Search: Smith, James Edward in addressee 
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George Annesley
Sir James Edward Smith
14 Dec 1806
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/20/19, The Linnean Society of London

His work has consumed all his attention. [Henry] Salt [(1780-1827), traveller and collector of antiquities] appointed messenger to Abyssinia by the government; anticipates great increase in knowledge of botany of Abyssinia. Will attempt to retrieve his articles from Sir Joseph [Banks] and give Smith duplicates, also has specimens. Great expectations for the voyage and consequences for book.

The Linnean Society of London
John Hawkins
Sir James Edward Smith
28 Dec 1806
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/22/102, The Linnean Society of London

Corrections and criticisms regarding "Flora Graeca", including spelling of Maina and errors in habitats taken from [John] Sibthorp's journals. Declines Smith's request for a copy of the work; the trustees have already incurred a high responsibility by advancing £750 before any sheets were printed.

The Linnean Society of London
George Legge
Sir James Edward Smith
16 Dec 1806
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/23/91, The Linnean Society of London

Regrets he is unable to add his signature to [William] Roscoe's on Lord [Edward Smith-]Stanley's nomination certificate for Linnean Society, as they are not personally acquainted.

The Linnean Society of London
William Roxburgh
Sir James Edward Smith
4 Dec 1806
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/25/17, The Linnean Society of London

Regrets the accidents and misfortunes that have so far prevented him from meeting Smith; the climate here does not suit his "Indian constitution", intends to return there this spring. Just received a few ripe seeds of 'Cycas circinalis' from Calcutta, and were opened at Sir Joseph Banks' the other day, has reserved one for Smith to dissect.

Banks is to select the drawings for second number of third volume of his "Plants of Coromandel" tomorrow; he had intended to publish four species of his genus 'Colebrookia', but as Smith discovered 'C. bulbifera' to be 'Globba marantina' Linnaeus as published in "Exotic botany" asks whether they are all to be made 'Globba' and [Henry Thomas] Colebrooke [(1765-1837), administrator in India and scholar] given another genus, or be introduced under his old name.

The Linnean Society of London
William Roxburgh
Sir James Edward Smith
11 Dec 1806
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/25/18, The Linnean Society of London

Thanks for Smith's letter of 8 [December 1806] and Norfolk turkey. Sir Joseph [Banks] ill but will tell him what Smith said of 'Globba'; needs to find Smith's "Exotic botany" 177, suspects it is another of his proposed 'Colebrookia' species. Asks if the new genus Smith has selected for 'Colebrookia' is [Francis] Buchanan's 'Sussodia', as he has two species of that genus selected for his volume ["Plants of the Coast of Coromandel"]. Informs Smith he has already named a genus for Colonel [Thomas] Hardwicke in first number of his third volume ["Plants of the Coast of Coromandel"]; details. Efforts to name a genus after Buchanan in same volume.

Sending two seeds of 'Cycas circinalis', and one he dissected in order to provide figure, encloses sketch of the section [extant]. Has not yet compared Smith's 'Roxburghia' with his own, so uncertain how they came to be unalike, though may be due to sending Lady [Amelia] Hume the roots before it blossomed in Bengal.

Separate note with cross section of seed, in pencil, and pencil remarks explaining the drawing.

The Linnean Society of London
Alexander Macleay
Sir James Edward Smith
14 Dec 1806
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/AM/39, The Linnean Society of London

Queries on [Thomas] Hardwicke's paper [for "Linnean Transactions"]; suggests a name and character for his new species [of Jerboa]. Sends three papers from which extracts will be printed for Smith to prepare. Intentions for next volume of "Linnean Transactions".

The Linnean Society of London
Hugh Davies
Sir James Edward Smith
27 Dec 1806
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/4/25, The Linnean Society of London

Sending Smith further specimens of 'Artemisia', would like Smith's opinion. Also encloses a 'Festuca' [extant], uncertain on the species.


The Linnean Society of London
John Davies
Sir James Edward Smith
9 Dec 1806
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/4/37, The Linnean Society of London

Extract of a letter from Mrs Merry of Lancaster, Pennsylvania, to Davies, 23 Sep 1806, in which she says she has a specimen that Smith is "dying for" but that she will not show it until Smith writes to [Henry] Muhlenberg. Also encloses a letter from Muhlenberg to Merry [not extant]. In respect of the shells Davies, and the specimen Smith stands to gain, requests the portrait of Smith promised to Davies but not yet received. Mr Wyley is to soon embark for the Cape [of Good Hope], asks Smith to recommend any useful books.

The Linnean Society of London
John Hawkins
Sir James Edward Smith
6 Dec [1806]
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/5/35, The Linnean Society of London

Comments on errors in the first half volume of "Flora Graeca", including different trivial names for the same plant in plate 31 and the corresponding text; error in spelling 'Minae' for 'Mainae' and 'Messenae' for 'Messenia'; omission of vulgar Greek name of 'Cyperus'; Smith's misleading manner of setting habitats for ubiquitous plants such as 'Phillyrea', wild olive, Manna ash, 'Gladiolus communis', 'Iris sisyrinchium', and 'Iria bulbacodium'. Regrets Smith did not apply to him more for particular information, presumed he had [John] Sibthorp's journals but but suspects this was not the case. From his own edition of the journals disputes attribution of a 'Valeriana tuberosa' and comments on other plants mentioned in the journal including a new 'Valeriana', a new 'Salvia', 'Salvia argentia' and 'Salvia sibthorpii'. Has found 'Campanula hederacea' in Sussex.

The Linnean Society of London
Samuel Goodenough
Sir James Edward Smith
11 Dec 1806
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/11/55, The Linnean Society of London

Praises the first part of "Florae Graecae prodromus", just received. Laments that because of "Bonaparte's rage" it cannot be made available in Europe, believes peace is impossible and he will not stop until he invades England and "the whole world is at his feet". Became involved in three contested elections for Parliament, upset to see Sir Sidney Smith lose his Rochester seat to a "monied banker who drove in the night before the election" [James Barnett (c 1760-1836)].

The Linnean Society of London