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Sir James Edward Smith
Pleasance Smith
25 Oct 1797
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/16/40, The Linnean Society of London

Arrived safely at Hafod and gives details of his journey from Gloucestershire, including visit to Gloucester cathedral, overnight stay at Abergavenny, and Welsh hospitality. His patient, Mariamne Johnes, "looks more healthy than last year"; the "projection of her back is rounder, not sharp" with no appearance of any matter making its way out as feared, and the machine has "done wonders" and though its maker, Jones, has managed her well he is a drunkard. Mr Tait, an architect, is staying.

[Letter incomplete: text missing, presumed destroyed]

The Linnean Society of London
Sir James Edward Smith
Thomas Jenkinson Woodward
28 Aug 1795-31 Aug 1795
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/18/100, The Linnean Society of London

Describes his journey from Norwich to Wales, via Worcester, Ludlow, where he saw 'Inula helenium', Bishop's Castle, New Town, and Aberystwyth. Praises setting and interior of Johnes' house. Johnes' daughter, [Mariamne Johnes], "though not above 10 years of age has taken a wonderful turn for botany & entomology"; her skills. Disappointed by botany in Wales, observing only common plants of hilly, not alpine countries, and mosses and lichens chiefly of the tree kind: 'Lichen laetevirens', 'L. glomuliferus', 'L. scrobienlatus', 'L. sylvaticus', 'L. resupinatus', 'L. plumbens' all common, found one 'L. perlatus' in fructification, 'Hypericum dubium' lately observed near Worcester is one of the common things here, thinks it overlooked for 'H. perforatum'.

The Johnes' family are the "guardian angels of the country", and consequently not liked by the neighbouring gentry, "who want to keep up all the old tyrannic notions, & never think of other people's starving"; [Thomas] Johnes lately imported a ship-load of wheat from Bristol to sell at a loss. Harvest here and all over the country is "fine"; hop-grounds of Shropshire "are beautiful". Sends 'Hypericum dubium' and 'Gnaphalium' which he took to be the true 'H. sylvaticum' but must be 'H. rectum' of "English botany".

Following his stay at Hafod intends to visit Dr Parr at Llandilo and then his aunt and her grandchildren at Bath. Lack of limestone, chalk, or gravel here leaves the flora poor, with 'Solidago virgaurea', 'Serratula tinctoria', and 'Hypericum dubium' growing prodigiously. [Andrew] Caldwell disappointed of his Guernsey expedition. Johnes' expensive taste in literature.

The Linnean Society of London
Sir James Edward Smith
Thomas Jenkinson Woodward
11 May 1790
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/18/40, The Linnean Society of London

Glad that Woodward was not more seriously injured in his coach accident; now thinks of their parting jokes as "almost criminal"; hopes Woodward prosecutes the coach operator for taking so many people on board. Reveals when he was 20 years old it was discovered that he had broken his collarbone at some point in his childhood. He was recently at Sir Joseph Banks' when [Charles Godfrey] Woide [(1725-1790)] of the [British] Museum suffered an apoplectic fit; he died shortly after.

[Letter incomplete: second folio cropped, only three lines of text remain]

The Linnean Society of London
Sir James Edward Smith
Thomas Jenkinson Woodward
29 Nov 1790
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/18/43, The Linnean Society of London

Pleased Woodward's health is recovering; does not doubt health benefits of taking quicksilver, though as he does not understand how it works he ought to deny its usefulness.

His "Icones pictae" and "Spicilegium botanicum" both soon published. [Samuel] Goodenough in London tomorrow for Royal Society anniversary meeting; looking forward to seeing the Crowes. Ordered continuation of Bulliard's ["Histoire des champignons"] for Woodward some time ago from L'Héritier but he is now extremely busy. "Linnean Transactions" vol 1 out by Christmas. Glad Woodward is thinking of coming to London in the spring. Still working on ferns; for the genus 'Woodwardia' only has species 'W. nodosa' and 'W. alata', disproves of name of former. Thanks for drawing of 'Lycoperdon phalloides', which will be in first number of "Spicilegium botanicum". Writing the text for [James] Sowerby's "English botany", on plan of [William] Curtis' "Magazine", for free, till he sees whether it succeeds or not; its motto from Virgil; contents of first number.

