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George Don
Sir James Edward Smith
13 Jul 1801
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/GD/56, The Linnean Society of London

Numbered observations on enclosed specimens, requests Smith's opinion: 1. a 'Galium' [Smith annotation: "'G. veri' var?"]; 2. a 'Carex' [Smith annotation: "'recurva'"]; 3. a 'Euphorbia' [Smith annotation: "'portlandica'"]; 4. a 'Bryum'; 5. a 'Bryum', possibly 'B. elongatum' of [James] Dickson [Smith annotation: "yes"]; 6. a 'Stellaria' he has cultivated for 2 years [Smith annotation: "'scapigera'"]; 7. a 'Fistula' found growing among roots of 'Arundo arenaria' in 1796 [Smith annotation: "'rubra'"]; 8. supposed 'Torritus alpina', found with 'Carex' no.2.; 9. an 'Achillea' quite distinct from 'A. alpina'.

The Linnean Society of London
George Don
Sir James Edward Smith
23 Dec 1801
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/GD/57, The Linnean Society of London

Thanks for information in Smith's last letter; discusses confusion regarding his and [John] Mackay's [(1772-1802), employed at Dickson nursery, Edinburgh] specimens of 'Thlaspi hirtum' and discovery of the plant; discusses "certain people" taking the credit for plant discoveries when not due, and Dr [John] Walker's [(1731-1803)], professor of natural history at Edinburgh, subsequent guardedness over his herbarium; his dissatisfaction with Mackay and [Robert] Brown over claiming credit.

Numbered observations on enclosed plants: 1. a 'Potomogeton'; 2. a 'Juncus'; 3. an 'Arenaria'; 4. 'Epilobium cordifolium', believes it distinct from the normal 'E. cordifolium'; 5. a 'Carex'; 6. a 'Calatouche'; 7. a 'Cochelaria'; 8. 'Saxifraga nivalis'; 9. a 'Peziza' found on leaves of 'Carex pulla'; 10. a 'Lycoperdon'; 11. 'Bryum ricursotum'; 12. a new 'Bryum'; 13. nondescript 'Hypnum', proposes name 'H. alpinum'; 14. nondescript 'Hypnum'; 15. 'Bryum nudum'; 16. 'Splachnum purpureum'; 17. 'Splachnum ovatum'; 18. 'Hypnum asplenioides'; 'Stellaria scopigera'; 19. a 'Phascum' which he calls 'P. maritium' [Smith annotation: "'Gymnost[omum]'"] ; 20. a 'Polytrichum'; 21. a 'Lichen' gathered with no.11 [Smith annotation: "'crenulata'"]; 22. nondescript 'Helvela'; 23. a 'Hypnum' resembling 'H. fontinalis'; 24. a 'Bryum' [Smith annotation: "'rufescens"]; 25. a 'Peziza' found growing on 'Urtica dioica'; 26. a 'Boletus'; 27. a 'Sergula'.

Included as many cryptogams as possible, knowing Smith is working on that part of "Flora Britannica".

The Linnean Society of London