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Cullum, Thomas Gery in correspondent 
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1800-1809 in date 
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Sir Thomas Gery Cullum
Sir James Edward Smith
25 Sep 1800
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/13/15, The Linnean Society of London

Investigated report in old letter from [Samuel] Goodenough that 'Veronica spicata' and 'Veronica hybrida' grow on a chalk bank at Icklingham, [Suffolk], with assistance of his "Calendarium florae", and in relating his observations thinks there are two species of 'Veronica'. Found a 'Serapias' distinct from Smith's "English Botany" 'Serapias latifolia' in Dunmow, [Essex], and Clare, [Suffolk], woods as mentioned on p.442 of [John] Gerard [(1545-1612), herbalist]. Observations on the 'Oppioglossum' he recently collected in every state. Praises Smith's paper on 'Mentha', found it much clearer than [William] Sole's "Menthae Britannicae". 'Erysimum cheiranthoides' in full flower in their sandy hills. Encloses specimens of the 'Veronica' discussed.

The Linnean Society of London
Sir Thomas Gery Cullum
Sir James Edward Smith
23 Mar 1802
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/13/16, The Linnean Society of London

Thanks for civilities Smith has shown his son in Norwich. Proposes Sir Thomas Gage as a FLS, he has collected all the scarce plants of the Lake District. [John] Gerard [(1545-1612), herbalist] says several species of 'Helleborine' grow in woods at Dunmow, Essex, and Clare, Suffolk; Cullum thinks the 'Serapis' he found between the two does not answer to any in "English Botany" and is between 'Serapis latifolia' and 'Serapis palustris' but he failed to gather a specimen. Had not heard of [William] Sole's death until seeing the advertisement letting his garden and Hortus Siccus. Hopes to attend Linnean Society anniversary meeting as the King has not signed the charter unsure whether he is welcome as a member anymore, apologises for his inactive approach to botany. Invites the Smiths to stay at Bury on their way either to or from London.

The Linnean Society of London
Sir Thomas Gery Cullum
Sir James Edward Smith
25 Nov 1805
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/13/17, The Linnean Society of London

Thanks for the Smiths congratulations on a family wedding [possibly his son]; sorry that a boil on Smith's shin with erysipelatous appearances kept him at home. Surprised by death of Alexander Aubert [(1730-1805), astronomer and businessman]. Sir Thomas Gage has moved from Bury to Portman Square, London, and has seen Sir Joseph Banks, [Aylmer Bourke] Lambert, and [William George] Maton, who sat in Linnean Society chair.

Has only seen first two numbers of [Richard] Salisbury's "Paradisus [Londinensis]". An 'Alea alle' was taken at Herringfleet, [Suffolk], nine inches in length and weighing four ounces, thinks [Thomas] Pennant's "British Zoology" plate 82 made the bill too sharp and omitted the white spot on upper eye lid.

Heard of Smith's good health from Dawson Turner. Received wild specimens of 'Draba aizoides' from from [Lewis Weston] Dillwyn [(1778-1855)]. 'Ophrys monorchis' and '[Ophrys] spiralis' in abundance this summer and autumn; 'Cuscula epithymum' withered on 'Erica' but in full flower in shady places on 'Lotus corniculatus' 28 Sep; 'Genesta filosa' which begins to flower about 20 May for a month regularly flowers again in September, from when he has specimens; suspects a 'Verbascum' growing in lane near his house is from a garden, answers except in colour to 'Verbascum phaeniceum' in Murray's "Syst[em of] Vegetable[s]". Compliments [William Fitt] Drake and wishes his eyes were sharp enough to find plants such as 'Lathraea squamaria', which he has not seen since leaving Bath sixteen years ago. Presumes [Dawson] Turner and [William] Kirby must have keen eyesight. Frost has stopped the 'Verbascum' flowering, encloses specimen.

The Linnean Society of London
Sir Thomas Gery Cullum
Sir James Edward Smith
29 Jan 1807
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/13/18, The Linnean Society of London

[Aylmer Bourke] Lambert unexpectedly visited but was in a peculiar mood and evasive regarding a promised visit to Smith in Norwich. Sorry to hear of [James] Crowe's death, said to be from a carbuncle boil. Lambert writes that Sir Joseph Banks is bedridden with a large abcess in his leg. Expects a contrast when either [George] Shaw or [Charles] Konig succeeds [Edward Whitaker] Gray [(1748-1806), physician and curator] at the British Museum. Shortly leaving for London.

Asks if Smith saw his letter in the Bury Paper of 21 January discussing mistletoe on oak; the man who first saw it surrounded by sycamores and maples loaded with mistletoe could not find it again, Cullum had intended to place an oaken bough with mistletoe on either side of the President's chair at Linnean Society meeting. Lambert took young plants of 'Holosteum umbellatum' and 'Sisymbrium polyceratium' growing near his house.

The Linnean Society of London