The Linnean Society of London
Sir James Edward Smith
Thomas Jenkinson Woodward
2 Jul 1791
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/18/50, The Linnean Society of London

Disappointed Woodward is not coming to London, he will only have a short time himself in Norfolk. Printing difficulties of "Linnean Transactions" vol 1. "Flora Lapponica" printing, it will be the "most correct edition" ever of any of Linnaeus' works; describes his work on it. Working on "Spicilegium botanicum" letterpress; "English botany" "sells amazingly" and is unlikely to stop. [William] Curtis said to be in difficulties. Sends third fasciculus of "Icones [pictae]", containing 'Fucus inflatus' and 'Agrostis capillaris'.

Dined with [Edmund] Burke's [(1730-1797), politician] brother yesterday at the [William Henry Cavendish-Bentinck, 3rd] Duke of Portland's [(1738-1809)]. [James] Dickson's next two fascicules will complete his work ["A collection of dried plants..", see RelatedMatieral below].

The Linnean Society of London
Sir James Edward Smith
Thomas Jenkinson Woodward
19 Dec 1791
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/18/51, The Linnean Society of London

Thanks for present of game. For his paper on ferns asks Woodward whether he prefers the genus they agreed, 'Asplenium nodosum', not common in gardens, or 'Trichomanes canariense', which is; if Woodward chooses the 'Asplenium' he will name the other 'Davallia', otherwise will call the 'Asplenium' 'Porocarpus'.

Continuing work on his "Tour of the Continent"; has been "very ample" in his account of [Jean Jacques] Rousseau [(1712-1778), philosopher] and had intended to attempt an apology for him until seeing Capel Lofft's [(1751-1824), radical editor and writer] "most eloquent & sufficient" defence of him against [Edmund] Burke [(1730-1797), politician]. Recently received many specimens from Botany Bay; difficulty of settling natural order of some. Second fasciculus of "Icones pictae" printing and last two fasciculus of Dickson's "dried plants" will complete the work. 'Ligusticum cornubiense' figured in next fasciculus of "Icones pictae". Sorry for recurrence of Woodward's old complaint, urges him to come to London for medical advice.

The Linnean Society of London
Sir James Edward Smith
Thomas Jenkinson Woodward
17 Feb 1792
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/18/53, The Linnean Society of London

Sends "Flora Lapponica" and final fasciculus of Dickson's "dried plants", "Icones pictae" delayed; Woodward's account. Sends specimens of 'Iberis amara' and 'Lycoperdon cancellatum' of Jacquin and Linnaeus "Supplementum" he found on pear leaves at Sir Abraham Hume's in Hertfordshire, which he almost certainly the work of insects. Thanks for turkey, on which he, [Samuel] Goodenough, and [Jonas] Dryander dined, and letters of 28 December [1791] and 5 January [1792]: intends to create the genera 'Woodwardia', 'Davallia', and 'Dicksonia' to go "hand in hand"; [William] Withering's election to Linnean Society "unanimous"; does not know [William] Sole except by name; thinks Woodward's disorder is gout. Only giving copies of "Flora Lapponica" to a few country friends and directing everyone else to purchase it from White's, as they print it at their "hazard & expense".

Arranging the Queen's [Charlotte of Mecklenburg-Strelitz (1744-1818)] herbarium, late [John] Lightfoot's, on introduction and advice of Lady Cremorne and [Samuel] Goodenough; refusing payment; the Queen's character; is to give her and the Princesses a course of botany in the summer; expects a visit from the Queen. Studying Lightfoot's herbarium will be useful for his "Flora Britannica" as the British specimens are good and annotated by [John] Pitchford and Bryant. His old servant, François [Borone], is to accompany [Adam] Afzelius on a botanical trip to Sierra Leone for 18 months to 2 years, sent by the [Sierra Leone] Company to find gums and other profitable items of trade.

