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Andrew Caldwell
Sir James Edward Smith
11 Jul 1798
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/3/17, The Linnean Society of London

Reports on the rebellion in Ireland. Living in a state of siege in Dublin, a curfew is enforced and all of the avenues out of the city are secured with guards and palisades. A great force is collected, a "rabble undisciplined, without leaders of eminence or concerted plan", who will be suppressed, although it will require time. Reports on a small skirmish that took place on 9 July. Uncertain whether he saw death notice for [Nicholas] Gwyn. Botanical researches have been a solace during the rebellion. Is subscribing to [Robert John] Thornton's [(c 1768-1837), physician and writer on botany] work ["A new illustration of the sexual system of Linnaeus"] but wary that it will not "advance knowledge or assist the novice sufficiently".

The Linnean Society of London
Andrew Caldwell
Sir James Edward Smith
25 Dec 1798
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/3/18, The Linnean Society of London

On hearing that the French had surrendered [following an invasion in support of Irish rebels] took a boat to Holyhead, Anglesey, to botanise with Hugh Davies. Description of a glen in which 'Polypodium fragile', 'Polypodium cristatum', 'Polypodium filix-mas' and 'Polypodium femina', 'Asplenium [adiantum-nigrum]', and 'Papaver cambricum'. Also found 'Lichen geographicus', 'Lichen concentricus', 'Sedum telephium' and 'Sedum reflexum'. Found an abundance of 'Lychnis flore rubro'. Recommends going to see Lord Penrhyn's [Richard Pennant (c 1737-1808) 1st Baron Penrhyn] slate quarry. Also visited Aberystwyth, Bangor, Beumorris, Caernarvon and the "famous copper mine at Paris Mount". Has seen [John] Templeton [(1766-1825)], "an alert, active botanist", with whom he found a 'Chlora perfoliata', which does not grow in Ireland, "it seem'd as much joy as a good prize in the Lottery". Imparts his unease at the project for an Irish Union with Britain, "better perhaps to bear the ills we have than fly to others that we know not of". Believes England is in a "desperate situation" and with no energy to provide assistance with Ireland's own troubles. Thanks Mrs Smith for the work she has undertaken. Smith's "Tracts" have already sold out in Ireland. Looking forward to the new edition of Smith's "Tour". Sorrow at the death of [Thomas] Pennant. Disapproves of [Jelinger] Symons "pocket synopsis" ["Synopsis Plantarum Insulis Britannicis Indigenarum"], dislikes the growing use of "wove papers and hot press" in publishing.

The Linnean Society of London