Berkeley's corrections are generally not good, those he did for THE LONDON JOURNAL OF BOTANY contained many errors. Mentions that a paper Berkeley produced with Montague contained 70 mistakes. JDH finds it curious that [William] Wilson & [Thomas] Taylor were pleased with the work when JDH added a great deal to both of their contributions, at least Berkeley's work is his own. JDH is pleased that his father has 'weathered upon' [Lovell] Reeve, the publisher, & that the [BOTANICAL REGISTER] is coming to an end. JDH is trying to write an introduction to FLORA ANTARCTICA but he is very caught up with lectures. Discusses the series of lectures he is giving at Edinburgh [University], he does not use the useless material he is given but speaks freely rather than reading & it engages his students. He has or will cover the subjects of plant physiology, nutrition, circulation, life, irritability, respiration the Linnean system & the origin & distribution of species; he finds the last a particularly challenging subject. [Gilbert] McNab arrives in London soon. Asks that Bessy [Elizabeth Hooker] give [Joseph] Dayman their copy of FOLIA SYBILLINA. JDH has heard from Dawson [Dawson William Turner?], who is going to Yarmouth. JDH has left letters for a Mrs Sprot & Admiral Tait. JDH mentions other people that he still has to call upon in Edinburgh including the Gibsons, Craigs, Mackes, McKenzies, Kays & Fullertons. Comments that Dr [Robert] Graham is still ill.

Hooker Project
Sir Joseph Dalton Hooker
Sir William Jackson Hooker
10 June 1845
Source of text:
JDH/2/8 f.44, The Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew

JDH writes that George Arnott Walker-Arnott returned him a letter from Dr [John] Scouler saying that it suits his [Arnott's] ideas but JDH is not sure what he means by this. JDH encloses a number of letters [not present]: one for [Thomas] Twining in Twickenham regarding a recommendation for Gilbert McNab who is going out to India to work for the Assam Tea Company, & other letters from [John] Gunn, Scouler & Sinclair. States that he has written again to [Carl Ludwig von] Blume as he may not have understood the last letter. He dined with E. Henderson who asked him to meet a Baillie body & Principal [John] Lee, who is more favourable to JDH than Principal [Duncan] Macfarlane. Lee told Henderson that the body was afraid of JDH's wisdom. Asks his father if there are any changes to the distribution list for FLORA ANTARCTICA as it is time to start sending out copies. No further news apart from a visit to the Garden by Prince Henry of Holland. Thanks his father for the name of Fevillia which he would not have guessed otherwise. Notes that [Robert] Graham is still ill & speaks very little. Page 2 of the letter consists of a pre-printed form divided into 18 boxes which each contain at the bottom 'Antart[arctic] Exp[edition] 1839 -- 1843. J.D.H.' & above which are printed the names of Sub-Antarctic islands and other places visited i.e. Campbell Island, Lord Auckland's Islands, Falkland Islands, Kerguelen's Land, Hermite Island, Cape Horn, New Zealand & Tasmania. These are assumed to be samples of plant specimen labels with a space to write in an ID number and species name above the location they were collected. JDH has written across this form that the samples show credit to Arnott's taste who arranged them on JDH's behalf at [William] Wilson's suggestion. To print 800 would cost 18 shillings incl paper.

Hooker Project