The Linnean Society of London
Sir James Edward Smith
Thomas Jenkinson Woodward
20 Mar 1792
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/18/55, The Linnean Society of London

Sends second number of "Icones pictae" and "Spicilegium botanicum"; Woodward's account. Tasted "the horrors of the damned" after "Icones pictae" was advertised in last number of "English botany" before it was ready and being repeatedly harassed by his friends for it. Sends missing sheet of "Flora Lapponica"; sent it as sheets supposing Woodward's bookbinders less corrupt than his. Delay in admitting Woodward's two nominations to Linnean Society.

The Reviews "very civil" towards "Linnean Transactions" vol 1, especially his "Introductory discourse", which has met with many compliments, including from Scarpa of Pavia who informs him of its translation into Italian by Father Fontana, professor of mathematics at Pavia University, and brother to Abbè Fontana; his own opinion of his discourse. Confirms that [Robert] Batty's [(1763-1849), apothecary] shop was destroyed by collapse of the Pantheon following a fire, his shop was under the stage. François [Borone] and [Adam] Afzelius had embarked [for Sierra Leone] but their ship had an accident at Deal, [Kent], and is being refitted. Can accommodate Woodward for anniversary meeting, though his brother, John, may also be in London.

The Linnean Society of London
Sir James Edward Smith
Thomas Jenkinson Woodward
22 Jun 1792
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/18/59, The Linnean Society of London

Thanks for Woodward's letter [of 19 June 1792]. His health bad since April, following various inflammatory attacks on his lungs, for which he has come to Matlock, several relapses but much recovered. Dr [Erasmus] Darwin is here, "a fine old man, full of enthusiasm", who wants to become a FLS, thinks Sir Brooke Boothby [7th baronet, (1744-1824), poet and writer] would, too. Admires Woodward's friend, Mr Favell. His new work is the second part of "Spicilegium botanicum".

Requests specimen of 'Ornithogalum pyrenaicum'. Abundance of bee and fly orchids here and he collected many lichens off the high rocks of Cromford moor, including: 'Lichen omphalodes', 'L. saxatalis', 'L. globiferus', 'L. fragilis', 'L. physodes', 'L. sanguinarius', 'L. ventosus', 'L. tartareus', 'L. calcareus', 'L. polyphyllus', and 'Jungermannia tridentata' but not in flower. Studied Hoffmann's works little but they seem very good, he is Murray's successor at Gottingen. Comparison of his "Flora Lapponica" with the original will show he corrected the citations very much. He has been lonely in Matlock.

The Linnean Society of London
Sir James Edward Smith
Thomas Jenkinson Woodward
31 Oct 1792
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/18/61, The Linnean Society of London

Responds to points in Woodward's letter of 31 March [1792] on use of Latin in "Icones pictae". Concerned Woodward has not yet received the "peculiarly good" castor oil he sent during stay at Norwich and Ipswich. Setting out for Frogmore tomorrow for 5 weeks to teach the Queen's [Charlotte of Mecklenburg-Strelitz (1744-1818)] and Princesses botany and zoology, hopes he will receive some recompense.

Sending lichens. Asks Woodward's opinion of enlarging "English botany" to 6 plants for 2s 6d, as currently [James] Sowerby receives little and he nothing from it. Intends to work on his "Tour" at Frogmore. Plants found by [James] Dickson in Scotland: 'Saxifraga cernua', 'Gentiana nivalis', 'Stellaria cerastoides', and others have found 'Eriophorum alpinum', 'Convallaria verticillata', and 'Pyrola uniflora'. The bad accounts from Sierra Leone are false, or at least the [Sierra Leone] Company know nothing of them.

