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Sir James Edward Smith
Alexander Macleay
30 Apr 1823
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/AM/167, The Linnean Society of London

Too unwell with influenza to come to London for 6 May [1823], finds it "mortifying" after having been so well over the winter. Hopes to attend Linnean Society anniversary meeting, will stay at [Thomas] Forster's in Clapton, [Middlesex], so as to prepare for the London air, and only the Society will bring him to London this spring, as he must decline visits, sights, and lecturing. Just informed that [Antoine] Gouan of Montpellier, [France], has died. Afraid Bishop of Carlisle [Samuel Goodenough] is ill, he wrote a "very melancholy" letter on death of his granddaughter.

The Linnean Society of London
Sir James Edward Smith
Alexander Macleay
27 Apr 1824
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/AM/170, The Linnean Society of London

He has been confined for a month with influenza, his "old enemy inflamm[atio]n on the lungs", and much fever, debility, and irritation, but now thinks he is recovering; impossible for him to be in London on 4 May but hoping to arrive by 22 May, if he can leave at all.

The Linnean Society of London
Sir James Edward Smith
Alexander Macleay
23 May 1824
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/AM/172, The Linnean Society of London

"A wretched headache" prevents him from answering Macleay's letter, and is "quite unable" to go into the country for change of air nor London for 15 June [1824]. Does not think he should nominate the vice-presidents until he is informed of his own re-election as President.

The Linnean Society of London
Sir James Edward Smith
Alexander Macleay
20 Dec 1824
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/AM/174, The Linnean Society of London

Happy to see Macleay's handwriting, does not complain of him "as of many people for forcing me to write letters, on w[hi]ch subject some people have no discretion". His "whole daylight" devoted to third volume of his "[English] Flora". His health much restored but lost most of his teeth, long account of his recent illness. "Letter-writing is incompatible with Flora-writing", recent progress. Intends to come to London in April or May [1825] after completing third volume. Complains of "puppies chattering about natural orders which they do not understand"; the more that has been done in botany the more mistakes he finds.

Hopes to make "some stay" in London, including sitting for [Francis Leggatt] Chantrey [(1781-1841), sculptor] and fulfilling his engagement of lecturing at the London Institution. [Robert] Brown the only writer he finds "most in the right"; now realises he has praised [Augustin] de Candolle too much, as he has made many errors.

Hopes Macleay favours [John] Frost's election as FLS.

The Linnean Society of London
Sir James Edward Smith
Alexander Macleay
27 Jan 1825
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/AM/177, The Linnean Society of London

Reassures Macleay he is not "indifferent" to the "sad event" of his departure [to New South Wales, Australia]; he feels the strongest regret. Delayed replying to Macleay's news until he had heard from [Robert] Brown but still waiting; thinks it not suited to his "retired manners" but if he undertakes it "with heart & good will" he would be the best candidate, and would not have asked him if he did not think it did Brown honour, the Bishop [of Carlisle, Samuel Goodenough] "sometimes singular in ideas".

Third volume of his "English Flora" must be finished before he comes to London, which keeps him very busy; his "correspond[en]ts have no mercy". Feels the loss of a "real friend" in Macleay.

The Linnean Society of London
Sir James Edward Smith
Alexander Macleay
13 Mar 1825
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/AM/179, The Linnean Society of London

Confesses he is "not a man of compliments", but Macleay's "wide removal, as it were, to another world [...] seems to excuse & indeed require an opening of heart between us"; pays tribute to their 31-year friendship; urges Macleay to look out for his health, citing recent death of "a most invaluable" nephew of his in India. Hopes to be in London in time to see Macleay, will be giving his first lecture at the London Institution on 2 May [1825], and until then engaged with finishing third volume of his "English Flora".

Recommended David Don [(1799-1841), botanist] to [George] Hibbert [for curator of Jamaica botanic garden]. Will be happy to see [James] Bicheno as new Linnean Society Secretary, though would have been equally pleased with [Edward] Barnard. Delighted with Macleay's son's "most excell[en]t & learned papers".

