Search: Anderson, James in author 
Anderson, James in correspondent 
Smith, James Edward in correspondent 
1790-1799 in date 
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Linnean Society of London in repository 
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James Anderson
Sir James Edward Smith
21 May 1794
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/1/42, The Linnean Society of London

Sending seeds of 'Morus satarica', 'Morus anhubrida', 'Rheum caspidum', and 'Pallaspier caspica', from Taurida, Crimean Tartary, that he was sent by [Peter Simon] Pallas of St Petersburg. Has received some "curious specimens of new manufactory" including a felt hat made from the down of 'Typha angustifolia' or 'Palustres' and hare fur. A useful discovery as he had been unaware that even a proportion of vegetable matter could be felted and believes that similar use may be made of Smith's "silky cottons" from Sierra Leone and short cotton wool of the West Indies. Also received a "kind of wadd" made from 'Typha', "light as a feather and extremely warm if quilted between folds of cloth". Believes a similar effect could be achieved with with long, feathery seeds from Sierra Leone.

The Linnean Society of London
James Anderson
Sir James Edward Smith
6 Feb 1797
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/1/43, The Linnean Society of London

Difficulties of training and educating Smith's "young friend", Mr Johnes, in agriculture. Disinclined to send him to Edinburgh or Glasgow as knowledge in philosophy "is of no use in life [and] serves to make a man conceited and dogmatical". Criticises those teachers who speculate on agriculture from a distance and relates his own treatise on the proper education for a farmer. Requests Smith's help in locating a former correspondent from whom he once received a sample of "Peruvian wool". Concern for the health of Miss Johnes. Has just received from Dr [James] Anderson in India a sample of wool of a "bright golden yellow"; had it been found near Colchis it "might have been supposed to be the golden fleece".

The Linnean Society of London