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Thomas Marsham
Sir James Edward Smith
28 Jan 1788
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/24/6, The Linnean Society of London

Encloses copy of rules [of the Linnean Society], as settled at Smith's house; most members agree. Asks Smith for names of other possible members, including [William] Hudson, [John] Lightfoot, and [Aylmer Bourke] Lambert.

The Linnean Society of London
Thomas Marsham
Sir James Edward Smith
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/24/7, The Linnean Society of London

Asks Smith to determine arrangements for Linnean Society dinner and meeting. His opinion of prospective members, including: [John] Lightfoot, Macie, and Forsyth. [John] Latham joined immediately, and Dr John Sims has also joined.

The Linnean Society of London
Thomas Marsham
Sir James Edward Smith
1 Sep 1786
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/ADD/53, The Linnean Society of London

Received Smith's letter of 23 [August 1786]. All were anxious for Smith's health, particularly Dr [Samuel] Goodenough, who is now out of London on a natural history excursion with [William] Curtis. They have been unable to see Sir Joseph Banks. Pleased by Smith's zeal for the "new Society" [Linnean Society]; fears [William] Jones will not become a member; [William] Forsyth [(1737-1804)] happier to "weed the old rather than plant a new garden" [in reference to Society for Promotion of Natural History]; soon expects that Society to fold considering the lack of papers or specimens received recently. Promises to send Smith any insect duplicates he does not first send to [Nils Samuel] Swederus [(1751-1833), Swedish naturalist], who has complained of the collections at Paris.

The Linnean Society of London
Thomas Marsham
Sir James Edward Smith
21 Sep 1786
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/ADD/54, The Linnean Society of London

Received Smith's letter of 8 [September 1786]. Recovering from a sprained ankle. Gratified by Smith's attention to "the New Society" [Linnean Society], but wishes to continue in the old Society [Society for the Promotion of Natural History] until at least their Anniversary meeting, as he is one of the Presidents until that time; will ensure Smith is not elected one. Unable to see Sir Joseph Banks until November.

Pleased to hear of Smith's intended trip to Italy; laments the loss of his Latin and inability to speak French, hopes to rectify this one day. Received samples of [Thomas] Martyn's projected work on insects ["The English entomologist" (1792)], on which he has offered his assistance; as Martyn is not an entomologist and will not be describing insects it will not affect his own projected work ["Entomologia Britannica" (1802)]. Requests a good print of Linnaeus. Requests any new edition of [Giovanni] Scopoli's work. Would like to see Smith's interview with [Lazzaro] Spallanzani's [(1729-1799), natural historian] following publication of his treatise [Smith's translation of Linnaeus' "A dissertation on the sexes of plantson dispute" (1786)]. Death of [Henry] Smeathman [(1742-1786), explorer and entomologist] of a putrid fever. Requests specimens of English 'Lepidoptera'.

The Linnean Society of London
Thomas Marsham
Sir James Edward Smith
5 Mar 1787
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/ADD/55, The Linnean Society of London

Received Smith's letter of 2 [February 1787]. Regrets not seeing their "mutual best friend", [Samuel] Goodenough, as much as he would like to; they have described about 200 new British insect species but struggle without reference to the Linnaean collections. He has not said anything of the new Society [Linnean Society] other than to [John] Lyon of Dover, [Kent], who has despaired of the present one [Society for the Promotion of Natural History] and is committed to the new.

Showed Sir Joseph Banks the section of Smith's letter concerning [Lazzaro] Spallanzani [(1729-1799), natural historian] [on dispute between Spallanzani and Giovanni Scopoli over mismanagement of the Univsersity of Pavia museum; Smith was a supporter of Scopoli]; Banks read it aloud to the gentlemen present, including [William] Hudson, L'Héritier, [Olof] Swartz, and [Jonas] Dryander. Swartz has been collecting Jamaican plants and is comparing them with Banks' West India herbarium.

Thanks Smith for obtaining some of his 'Lepidotera' desiderata; requests further species. Progress of [William] Jones figures of same; received parcel of insects from China but only contained two 'Papilio' not yet figured by Jones. Discusses [John] Latham's "Le Courent Bris" from his ["General synopsis of birds"]. [James] Dickson had a successful natural history excursion in north of Britain but all his findings were lost in wreck off Dutch coast. A valuable new entomological correspondent, and others.

Publication of [William] Curtis' "Botanical Magazine". Recent appointments, including at [Society for Promotion of Natural History] and East India Company. Wishes he could have joined Smith on his "7 golden days" in Florence; wishes he had an independent fortune of his own and thinks Smith's situation a "most enchanting one". Comments on Spallanzani and Scopoli dispute.

The Linnean Society of London