Search: Hardwicke, Thomas in author 
Hardwicke, Thomas in correspondent 
1810-1819::1811 in date 
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Linnean Society of London in repository 
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Thomas Hardwicke
Sir James Edward Smith
8 Feb 1811
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/22/84, The Linnean Society of London

Received Smith's letter of 24 April [1810]. Suffering from severe headaches, for which he has just returned from a retreat in the upper provinces; was unable to pursue any natural history inclinations and has become a "much worse botanist" than when he left England; preparing to visit the Cape [of Good Hope] or St Helena for the headaches, and will also visit England if they persist. Whilst at Cawnpore found 'Rhododendrun boorans' for Calcutta Botanic Garden and Marquis of Blandford [George Spencer-Churchill]; [William] Roxburgh sending drawing taken from dried specimen. Also found: 'Berberris ilicifolia', 'Rubus' with yellow fruit, a 'Quercus', 'Pinus longifolia', and a 'Betula'. Transplanted a tree from Cawnpore to Calcutta Botanic Garden, Roxburgh thinks it a 'Humea'; observations.

Has a specimen of 'Breccia' or pudding stone, a mineral, for Sir Joseph Banks. Pleased to hear of Banks' desire to establish a Botanic Garden at Ceylon. Concerned to hear of [Robert] Brown's desertion of the Linnaean School.

The Linnean Society of London
Thomas Hardwicke
Sir James Edward Smith
21 May 1811
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/22/85, The Linnean Society of London

Left Bengal for restoration of his health and long abscence from that climate. Intends to tour the island and examine its natural productions. Sent a cabinet of insects of Bengal and surrounding sea coasts for the Linnean Society; details concerning its delivery. Intends to stay on Mauritius for 4 months before going on to Cape [of Good Hope], and may be in England next summer. Observations on climate. Accompanied by Captain Roughsedge of Liverpool.

The Linnean Society of London