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Aylmer Bourke Lambert
Sir James Edward Smith
9 Aug 1802
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/6/28, The Linnean Society of London

Habitat of 'Bromus arvensis' which is growing in his own fields along with 'Lolium perenne'. Received seeds and ferns from Jamaica. Received letter from [Jacques-Julien de] Labillardière who has been commissioned by French government to publish natural history of his voyage [to Australia]. Extract from Labillardière's letter, in French, on his appreciation of England, and on the chemist Guiton Morreau [Louis-Bernard Guyton-Morveau (1737-1816)]. Could not find 'Bromus erectus' for [William Fitt] Drake. A life of Cyrillus [5th century Greek jurist] in August's "Monthly Magazine". [Richard] Salisbury has found twenty new species of 'Erica' in [Lambert's] plants from the Cape [of Good Hope], intends including them in a supplement to his paper on the same.

The Linnean Society of London
Aylmer Bourke Lambert
Sir James Edward Smith
24 Sep 1802
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/6/29, The Linnean Society of London

Thanks for Smith's offer for assitance in completing his book ["Description of the genus Pinus"]. Pleased Smith has "settled the willows". Letter from [Jacques-Julien de] Labillardière who is sending a packet of plants by [Karl Friedrich von] Gaertner [(1772-1850)], comments that he is successfully following his father's career [Joseph Gaertner (1732-1791)] and is to visit England. Has a "fine copy" of [Johann] Hedwig's "Mus." ["Species muscorum"?] should Smith wish to borrow it. The Secretary to the English embassy in Naples, [Italy], is sending plants of 'Papyrus' and seeds, also informed by him that [John] Graeffer [(1746-1802), gardener to Queen of Naples] is dead, will send any plants they desire. A young draughtsman [unnamed] from Bath copying plates lent by Smith.

The Linnean Society of London
Aylmer Bourke Lambert
Sir James Edward Smith
5 Oct 1802
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/6/30, The Linnean Society of London

Received collection of plants from New South Wales, Australia, from Governor [Arthur] Philip [(1738-1814) first governor of New South Wales] including 'Metrosideros' and 'Melaleuca', offers to send them, they are not in "White's collection". Encloses 'Emobothrium' [Smith has annotated underneath "'myricifolium'"]. Also a parcel of New Zealand plants from Dusky Bay, most are Forster's, offers to send. Apparently training a young man in botany, he is currently learning French.

The Linnean Society of London
Aylmer Bourke Lambert
Sir James Edward Smith
29 Nov 1802
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/6/31, The Linnean Society of London

Pleased to hear Smith has [Edmund] Davall's herbarium. Is currently organising his Cape [of Good Hope] plants from [William] Roxburgh and [Arthur] Philip [(1738-1814) first governor of New South Wales], will give Smith duplicates. Letters arrived from the "Investigator" [Matthew Flinders' expedition to map Australian coast], surprise that they have already surveyed the unknown part of coast of New Holland from [?] to Bass Straits. [Ferdinand] Bauer [(1760-1826)] has made 360 drawings of new plants. A box of seeds has been sent. Asks of Smith's progress reviewing manuscript for Lambert's book "Description of the genus Pinus". Received books from Spain including complete works of [Antonio José] Cavanilles and fourth voulme of "Flora Peruviana", comments on the 'Alstroemeria' described therein. [Karl Friedrich von] Gaertner [(1772-1850)] is visiting and working on his herbarium. A group of Spaniards are currently in England and planning to travel to the interior of Africa, including [Simon de Roxas] Clemente [y Rubio]. Has fourteen numbers of "Annals of Natural History" from Spain. Encloses an unspecified item sent by the late Snelgrove of Norwich. Thanks Smith for herrings.

The Linnean Society of London
Aylmer Bourke Lambert
Sir James Edward Smith
27 Dec 1802
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/6/32, The Linnean Society of London

As Smith's printer unable to undertake printing of "A description of the genus Pinus" will have Bensley do it, asks Smith to arrange. Asks Smith to correct synonyms in the manuscript. Will send specimens of 'Pinus cedrus', asks what Smith has done about 'Zizaria'. Manuscript "Life of Linnaeus" now with [William George] Maton. Received letter from [Antonio José] Cavanilles who is about to publish twenty-four genera of ferns. Longs to hear what Smith means "relating to a certain friend" who has taken the chair at last two Linnean Society meetings. Settled in their Grosvenor Street house. Received specimens of 'Papyrus' from Sicily, which is the same as the one from Egypt, divided it with Sir Jospeh Banks.

The Linnean Society of London