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Robert Brown
Sir James Edward Smith
12 Jan 1806
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/2/88, The Linnean Society of London

Frustrated in giving a full account of of his New Holland [Australia] desiderata, Smith's labours in this area have facilitated his researches but still unsure on some specimens, in particular 'Eucalyptus'. Relates the misfortunes of [Matthew Flinder's] expedition to Australia [on which Brown was the naturalist] but despite these and the failure to complete the planned survey approximately 3000 species have been brought home, Brown hopes at least a third are new. [Ferdinand] Bauer has made approximately 1600 drawings. Appointed Librarian of the Linnean Society. Pleased to hear that Smith is recovering from his "severe indisposition".

The Linnean Society of London
Robert Brown
Sir James Edward Smith
1 Apr 1808
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/2/89, The Linnean Society of London

Linnean Society currently depends entirely upon Smith for papers, short for ninth volume of "Linnean Transactions". Intends to offer an essay on 'Holoraceae' including 'Amaranthaceae' and 'Atriplius', which has been neglected by botanists but Brown has examined most of it in determining his New Holland [Australia] plants. Sends list of species from Linnaeus herbarium Brown would like to inspect: 'Achyranthes muricata', 'Achyranthes alternifolia', 'Achyranthes alternifolia', 'Celosia argentea', 'Celosia margaritacea', 'Celosia gnaphaloides', 'Illecebrum brachiatum', 'Illecebrum sanguinolentum', 'Illecebrum canariense', 'Illecebrum bengalense', 'Illecebrum polygonoides', 'Illecebrum precordium', 'Illecebrum cymosum', 'Illecebrum alsinifolium', 'Illecebrum suffruticosum', 'Gomphrena arborescens', 'Corispermum squarrosum', 'Camphorosma monspeliaca', 'Camphorosma actua', 'Camphorosma glabra', 'Camphorosma paleacea', 'Salsola rosacea', 'Salsola sativa', 'Salsola polyclonos', and 'Salsola hirsuta' [list of plants is marked in pencil in Smith's hand with either a tick or cross, note in Smith's hand "plants lent and returned"]

The Linnean Society of London
Robert Brown
Sir James Edward Smith
24 Nov 1808
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/2/90, The Linnean Society of London

Has been suffering from persistent ailments. Observations on Smith's two species of 'Brodiaea' in [Sir Joseph] Banks' herbarium, compares 'Brodiaea congesta' with work of [Archibald] Menzies and [Richard] Salisbury. Observations on capsules of 'Acrostichum digitatum'. At the request of [Jonas] Dryander arranging his 'Protaceae', with view to publication in "Linnean Transactions", queries Smith on 'Protea' in Linnaeus' herbarium: 'Protea cyanoides', 'Protea phylicoides', 'Protea sphaerocephala', 'Protea racemosa', 'Protea spicata', 'Protea strobilina', 'Protea sencea', 'Protea hirta', and 'Protea obliqua'.

The Linnean Society of London
Robert Brown
Sir James Edward Smith
20 Dec 1808
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/2/91, The Linnean Society of London

Questions for Smith on papers he wrote on New Holland [Australian] plants in ninth volume of "Linnean Transactions". Believes 'Conchium congifolium' is the same as 'Conchium pugioniforme', opinions on 'Conchium sphaeroideum' and 'Conchium compressum'. Believes Smith's 'Gompholobium maculatum', described under 'Gompholobium scabrum', is a distinct species as comprehended under Linnaeus's 'Sophora genistoides'. Believes 'Bossiaea ovata' may be 'Bossiaea heterophylla'. Questions appropriateness of 'Scolopendrium' as a name. Thanks Smith for answers his on 'Protea', his developments, has finished his paper on the subject. Comments on paucity of botanical matters in other journals. Remarks on a paper read by [David] White on the Malabar 'Cardamom' which Brown believes proves it is a distinct genus, at least by [William] Roscoe's principles.

The Linnean Society of London
Robert Brown
Sir James Edward Smith
2 Mar 1809
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/2/92, The Linnean Society of London

Discusses his paper on 'Proteaceae' and reasons for keeping the name 'Hakea' instead of Smith's apparent suggestion of 'Conchium'. This was in deference to [Baron Christian Ludwig von] Hake, and previous use by [Heinrich] Schrader, [Antonio José] Cavanilles, [Jacques] La Billardiere and [Etienne Pierre] Ventenat, and being pushed by [Jonas] Dryander having used it in his catalogue of New Holland [Australian] plants and the strong likelihood of it being used in "Hortus Kewensis".

The Linnean Society of London