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George Don
Sir James Edward Smith
15 Apr 1802
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/GD/1, The Linnean Society of London

Thanks for letter of 6 March [1802], comments on dispute with [Arthur] Bruce [(c 1725-1805), land surveyor] over discovery of 'Convallaria verticillata'.

Numbered observations on 42 enclosed moss specimens [extant], including: 1. 'Orthotrichum saxatile'; 2. 'O. piliferum'; 3. 'O. tortuaforum'; 4. 'O.striatum'; 5. 'O. rupestre'; 6. 'O. obtusifolium'; 7. like 'O. saxatile'; 8-9. two unknown 'Phascum'; 10. 'P. corvicoulor'; 11. 'P. inundatum'; 12. 'Riccia fructicosa'; 13. possible 'Bryum splachnoides'; 14. unknown 'Lepidium'; 15. 'B. fasciculare' or 'B. paucifolium'; 16. 'Hedwigia fasciulatum'; 17-18. two unknown 'Bryum'; 19. unknown 'Hypnum'; 20. 'Splachnum rugosum'; 21. unknown 'Spalchnum'; 22. 'S. breviranum'; 23. 'S. vasculosa'; 24. 'S. mnioides'; 25. 'S. breviranum'; 26. 'Bryum tenuis'; 27. 'B. brevifolium'; 28. 'B. lineare'; 29. 'B.scoparium'; 30-32. three unknown 'Bryum'; 33. 'B. septentrionale'; 34. 'Polytrichum gracile'; 35. unknown 'Polytrichum'; 36. 'B. uncoides'; 37-38. new 'Bryum'; 39 'Hypnum filiforme'; 40. unknown 'Hypnum'; 41. unknown 'Lichen'; 42. unknown 'Hypnum'.

Requests English moss specimens. Would like to purchase Smith's book on cryptogams when it is published.

42 specimens of mosses, numbered.

The Linnean Society of London
George Don
Sir James Edward Smith
12 Apr 1802
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/GD/4, The Linnean Society of London

Despite not having received responses to either the letter he wrote to Smith some time ago or specimens of flowering 'Saxifraga' he sent to [James] Sowerby and Cambridge three years ago, he now encloses 'Saxifraga' specimens [extant] for Smith's opinion.

Numbered observations on enclosed specimens [extant]: 1. 'Saxifraga' [Smith annotation: "'caespitosa'"]; 2. 'Saxifraga' [Smith annotation: "'palmata'"]; 'Saxifraga' [Smith annotation: "'hypnoides'"]; 4. nondescript 'Saxifraga'; 5. 'Saxifraga' [Smith annotation: "unknown to me"]; 6. 'Viola protea' [Smith annotation: "perhaps Mr Crowe's new one"]; 7. 'Potentilla verna' [Smith annotation: "? 'verna'"]; 8. 'Potentilla' [Smith annotation: "'verna'"]; 9. 'Potentilla' [Smith annotation: "'aurea'"]; 10. 'Potentilla' [Smith annotation: "new?"]; 11. 'Bryum'.

14 numbered specimens: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10.

The Linnean Society of London
George Don
Sir James Edward Smith
14 Apr [1802]
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/GD/55, The Linnean Society of London

Introduces Mr Simmonds, who is studying medicine in Edinburgh; he is fond of natural history and has studied marine animals. Encloses specimen of 'Poa flexuosa' in rare state, collected from Ben Nevis in June 1794, a moss believed to be 'Fontinalis capillacea', and 'Marchantia androgyna'.

Three specimens, 1 grass and two mosses.

The Linnean Society of London