Search: Smith, James Edward in addressee 
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Walter Wade
Sir James Edward Smith
1 Nov 1805
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/10/106, The Linnean Society of London

Sends a collection of 200 mosses largely gathered in the county of Kerry in 1796. Has moss specimens for [Dawson] Turner should he want them. Sends rare Irish plants and gives habitats: 'Sium verticillatum' at Loun Bridge, near Killarney; 'Bartsia viscosa' as in his "Plantae rarior"; and 'Saxifraga geum' or 'S. hirsuta' (hopes to determine which when it flowers from the seeds and roots he planted) from Gap of Dunloc which divides Mac-Gilly-Cuddy's Reeks from Tornies Mountain and is the direct road to the Purple Mountain, near Killarney.

Remarks and observations on various plants from the same mountain area: extraordinary varities of 'Saxifraga umbrosa'; 'Pinguicula lusitanica' is common; 'Schoenus rufus' abundant on Purple Mountain; 'Euphorbia hiberna' uniformly furnished with "umbella quinquefida", many between thirty and forty inches high, almost has a completed figure, a necessity for the Irish plant as no others approach it except "Hortus Elthamensis" t.290; 'Serapis latifolia' very common about peninsula of Mucruss; 'Orobanche elatior' and 'Polypodium cambricum' in profusion in ruins of abbey at Mucruss; considers 'Aspidium oreopteris' and 'Adiantum capillus-veneris' rare ferns. Asks if Smith considers 'Schoenus marisus' rare. 'Hymenophyllum tunbridgense' abundant on mountains of Kerry; 'Osmunda regalis' grows to a luxuriant state that makes it more resemble a shrub than a fern on islands in the range and upper lakes at Killarney. Was sent by an unnamed acquaintance of Smith 'Subularia aquatica', in fact 'Littorella lacustris'.

Sends remarks on 'Holcus odoratus' and 'Buddlea globosa'. Asks if Smith knows a coloured figure of 'Holcus odoratus'. Still waiting for John Templeton's "Flora of Ireland", unsure likelihood of his own appearing.

The Linnean Society of London