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Sir Thomas Frankland
Sir James Edward Smith
9 Nov 1807
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/15/34, The Linnean Society of London

Unoffended by rejection of his paper by Linnean Society and amused by their "squeamishness" over the passage playing on Mr [Lilly?] Wigg's [(1749-1829), clerk in Dawson Turner's bank] name, even though it was omitted and both Smith and Dawson Turner found it unexceptionable, though uncertain whether the attack he made on Mr S's paper [possibly Richard Salisbury] caused this rejection. Will send illustrative specimens to Smith and print the paper privately.

On 1 September broke his inner gastrocnemius muscle and it has recovered from bandaging alone, as advised by Mr Home.

The Linnean Society of London
Sir Thomas Frankland
Sir James Edward Smith
11 Nov 1807
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/15/35, The Linnean Society of London

Encloses list [extant] of specimens prepared for his rejected paper, with note against each whether sent or not: 'Ulva fusca', 'U. purpurascens', 'U. rubens', 'U. rubra', 'Fucus concatenatus', 'F. faniculaceus', 'F. abrotanifolius', 'F. fibrosus', 'F. tamariscifolia', 'F. linearis', 'F. crispatus', 'F. bifidus', 'F. mutlifidus', 'F. obtusus', 'F. [filiminus]', 'F. cartilagineus', 'F. confervoides', 'F. capillaris', 'Conferva furriculacea', 'C. nigra', 'C. setacea', 'C. elongata', 'C. rubra', 'C. pellucida', 'C. nigresscens', C. fuccides', and 'C. pararitica'.

Weather lore: received "infallible prelude" of an approaching storm yesterday by rooks collecting in a small compass on the ground before going to roost: "their appearance between 4 & 5 yesterday afternoon was almost terrible, at about 200 yards from the house", similarly their collecting on the highest trees before going to roost is a certain predicition of a fair day.

The Linnean Society of London
Sir Thomas Frankland
Sir James Edward Smith
20 Nov 1807
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/15/36, The Linnean Society of London

Praises figures of willows and 'Conferva' in last received number of "English Botany" and answers questions on latter: ignorant of [William] Hudson's 'Conferva multifida; convinced 'C. equisetifolia' of "English Botany" is Hudson's 'C. imbricata' as Hudson sent him decayed specimen of it from Margate, [Kent]; figure of 'C. barbata' refers to Ellis' 'C. florisera' "Phil. Trans", if this means 'C. flosculosa' it belongs to 'C. setacea' as pointed out in his paper that Hudson misapplied it to 'C. rubra'.

Mr Rarhleigh sent him undoubted specimen of 'Rivularia [vermiculata]' and there is a similar at [Aylmer Bourke] Lambert's written upon by Hudson "'Ulva s.n.'".

Note at top of recto of first folio: "sea goldbeater's skin enclosed - alias young membranaceous Fucus".

The Linnean Society of London