The Linnean Society of London
Sir James Edward Smith
Alexander Macleay
16 Nov 1801
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/AM/18, The Linnean Society of London

Asks after the Linnean Society's charter, understanding that had been at Weymouth to received the royal signature. Received letter from Dr Walter Wade of Dublin informing him of discovery of 'Eriocaulon septangulare' in Ireland, never before seen outside the Isle of Skye; details of Wade's habitat; encloses specimen for the Society.

The Linnean Society of London
Sir James Edward Smith
Alexander Macleay
23 May 1824
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/AM/182, The Linnean Society of London

Appoints Bishop of Carlisle [Samuel Goodenough], [Aylmer Bourke] Lambert, [William George] Maton, and [Edward Smith-]Stanley as Vice-Presidents of the Linnean Society.

The Linnean Society of London
Sir James Edward Smith
Alexander Macleay
12 Dec 1801
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/AM/20, The Linnean Society of London

Thanks Macleay for this care and attention to him. The plant Macleay sent from [John] Fairbairn is a new 'Cissus', not in Willdenow, if he gets the flowers will write a specific character to go at end of "Linnean Transactions".

Congratulates Macleay, [Thomas] Marsham, and Sir Joseph Banks on success of the Linnean Society charter; agrees that 15 Council names would be enough. Regrets Society discord, suggests course of action for allowing [John] Parkinson to produce testimonials in favour of electing [Johann Karl Adam] Murhard [(1781-1863)] a FMLS, and for Macleay to regulate [Jonas] Dryander until he comes to London, he is an "indifferent person, & fear[s] neither". Unable to decide on [Richard] Pulteney's legacy until they see what it consists of. Sending Macleay a turkey.

The Linnean Society of London
Sir James Edward Smith
Alexander Macleay
11 Jan 1807
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/AM/40, The Linnean Society of London

Pleased that [William] Roscoe's paper has been accepted for current volume of "Linnean Transactions" and answers Macleay's queries regarding the paper: could find no drawing of 'Phrynium', "petalatoides" should be "petaloides", approves of Macleay's mode of arranging specific names, and suggests name 'Globba' instead of 'Colebrookea', with explanatory text.

The Linnean Society of London
Sir James Edward Smith
Alexander Macleay
19 Apr 1807
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/AM/41, The Linnean Society of London

Unable to leave for London today on account of severe weather and illness. Received "Linnean Transactions" vol 8: the shell paper "very valuable" but wonders "how some of [Richard] Salisbury's trash got admittance" instead of his own papers, especially that on 'Conchium'; criticises Salisbury's paper on a salt storm. Macleay right to leave Salisbury's "lying pamphlet" out of the list of presentations to the Society; agrees with [Samuel] Goodenough that it ought to be expelled but will leave it to the Society to decide. Upset at the Society's response to the matter, but does not intend to defend himself in "Transactions" as he will not put himself "on a footing with a man whom [he now has] materials to drive out not only of our Society but of all society".

The Linnean Society of London
Sir James Edward Smith
Alexander Macleay
19 Jul 1807
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/AM/42, The Linnean Society of London

Returns [Thomas] Hardwicke's paper and his own on 'Conchium' for "Linnean Transactions"; defends his choice of name and his belief in right to give names, as discussed in his forthcoming "Introduction to Botany". Thanks for forwarding box and letter from Ventenat from France, which contained sequel of Ventenat's "Jardin de la Malmaison" and Redoute's "Liliaces", Ventenat has requested plants. Surprised to receive anything from France considering the "awful condition we are in", but he does not despair. Enquires after box of living plants including 'Ophrys corallorhiza' sent by Edward Maughan from Edinburgh.

[Letter incomplete: second folio cropped, presumed destroyed]

The Linnean Society of London
Sir James Edward Smith
Alexander Macleay
19 Sep 1807
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/AM/43, The Linnean Society of London

Returns enclosed corrections; does not think the anatomical descriptions of animals ought to be "mutilated" in "Linnean Transactions"; "readers of zoology know what to expect". Objects to [Richard] Salisbury's paper "for bringing in forced illustrations that are needlessly indelicate, especially as all his writings shew that he does it with a malicious design to discredit the Sexual System of Linnaeus, as he always affects to call it". Asks Macleay to provide names for the species in the paper, as the Linnean Society should be committed to not omitting these, which "distinguish the works of true scientific naturalists". Gratified by Macleay's opinion of "Exotic botany".

