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Konig, Charles Dietrich Eberhard in correspondent 
Smith, James Edward in correspondent 
1800-1809 in date 
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Charles Dietrich Eberhard Konig
Sir James Edward Smith
7 Nov 1804
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/23/36, The Linnean Society of London

Sending Smith numbers of "Annals of Botany" "merely a small mark of the great respect due to [Smith] from every votary of botany"; requests Smith's advice for its improvement; will make room for any paper by Smith, requirements of this. The specimen of the inflorescence of a gynandrous plant Smith sent is of the new genus mentioned in note to [Olof] Swartz paper, but unable to identify the species; [Ferdinand] Bauer [(1760-1826), botanical artist] has drawn two similar plants at Kew; proposes name 'Venenatia'; dismisses [Adam] Afzelius claim of that name for Sierra Leone genus. Believes Wendland and Schrader named plant after Baron Hake ['Hakea'], Hanoverian director of Herrenhausen garden, merely to flatter him. Comments on plan of [Martin] Vahl's [(1749-1804), botanist] "Enumeratio Plantarum". Asks Smith publicly acknowledge receipt of [Edmund] Davall's herbarium in "Annals of Botany".

The Linnean Society of London
Charles Dietrich Eberhard Konig
Sir James Edward Smith
26 Nov 1804
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/23/37, The Linnean Society of London

Received Smith's paper on "difficult set of plants" [for "Annals of Botany"]; wishes Smith had added specific characters to Andrew's species; agrees that 'Anotium' constitutes a genus but there are errors in referencing. Asks if attached specimen from Kew [extant] is a new species of 'Gompholobium'. Discusses 'Chorizema' [in reference to Smith's paper]; advises Smith to quote French original of Labillardiére's "Voyage"; a new species of 'Chorizema' with juster claim to name 'C. ilicifolium', encloses leaf [extant] to illustrate. Discusses drawings of fructification of Smith's genus. Mislaid his notes on the new gynandrous genus but will publish it as 'Ventenatia' at first opportunity.

A drawing of 'Ipomopsis elegans' by Mrs Delany is at Sir Joseph Banks'. In reference to Smith's paper, Banks' points out that is [Daniel] Solander had lived he would have arranged the plants in question, and that the two Forsters have never been at New Holland. Wonders who "this Caley" is, as he is not the Botany Bay [George] Caley [(1770-1829), botanist].

Specimen, possible 'Gompholobium'.

Small fragment of a plant, labelled "'Daviesia acicularis'?".

The Linnean Society of London
Charles Dietrich Eberhard Konig
Sir James Edward Smith
23 Mar 1805
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/23/38, The Linnean Society of London

Thanks for Smith's paper for "Annals of Botany", which will appear in the next number, currently delayed. Reminds Smith of his intention to name a plant alluded to in a paper on the irritability of the sexual organs of plants. Discusses wording of title of "Flora Graeca". Death of [Martin] Vahl [(1749-1804), botanist], regrets this on account of strength of his ["Enumeratio plantarum"] vol 1. Death of [Heinrich] Noehden.

The Linnean Society of London
Charles Dietrich Eberhard Konig
Sir James Edward Smith
8 Jan 1806
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/23/39, The Linnean Society of London

Received Smith's letter of 10 December [1805]. Surprised that Smith's "antagonist" [Richard Salisbury] has taken his "animosity so very far"; believes there may be more than botanical causes for the schism and that Salisbury is "again brewing something" against Smith; Smith's use of [Jean-Jacques] Rousseau [(1712-1778), philosopher] motto in second volume of "Exotic botany" will perpetuate the "unworthy affair".

No original specimen of 'Plinia' in Sir Joseph Banks' herbarium; the plant they consider the same is specimen sent by [Alexander] Anderson [(1748?-1811), botanist] from West Indies, sending Anderson's description and drawing [extant]. Expects "Annals of Botany" to cease publication with next number as it is proving to be a losing concern. Salisbury has offered a paper on splitting of 'Ornithogalum' into two genera, calling one 'Gagea' after Sir Thomas Gage. Parcel for Smith from Willdenow; he wishes for the new British 'Salix'.

[Postscript] Specimens, descriptions, and drawings brought from New Holland by [Robert] Brown and [Ferdinand Lucas] Bauer [(1760-1826), botanical artist] "are by far the most excellent that ever resulted from any expedition", numbers exceed 2000. Proposes new genus 'Brunonia' in Brown's honour. [Ambroise] Beauvois [(1752-1820)] has given name 'Ventenatia' to a genus of 'Malvacca', at Ventenat's own choice; proposes Smith's 'Ventenatia' as genus for Brown.

Drawing and description of 'Plinia'.

The Linnean Society of London
Charles Dietrich Eberhard Konig
Sir James Edward Smith
24 Mar 1806
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/23/40, The Linnean Society of London

Contrary to [James] Sowerby's statement, he did not intend to imply he would defend Smith in print against [Richard] Salisbury's pamphlet ["The generic characters in the English Botany" (1806)], but has been openly giving his opinion in conversation. Warns Smith against responding in any of his works as it would perpetuate the "disgraceful affair". Glad to hear "Florae Graecae prodromus" is printing, but sorry to hear Smith's health not good enough to lecture at Royal Institution.

The Linnean Society of London
Charles Dietrich Eberhard Konig
Sir James Edward Smith
9 Oct 1808
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/23/42, The Linnean Society of London

Further discussion of controverted passage in the "Monthly Magazine"; believes it may only be a figure of speech; regret of the writer in offending Smith. Has completely relinquished idea of reviving "Annals [of Botany]"; miscommunication between himself and Dr [John] Sims. [Jonas] Dryander working on new edition of "Hortus Kewensis".

The Linnean Society of London
Charles Dietrich Eberhard Konig
Sir James Edward Smith
3 Oct 1809
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/23/43, The Linnean Society of London

Just returned from trip to Brighton, [Sussex]. Proposes to publish a quarterly journal on natural history covering all three brances; details of plan for Smith's opinion. Asks Smith to undertake the botanical section and recommend the whole to Longman and Rees [publishers].

The Linnean Society of London