The Linnean Society of London
Sir James Edward Smith
Thomas Jenkinson Woodward
30 Nov 1792
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/18/63, The Linnean Society of London

Responds to Woodward's queries in previous letter [of 18 November 1792] concerning 'Fucus' specimens. Woodward's paper on 'Fucus dasyphyllus' was read at Linnean Society and will probably be added to "Linnean Transactions" vol 2. 'Fucus furcellatus' Linnaean herbarium different from all the other 'Fucus' he has seen.

Intends to rename 'Blechnum radicans', 'B. virginicum', 'B. japonicum', and a new one, as 'Woodwardia', as the first two grow in British gardens, and this will group it with 'Davallia' and 'Dickonsia'; [Jonas] Dryander approves. Dr [Erasmus] Darwin and Sir Brooke Boothby [7th baronet, (1744-1824), poet and writer] are elected FLS.

The Linnean Society of London
Sir James Edward Smith
Thomas Jenkinson Woodward
9 Jan 1793
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/18/65, The Linnean Society of London

Spent Christmas at Sir Alexander Hume's in Hertfordshire. Hopes to have his usual annual party of [Samuel] Goodenough, [Thomas] Marsham, and [Jonas] Dryander to his house next week, with Woodward's turkey acting as his ambassador; comments on turkeys being introduced from America to south of France by Jesuits. Asks for the Woodwards assistance in finding the tale in verse of the City mouse & country mouse" [note pasted to reverse of letter, in Smith's hand, with reference to Alexander Pope and Jonathan Swift]. He is "well pleased" with his royal pupils, who are "very diligent & apt"; returning after 4 June. Currently engaged in zoological lectures in London, has 16 subscribers, including Lord Stormont. Work on his "Tour" proceeded well at Frogmore.

Comments on 'Woodwardia'; on good grounds. Plans to figure 'Fucus abrotanifolius' in his uncoloured work. Error by [James] Sowerby in his figure of 'Cardamine impatiens' in "English botany". Praises beauty of [Edward] Donovan's [(1768-1837), natural historian] insect plates but the letterpress is "not scientific"; he is an "Irish compiling sort of adventurer in literature", previously published a "very bad" sixpenny botanical magazine. [Samuel] Goodenough still thinks the 'Fucus' Woodward mentioned is 'F. palmetta' of Gmelin.

The Linnean Society of London
Sir James Edward Smith
Thomas Jenkinson Woodward
4 Feb 1793
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/18/67, The Linnean Society of London

Sends remainder of Bulliard's ["Histoire des champignons"] and text, finally sent by L'Héritier; Woodward's account. Miss [Sarah Sophia] Banks [(1744-1818)] enquires after Bungay tradesmen's tokens or halfpence, for her collection. None of his works ready for two months; busy on his "Tour". Sales of "English botany" have increased since the enlargement. Did not review [William] Withering's book, and confirms he has only ever reviewed three: Berkenhout's "new edition" [of "Clavis Anglica linguae botanicae" (1789)], Curtis' "Magazine", and a pamphlet on silk worms, all in "Analytical Review"; does not intend to write any others.

Can easily see how Princess Elizabeth's [(1770-1840), daughter of George III] "winning condescension [and] looks so full of soul" could be mistaken by "a fool or a coxcomb" as a passion for himself; admits he is flattered by the attention she pays to his lessons. Lady [Amelia] Hume found the "City & Country Mouse" in Swift's works. His paper on ferns is for the Turin Academy as thanks for making him one of their 20 foreign members, in place of Franklin and in company of Priestly and Herschell. His picture is being drawn for the Exhibition, for Sir Abraham Hume, he is to have a frond of 'Woodwardia radicans' in his hand.

Sends his Matlock, [Derbyshire], lichens, and 'Convallaria verticillata', from Scotland. Amused by reports of his sister being offered Miss [Fanny] Burney's [(1752-1840), novelist and Second Keeper of the Robes to the Queen] place [in attendance on the Queen], which are without foundation; "you have no idea what tittle tattle is at Windsor".

