Search: Smith, James Edward in addressee 
1820-1829::1827::01 in date 
Linnean Society of London in repository 
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Showing 14 of 4 items

Sir Andrew Smith
Sir James Edward Smith
14 Jan 1827
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/ADD/91, The Linnean Society of London

Will do all he can to satisfy Smith with Cape 'Orchideae'. Has a young artist to make painting from live specimens, sending figure of 'Disperis villosa' [extant]. Believes a "very splendid" work could be made from having a painting of every Cape species in full flower, with Smith being sent dried specimens to provide full descriptions from; difficulty of transporting live plants back to England.

Has sent promised papers to Sir Everard Home [(1756-1832), physician] describing new species each of 'Hyaena' and 'Hyrax'; observations on gland secretions of former; hopes Home will send them to Linnean Society and that they will be published in "Linnean Transactions". It is his ambition to produce a good work on zoology of South Africa. Many collectors currently here: 3 from Prussia, 3 from France, and 6 from other European countries. Lists some of the curiosities of his portfolio; he is particularly interested in snakes. Mode natural history is now studied makes it easier to notice habits of animals for classification.

Watercolour of 'Disperis villosa'.

The Linnean Society of London
Edmund Henry Barker
Sir James Edward Smith
26 Jan 1827
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/2/5, The Linnean Society of London

Encloses a paper on Junius [pseudonym of an unknown 18th century letter writer]. Has been collecting information about Dr Samuel Parr, enquires whether Smith or any friends of his have any letters from him or information about him they can share for a memoir to be written by Dr John Johnstone. Barker's index to the "Greek Thesaurus" is far advanced. Mr Bowring has informed him that Jeremy Bentham intends to give him a memoir of Mr Lind, "author of the letters on Poland", for use in his book which is nearly finished.

The Linnean Society of London
George Arnold Walker Arnott
Sir James Edward Smith
1 Jan 1827
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/20/27, The Linnean Society of London

Sending plants collected during 3 month excursion with [George] Bentham in summer of 1825 to eastern and high Pyrenees; Bentham has published catalogue of the flora of Pyrenees. Plants sent include: 'Lithospermum oleifolium'; 'Vicia argentea'; 'Seseli montanum'; asks if 'Cynoglossum sylvaticum' of England is same as that of Hancke; asks the true character between 'Sideritis hyssopifolia' and 'Sideritis scordioides'; 'Veronica fruticulosa'; after observations fears 'Ajuga alpina', 'A. geneventis', and 'A. pyramidalis' form one species; 'Orobanche pruinosa'; at Strasbourg determined that 'Potamogeton cuspidatum' gathered near Forfar is identical with 'P. zosterifolius' Schum; observations on all. Smith may find it useful to have the French synonyms for British species; he would have found it useful to have references given to DeCandolle's works in determining Pyrenee plants.

The Linnean Society of London
Samuel Goodenough
Sir James Edward Smith
3 Jan 1827
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/12/109, The Linnean Society of London

Thanks for turkey. The Duke of York in "the last stage of a hopeless case" [Prince Frederick (1763-1827), died 5 January 1827 of dropsy and apparent cardio-vascular disease]. Dares not mention the name he alluded to as the matter is not followed up, but it begins with an "H" [presumably the scandal involving a member of the Athenaeum mentioned in Goodenough's previous letter].

The Linnean Society of London