The Linnean Society of London
Sir James Edward Smith
Alexander Macleay
14 Dec 1807
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/AM/44, The Linnean Society of London

Pleased his paper on the "Vitellus of seeds" is to be printed [in "Linnean Transactions"], afraid Council may find it too controversial. His paper on ferns intended only to be read, as he intends a more complete one for the Linnean Society.

The Linnean Society of London
Sir James Edward Smith
Alexander Macleay
22 Dec 1807
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/AM/45, The Linnean Society of London

Sending a turkey. Received request from [William George] Maton for papers for the Linnean Society, happy to comply. Maton has asked whether the reference to Eden in his preface [to his "Introduction to Botany"] alludes to [Richard] Salisbury and "Paradisus Londinensis", to which he answered the passage was first written for his introductory lecture of April 1805, before their dispute, but would write the same now, as he "neither go a step one way or the other to avoid or to meet him".

The Linnean Society of London
Sir James Edward Smith
Alexander Macleay
17 Jan 1808
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/AM/47, The Linnean Society of London

Encloses part of his paper to be read at Linnean Society. He is not anxious about [Richard] Salisbury's "censures" regarding his preface [to "Introduction to Botany"] and does not expect him to renew his attacks; justifies his own response to Salisbury's conduct. Pleased by [Samuel] Goodenough's "advancement" [made Bishop of Carlisle], and hopes [Thomas] Marsham is well, "for he is one whom we could not spare".

The Linnean Society of London
Sir James Edward Smith
Alexander Macleay
10 Aug 1808
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/AM/48, The Linnean Society of London

Returns [William Jackson] Hooker's paper, which he and [Dawson] Turner have both looked over.

Never had much hope for the war before, but from the first of the Spanish resistance he has always hoped; cares not who manages the country as long as they do it well, but concedes the Ministry have conducted themselves with "singular wisdom & discretion", and the King's [George III (1738-1820)] speech "was in the same style". Returns his paper on 'Hookeria' and a paper on snakes not worth publishing.

The Linnean Society of London
Sir James Edward Smith
Alexander Macleay
29 Sep 1808
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/AM/49, The Linnean Society of London

Arrangements for printing of papers. Sorry "Linnean Transactions" vol 8 is so thin; his paper on 'Brodiaea' would have helped and is a fresh reason why he regrets not publishing it now. [James] Brodie's friends think not publishing it defeats the compliment, and all think it an "undue deference to a villain who is our disgrace" [Richard Salisbury had published 'Brodiaea' as 'Hookera' in "Paradisus Londinensis"]; several Council members lamented to see him forced to yield to "such opposition" and the brutality with which it was enforced. He knows Macleay acted for the best and feels the "bulk of the Society entirely guiltless", and will continue to send papers.

Has requested proofs of all [James] Sowerby's plates for his and [William Jackson] Hooker's papers on mosses, following the mistake he made with 'Hookeria lucens' in "English botany". Expecting a visit from [Robert] Brown.

The Linnean Society of London
Sir James Edward Smith
Alexander Macleay
20 Nov 1808
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/AM/50, The Linnean Society of London

His autumnal headaches "more troublesome than usual of late". Sending paper by [James Perchard] Tupper on "the possible sensation of plants", "amusing enough, if not sufficiently solid for printing". Defends his decisions regarding his naming genus 'Brodiaea' in spite of [Richard] Salisbury have named same genus 'Hookera', and insists his papers are not attacks; hopes the Linnean Society will always support him "on the side of true Linnaean principles". List of names to receive copy of "Linnean Transactions" vol 9.

The Linnean Society of London
Sir James Edward Smith
Alexander Macleay
25 Nov 1808
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/AM/51, The Linnean Society of London

Encloses letter from [Thomas] Marsham [extant], informing Smith that [Erik] Acharius' collection of lichens for the Linnean Society is at the Custom House, asks Macleay to obtain it.

[Letter from Thomas Marsham, West India Dock House, Billiter Square, 23 November 1808, to Smith]: Smith's box of dried plants and lichens from Sweden has been at Custom House since last September; instructions for its retrieval.

The Linnean Society of London