Search: Smith, James Edward in addressee 
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Hugh Davies
Sir James Edward Smith
13 Sep 1801
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/4/16, The Linnean Society of London

Thanks Smith for medical advice, prior to his letter had used "Whitehead's oil of turpentine" which had caused his leg complaint to become much more painful so took to seabathing for six weeks, with improvements from the third. Thanks for specimens, agrees with Smith's descriptions of 'Poa compressa' and 'Poa caesia'. Smith's 'Poa alpina' has helped determine that his is a distinct species, possibly 'Poa glauca' of [William] Withering. Sending more specimens of it. Thanks Smith for information on 'Cersatium latifolium'. Has sent a specimen of a plant from Anglesea he believes may be Smith's 'Carex laevigata'. After reading Smith's description of it in "Linnean Transactions" realised a mistake he had made about 'Carex binervis', which he took for 'Carex distans', sends speciemens of 'C. distans' [extant]. Encloses some moss specimens. Asks Smith's opinion of [Olof] Swartz's "Dispositio systematica muscorum frondosorum Sveciae" and [Erik] Acharius' "History of Swedish Lichens".

The Linnean Society of London