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Sir James Edward Smith
William Roscoe
25 Feb 1808
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/17/58, The Linnean Society of London

Replies to Roscoe's letters of 15 November and 16 December. Disappointed not to see Roscoe this summer and impatient for Roscoe's notes on 'Canna' species. Last paper of second volume of "Exotic botany" published and hopes to settle a permanent plan for its continuation or a new one like it next spring. Has written papers on British 'Hieracium', "papilionaceous decandrous plants of New Holland", three diadelphous genera, and working on one on 'Arenaria' to resolve dearth of papers at Linnean Society meetings, which are otherwise "very fully" attended. Second parts of "Flora Graeca" and "Florae Graecae prodromus" ready for publication. Thanks for Roscoe's praise of his paper on "shall & will" [in October 1807 issue of the "Athenaeum"] and "Introduction to Botany"; half the edition is sold; will only correct a new edition.

Thanks for Roscoe's political pamphlet [on war with France, see RelatedMaterial below], which he agrees with entirely; further comments. Has completed 3000 species for Liverpool [Botanic Garden] herbarium. [Richard] Salisbury and Andrews, "a rogue & a fool, a happy conjunction!", have combined to criticise Roscoe's 'Scitamineae' principle. Has written to editor of the "Monthly Magazine" about [William Fordyce] Mavor [(1758-1837)], who wrote Botany Report for this month's issue, and who was rejected by Linnean Society; expects it will be published next month.

The Linnean Society of London
Sir James Edward Smith
William Roscoe
14 Aug 1808
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/17/61, The Linnean Society of London

Replies to Roscoe's letter of 1 May. Thanks for Roscoe's notes on 'Canna', though there is not much new information; asks native country of Roscoe's 'Canna latifolia' and any authority used. Doubts whether [James] Sowerby will continue "Exotic botany" as it does not sell enough for a profit, though if he went on slowly it would pay. His work for [Abraham] Rees' "Cyclopedia" has increased and now includes the whole botanical part and biographies of botanists following death of [William] Wood; he has accepted as it sells 5000 copies and will help advance botany; he puts an "S" to articles he wishes to be responsible for.

New edition of his "Introduction to Botany" printing but has only made corrections. Intends to produce a new work called "Illustrations of Botany" with figures of new and interesting plants and genera, with possible chapter illustrating and criticising Jussieu's system. Second part of "Florae Graecae prodromus" printing and will finish "Flora Britannica" this winter. As usual will spend September in Lowestoft, [Suffolk]. His health is good but has been anxious for Roscoe's sons' health. Forced to to give up his visit to Lancashire but hopeful for next year. Thanks for Roscoe's second pamphlet, admires the introduction but observes that recent events in Spain are unfavourable for Roscoe's ideas of peace, and "sickens at the old story of subsidising Austria & Co again!".

Discussion of toads: asks after Roscoe's tale of a "toad in a hole in a wall" having just read a similar account in Roesel [von Rosenhof's (1705-1759)] "Historia naturalis rariarum"; his own observations of three live natterjack toads in his possession, 'Bufo terrestius foetidus' of Roesel t24; [Thomas] Pennant's "British Zoology" quotes Sir Joseph Banks on natterjacks but not Roesel.

[Letter probably incomplete: text interrupted, no signature or valediction]

The Linnean Society of London
Sir James Edward Smith
William Roscoe
17 Nov 1808
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/17/63, The Linnean Society of London

Replies to Roscoe's letter of 14 October. Asks Roscoe's experience of subscribing to Boydell's "Shakespeare" on behalf of his friend, Mr Ives of Catton, who has just been served a writ for £100._x000D_

Asks Roscoe to send, via his mother, any new or curious specimens of 'Maranta', 'Canna', or other 'Scitamineae'; has dried a large ['Canna'] Roscoe sent [James] Sowerby and also has 'lutea', 'flaccida' and scarlet one figured in [William] Curtis' "Botanical Magazine" but ignorant of the rest. Thanks for Roscoe's comments on "Exotic botany". Would encourge Roscoe to critique Jussieu's system, though not for the Linnean Society which is "wisely shy of professed controversy", but would appreciate it for his own book. First 3000 specimens of Liverpool [Botanic Garden] herbarium ready except for catalogue and packing._x000D_

His work on [Abraham] Rees' "Cyclopedia": writes botanists' biographies and the physiological and most of the systematical botany, but only acknowledges the articles he thinks worth owning. Second part of "Florae Graecae prodromus" nearly printed. Glad Roscoe saw his cousins, the Kindersleys. Laments "poor Rathbone's state".

The Linnean Society of London
Sir James Edward Smith
William Roscoe
11 Dec 1808
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/17/66, The Linnean Society of London

About to send first 3000 specimens of his herbarium for Liverpool Botanic Garden. Glad to hear of [John] Bradbury's intended expedition [to study botany of Louisiana and the Mississippi]. Thanks [John] Shepherd [(c 1764-1836, curator Liverpool Botanic Garden] for specimens of 'Maranta' and the one seed; it is a difficult genus. George Don has found 'Hypericum barbatum' Jacquin "Florae Austriacae" t259 growing wild in Scotland, it will appear in February's "English botany" along with new 'Scirpus', new 'Potamogeton', and pretty new 'Equisetum'. Pleased to hear of Roscoe's work on Abate [Luigi] Lanzi [(1732-1810, Italian art historian].

Concerned for Rathbone's health. Asks Roscoe's opinion of ninth volume of "Linnean Transactions" and his paper on the vitellus [see RelatedMaterial below]. Comments on the "miserable" news from Spain; hopes the country will not be conquered in its mountains.

The Linnean Society of London