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The Linnean Society of London in contributor 
Williams, George in correspondent 
1800-1809 in date 
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George Williams
Sir James Edward Smith
4 May 1803
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/26/55, The Linnean Society of London

Rejoices at prospect of Smith visiting Oxford, will arrange lodgings for Smith and his friend, directions on their arrival. Requests catalogue of Fordyce's collection from King's auction room, Covent Garden, [London].

[Spec 30 written in pencil at head of folio]

The Linnean Society of London
George Williams
Sir James Edward Smith
13 May 1800
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/10/91, The Linnean Society of London

Thanks for copy of Smith's "Flora Britannica", gratified that he now has a standard to which his botanical arrangements can conform, although regrets that his favourite class of gynandrous plants has not been included.

The Linnean Society of London
George Williams
Sir James Edward Smith
8 Jul 1800
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/10/92, The Linnean Society of London

Received Smith's "Compendium florae Britannicae", a work of this kind was greatly needed by botanists. Has an interest in producing a similar work for foreign botany for the use of travellers, some views on its probable contents. Sorry that Smith did not come to Oxford, fears the desiderata from [John] Sibthorp's collections are either already with Smith or lost: was always surprised by Sibthorp's lack of care with his original specimens. Asks if Smith has settled Sibthorp's 'Verbascum' and 'Campanula'. Wishes that Smith had observed that the Oxford 'Orobanche' was 'Orobanche elatior' and not 'Orobanche major'.

The Linnean Society of London
George Williams
Sir James Edward Smith
1 Dec 1800
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/10/93, The Linnean Society of London

Thanks for gift of seeds to Oxford Botanic Garden. Visitors to Oxford: missed Dr [Carl Franz Anton von] Schreiber, [Peter] Lathbury [(1760-1820), Church of England clergyman] has not repeated his visit, unsure if Mr Watts passed through. His plans for the garden hindered by his eye complaint. Informed by [Thomas] Garnier that Smith believes [Johann Jacob] Dillenius confused between 'Elatine alsinastrum' and 'Centunculus'. Asks the state of Smith's "Flora Graeca" labours; communications with the executors of [John Sibthorp's] will regarding money.

The Linnean Society of London
George Williams
Sir James Edward Smith
7 Aug [1803]
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/10/94, The Linnean Society of London

After spending a few days in Liverpool is confident that natural history will receive adequate encouragement there and that the provision for botany is already "sufficiently splendid". Believes that the establishment of the Botanic Garden will provide for more than just cultivation and botanical arrangement. Remarks on Liverpool's advantages, especially its location for "obtaining the productions of the West".

He is anxious for specimens of seeds, seed vessels and woods, and all vegetable curiosities of foreign growth to form a collection to illustrate "the natural growth & philosophical character & useful application in the arts of different plants". Pleased to hear that "Flora Graeca" has gone to the printers, and although disappointed Smith did not go with Collingswood for the publication is sure that Taylor will serve him well. His electioneering temporarily suspended on account of summer holiday. Recommends Mr Hudson, an Oxford academic. A painting apparently to be sold.

The Linnean Society of London