Search: Smith, James Edward in addressee 
Smith, James Edward in correspondent 
Turner, Dawson in correspondent 
1800-1809 in date 
Linnean Society of London in repository 
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Dawson Turner
Sir James Edward Smith
15 May 1803
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/26/23, The Linnean Society of London

Hopes Smith received the letter he sent a fortnight ago. Happy to hear of Smith's good health, impatient for his return as he has no botanical friends about him at present. Forwards letter and box of specimens recently received from [Romanus Adolph] Hedwig; unfortunately a box of books and rarities for Smith also from Hedwig has gone missing in transit. Encloses moss specimen [extant] which appears to be 'Barbula stricta' of Hedwig, found by [Nathaniel] Winch at Newcastle, [Northumberland]. The Irish seem pleased with his idea of a "Muscologia".

Specimen, labelled in ink, "'Barbula stricta'? Mr Winch", and in pencil "not of Hedwig - Schwaegr."

Specimen, labelled in ink, "'Tortula pilosa' Schrad. I found these leaves by accident among another moss from Norwich".

The Linnean Society of London
Dawson Turner
Sir James Edward Smith
29 Oct 1801
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/10/37, The Linnean Society of London

Transcribes extract on 'Schoena' from volume 4 of [Friedrich] Ehrhart's "Beiträge". Two new English lichens, 'Lichen abietinus' and 'Lichen citrinellus', have been sent to him by [John] Harriman. Disagrees with Smith over definition of [Friedrich] Ehrhart's 'paradoxa'.

The Linnean Society of London
Dawson Turner
Sir James Edward Smith
17 Feb 1803
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/10/38, The Linnean Society of London

Returns two of Smith's 'Gymnostoma' specimens but not the 'astivum'. Also returning Smith's manuscript of third volume of "Flora Britannica", was only able to read as far as 'Grimmia' but has marked parts he feels need attention. Does not object to giving the name 'scottianum' to the 'Dicranum' instead of the 'Grimmia'. Is about to examine Dillenius' collection at Oxford. Does not agree with Smith's junction of the three genera under 'Grimmia' or that 'Bryum nudum' belongs there, nor Smith's renaming of three species of 'Grimmia'. About to write to [Lewis Weston] Dillwyn [(1778-1855)] about Dr [William] Turton's [(1762-1835), conchologist] "Enchiridion".

[On separate folio] Notes several other areas in "Flora Britannica" requiring Smith's attention, including: 'Grimmia', 'Gymnostoma', 'Spachna', and 'Bryum'.

The Linnean Society of London
Dawson Turner
Sir James Edward Smith
5 Feb 1806
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/10/39, The Linnean Society of London

Grief at the death of his eldest son. His wife and other children only narrowly escaped [the fire]. His family are now recuperating at Coltishall, [Norfolk], is concerned for the well-being of his wife. Endeavouring to take comfort in botany. Will soon return [William Fitt] Drake's manuscript. Moved by and grateful for Smith's expressions of affection and friendship.

The Linnean Society of London
Dawson Turner
Sir James Edward Smith
17 Feb 1806
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/ADD/106, The Linnean Society of London

Urges Smith not to publish [George] Don's moss as a new 'Gymnostomum', as it would be "injurious" to Smith's credit. Hopeful his wife's recovery will continue following the death of their son. [Nathaniel] Winch claims that 'Pyrola media' is 'P. minor'; he says Smith has a parcel from [Olof] Swartz. Asks to borrow "Stockholm Transactions" vol 22 for [Erik] Acharius' papers on 'Collemata'. Encloses two or three 'Lichen'. Will send parcel for [James] Sowerby, and will resend all he has published to [James] Dickson if he wishes it, though does not expect any new publication from him.

The Linnean Society of London