Search: Swainson, William in addressee 
Smith, James Edward in author 
Swainson, William in correspondent 
1810-1819::1819 in date 
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Sir James Edward Smith
William Swainson
2 Feb 1819
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/MS273/2, The Linnean Society of London

Apologises for delay in remarking on plants sent by Swainson; finishing his part of Rees's "Cyclopedia". "Little hairy fern with simple fronds" found Rio Janeiro agrees in size and shape with 'Blechnum Lanceola' of Swartz in Stockholm Transns. for 1817. p. 71. t. 3. f. 2; observations. Grass marked 'Digitaria of Persoon?' is 'Paspalum conjugatum' Willd. Sp. M., also 'P. dissectum' of Linnaeus' Syst. Nat. ed. 12. v. 2. Dark-cold grass from "deep forests at Pernambuco" another 'Paspalum', species unknown. 'Cyperus', 'culm triangular, bogs at Pernambuco' unknown. "Very rare" grass, from "sandy table lands in the interior of Pernambuco", close to 'Agrostis radiata' of Linnaeus. 'Cassia' "in dry sandy tracts" unknown. A new 'Lythrum', near 'racemosum' but distinct. An 'Eriocaulon fasciculatum' of Lamarck & Willdenow, or very near it. Their plant appears to want the many awlshaped leaves of the common calyx, or involucrum. A 'Campanula' appears to be 'C. minor ['minima'] africana, erini facie &c', Hermann Leigd. Bot. 108. t. 111, erroneously cited by Linnaeus for his 'C. erinoides'; has this plant from Sierra Leone. Does not have his 'Hyptis' under that genus, does not seem to be any of Willdenow's.

The Linnean Society of London
Sir James Edward Smith
William Swainson
7 Mar 1819
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/MS273/3, The Linnean Society of London

Happy to draw up a paper of "Plantae Brasilienses"; does not anticipate it being very difficult, having the Linnaean herbarium, all of Rublet's specimens, and Commerson's; impossible for anyone to do such a work without seeing those specimens. However, his next work must "absolutely be a British Flora in English long promised", so cannot undertake Swainson's work at present, and is also pressed by "Flora Graeca". Believes the 'Graminae' would be the most difficult part.

Encloses specimen of handwriting of Linnaeus. Cannot think of any other person, except [Robert] Brown, "who cannot do half he is engaged in", competent enough to do what Swainson wants, "as it ought to be done".

The Linnean Society of London