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Samuel Goodenough
Sir James Edward Smith
11 Mar 1787
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/11/8, The Linnean Society of London

Received Smith's letter of 13 January. Account of the recent politics: his opinion of the imminent commercial treaty with France; hopes it will allow for natural history exports but uncertain of its long term prospects; account of current political state of the measure. Proceedings in Parliament including call for impeachment of [Warren] Hastings [(1732-1818), Governor-General of India 1773-1785] by [William] Pitt (1759-1806), Prime Minister 1783-1801 & 1804-1806] and others. Lord Mansfield is angry that Sir Lloyd Kenyon has been appointed to succeed him and refuses to resign and wishes for Buller instead. Dimisses a very a popular pamphlet [by Sir Nathaniel William Wraxall] called "A Short Review of the Political State of Great Britain" as "a jumble of the best sort of coffee house conversation". Portugal considered very inferior at the moment but Ministry very much perplexed by Irish affairs as the treaty says France is to be "the most favour'd nation".

Busy amusing himself with the idea of their new [Linnean] Society, which must replace "the present gross body" [Society for the Promotion of Natural History]. Critiques its activities which "go on in the usual way of having a fossil or plant go round the table, nothing is or can be said upon it - it is referr'd to a committee to consider of it" and then sent back and forth between Society and committee. Certain that if Sir Joseph Banks was not president of the Royal Society he would join [Thomas] Marsham, Smith, and himself in the new Society. Goodenough's "Systema Accentuatum" ready for the press but shall not print until Smith returns to England; he and Marsham have described 200 new species. Sent seeds received from West Indies to Kew, also received grasses. Currently setting up his insect cabinet with a collection of "some hundreds".

Hopes Smith sees [Carlo] Allioni; greatly admires his natural history work. Calls [Lazzaro] Spallanzani [(1729-1799), physiologist] a "rascal"; detests a natural history thief "beyond all possible theives" [Scopoli dispute]. Requests 'Curculis paraplecticus' and 'Agrostis minima'.

The Linnean Society of London
Samuel Goodenough
Sir James Edward Smith
13 Aug 1787
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/11/9, The Linnean Society of London

Critices the Society for the Promotion of Natural History for "dron[ing] on in its usual course" and particularly for a shambolic lecture by Dr Pitcairn on a new arrangement of shells. [Emanuel Mendez] da Costa [(1717-1791), naturalist] was at the meeting and "enjoyed everything said against Linnaeus", he had a paper on the fossil and living 'Asteria' which he would not deliver to the Society as intends to publish it himself.

Found a 'Cicada aurita', said to be a German insect, 'Silpha germanica', and many previously undescribed insects, further activity hindered by multiple attacks of gout in the summer. Travelling to Hastings, Sussex, on Saturday to collect new insects. Filling his insect cabinet with [Thomas] Marsham and [William] Jones' assistance, latter acquiring 200 lepidoptera for him. Purchased [Carlo] Allioni's "Stirpes Piedmontana". Has set his writing-master to copy the defect in second volume of De Geer, a work he loves. Advises Smith to study closely [Joseph Pitton de] Tournefort's [(1656-1708)] herbarium and not to bother smuggling any French wine home as their is now an over-supply. Anxiety over the issue of affairs in Holland, many positive that there will be war, it is said [William] Pitt approves it but a "Great Personage" is against it, a few months ago they were of contrary opinions.

Envies Smith for the sights he has seen, and to have 'Orchis abortiva' and 'Orchis coriophora'. Has heard that the Oxford Botanical Garden is in a "terrible condition". Glad Smith left Pavia before publication of his translation of Linnaeus' "Dissertation on the sexes of plants" as [Lazzaro] Spallanzani [(1729-1799), physiologist] would "assassinate" him.

The Linnean Society of London