Search: Smith, James Edward in addressee 
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George Don
Sir James Edward Smith
25 Jul 1804
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/GD/5, The Linnean Society of London

Encloses his moss desiderata [not extant]. Encloses specimens, including: 'Myostis', 'Fontinalis capillacea' called Moss of Copens, mosses, and 'Hypnum triforium'; observations [Smith has annotated in margin].

The Linnean Society of London
George Don
Sir James Edward Smith
20 Jan 1804
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/GD/54, The Linnean Society of London

Thanks for information in letter of 30 December [1803]; remarks on 'Splachnum urceolatum' and Much obliged for information contained in previous letter; comments on 'Splachnum urceolatum' and 'Byssus lepro-viridus'. Encoses specimens of 'Alopecurus alpinus' and 'Poa flexuosa'.

Numbered observations on enclosed specimens: 1-5. 'Lichen'; 6. 'Lotus'; 7. another 'Lichen'. Would like Smith's opinion on 'Galium arvensis', 'Bryum', 'Hypnum', and 'Orthotrichum' sent in previous letters. Accepts Smith's offer to send "Flora Britannica", would also like any cryptogam specimens.

The Linnean Society of London
George Don
Sir James Edward Smith
25 Jan 1804
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/GD/63, The Linnean Society of London

Forgot to include specimens of 'Alopecurus alpinus' and 'Poa flexuosa' mentioned in his last letter, encloses with this letter.

Numbered observations on enclosed specimens: 1. a 'Hypnum' possibly 'H. flagillari' of Dickson; 2. a 'Hypnum' near 'H. scorpioides'; 3. a 'Hypnum' near to 'denticulatum'; 4. 'Hypnum uncinatum'; 5. a 'Hypnum' he believes to be 'H. filimontasum'; 6. a 'Hypnum' near to 'H. serpens'; 7. an unknown 'Hypnum'; 8. possible 'Hypnum uncenatum'; 9. an unknown 'Hypnum'; 10. an unknown 'Hypnum'; 11. possibly 'Hypnum scorpioides'; 12. an unknown 'Hypnum'; 13. an unknown 'Hypnum'; 14. possible 'Bryum mucronulatum'; 15. a 'Bryum' variety of no.14; 16. new species of 'Helvela'; 17. a 'Bryum' formerly thought to be 'B. hypnoides'; 18. 'Bryum nudum'; 19. a 'Jungermannia'; 20. a 'Phascum'; 21. a 'Lichen'; 22. a 'Lichen'; 23. 'Grimmia recurvat'.

Asks Smith's opinion of the 'Dicranium ovale' he sent [Dawson] Turner in 1802, and which Turner thinks is 'Trichostomum microcarpon'.

Twenty numbered specimens, some with annotations by Smith; numbers 7, 20, and 22 not extant.

The Linnean Society of London
George Don
Sir James Edward Smith
15 Mar 1804
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/GD/64, The Linnean Society of London

Sends several copies of prospectus [for his work "Herbarium Britannicum" (1804-1812)], a sheet explaining his method for choosing habitats, preferring those not hitherto published by any author, and a magazine containing account by Mr Neil of the life of [John] Mackay [(1772-1802), employed at Dickson nursery, Edinburgh], errors with list of plants.

Numbered observations on enclosed specimens: 1. 'Lycopodium annotinum' of Linnaeus; 2. 'Erica vulgaris'; 3. a 'Galium' or 'Asperula' [Smith annotation: "'G. palustre' caule & pedunc. scabris"]; 4. a nondescript 'Saxifraga' he previously called 'S. tinctoria'; 5. a 'Draba' related to 'D. verna', cultivated 10 years [Smith annotation: "'verna'?"].

Has heard from [John Leonard] Knapp that he has found the 'Aira ulginosa' he [Don] sent Smith some years ago.

The Linnean Society of London
George Don
Sir James Edward Smith
21 Jan 1804
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/GD/65, The Linnean Society of London

Observations on what he thinks is 'Hypnum ruscifolium'. Would like Smith to take another look at an 'Eriophorum' previously sent, which he is sure is 'E. angustifolium'.

Numbered observations on enclosed specimens, largely collected in summer of 1802: 1. a nondescript 'Phascum', proposes name 'P. inundatum' or 'P. purpureum' [Smith annotation: "'Ph. stoloniferum'"]; 2. 'Orthotrichum bipartium'; 3. 'Fissidens polycarpus' [Smith annotation: "D. 'polycarpum'"]; 4. 'Dicranium flagillaris' [Smith annotation: "'D. furescens'"]; 5. a 'Bryum' near 'B. pulvinatum' but distinct; 6. probably a variety of no.4; 7. a 'Bryum'; 8. what he now thinks a 'Grimmia', previously 'B. acutum' Linnaeus; 9. possible variety of 'B. acutum'; 10. 'Bryum patens'; 11. variety of 'B. patens'; 12. variety of 'B. patens'; 13. 'Bryum sericeum' or 'B. elongatum'; 14-16. 'Bryum'.

The Linnean Society of London
George Don
Sir James Edward Smith
20 Jul 1804
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/GD/66, The Linnean Society of London

Just received "Flora Britannica" and "a valuable collection of specimens" from Smith, which are useful to him when preparing to set out on botanical excursions, one of which he hopes to make in 4 week's time.

Observations on enclosed 'Hypnum crista-castrensis', which he has known since 1787. Has found 'Hemerocallis flava' but it seldom flowers. Intends to send several possible new mosses along with collection of lichens and jungermannia. Will send the first number of his fasciculus ["Herbarium Britannicum" (1804-1812)] for Smith to [James] Sowerby, details of the printing. [James] Donn [(1758-1813), curator of Cambridge Botanic Garden] of Cambridge is an old acquaintance of his but of no relation, first met at Kew in 1785. Lists plants to appear in next fascicule, for Smith's opinion. Also sends Smith specimen of 'Dicranum flavescens'. List of his desiderata, largely cryptogams, some have marks against them.

Two specimens. Small piece of note paper, annotated "for G Don 'Dicranum subulatum' Hedw.".

The Linnean Society of London