The Linnean Society of London
Sir James Edward Smith
Thomas Jenkinson Woodward
26 Mar 1793
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/18/69, The Linnean Society of London

No longer possible for Woodward to stay during his visit for Linnean Society anniversary meeting as his mother, youngest sister, and brother from Yorkshire are visiting at the same time. Asks if Woodward saw letter in last month's "Gentleman's Magazine" criticising his specific character of 'Geranium lucidum' in "English botany"; his response to appear in May issue in which he will also own the work. "English botany" to start including 'Cryptogamia', but not fungi. Has Woodward's drawing of 'Agaric' from [James] Sowerby.

Correcting the press of Woodward's 'Lycoperdon' paper; finds it amusing, though doubts Charles Bryant [(d 1799)] will. "Great loss" of [William] Aiton [(1731-1792), director of Kew Gardens] to Kew, his son [William Townsend Aiton] "clever & civil". Fourth fasciculus of "Icones pictae" out this year. Still working on his "Tour", some already printing. Feels better this winter than he has for many years.

The Linnean Society of London
Sir James Edward Smith
Thomas Jenkinson Woodward
1 Jun 1793
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/18/72, The Linnean Society of London

Thanks for Woodward's letters of 15 May [1793] and 24 May [1793]. He and [James] Sowerby request specimens of 'Cineraria palustris', 'Convolvulus soldanella', 'Atriplex pedunculata', 'A. portulacoides', and 'Trifolium suffocatum'. He and [Richard] Relhan have conversed on the "diseased anemone". Woodward's additional observations on 'Fucus hypoglossum' will be read shortly at Linnean Society. Message from [Samuel] Goodenough regarding "doctrine of diaecious 'Fucus'" and Woodward's account of Solander's manuscript.

"Natural History of New Holland" delayed by quarrel between Shaw and Nodder; hopes latter will be "got rid of, but it requires some dexterity". Unanimously elected to the Upsala Academy. Asks for Woodward to send wild 'Crataegus torminalis' in flower at Ditchingham. Hopes Woodward will approve of what he wrote of "poor [William] Hudson" in June number of "English botany", "he has been too much run down". Comments on ladies' fashion for "pads", with small ink sketch. Read Woodward's letter on 'Ruscus' with pleasure.

The Linnean Society of London
Sir James Edward Smith
Thomas Jenkinson Woodward
20 Jul 1793
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/18/73, The Linnean Society of London

Has been at Norwich for some time and was at Yarmouth, [Norfolk], where he saw the "puritanic brown locks" of Lilly Wigg [(1749-1828), botanist] and [Dawson] Turner. Hopes Woodward will be visiting Norwich during the Assize week, otherwise proposes to meet at Dr [Nicholas] Gwyn's.

The Linnean Society of London
Sir James Edward Smith
Thomas Jenkinson Woodward
9 Feb 1794
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/18/80, The Linnean Society of London

Sends perfect copy of his "Tour" and copies of his "New Holland" work; particularly pleased with his description of 'Billardiera'. Examined 'Fucus confervoides' of Linnaean herbarium and confirms it is 'F. vesuicosus' [William] Hudson and not 'F. albidus', finds no 'F. incurous' Hudson in herbarium. Mr Egerton the only one of [Samuel] Goodenough's pupils to die [from a fever at Goodenough's school]. Visited North Walsham, [Norfolk], to meet botanist Revd Mr Hepworth. Will be in Norwich in June to lecture on botany and zoology for 6 weeks.

Thanks for Woodward's good opinion of his "Tour"; opinion of others including his Windsor friend and Sir Abraham and Lady [Amelia] Hume, despite Sir Abraham being a friend of [Edmund] Burke [(1730-1797), politician] and an "alarmist"; has heard nothing of De Luc's or the Queen's [Charlotte of Mecklenburg-Strelitz (1744-1818)] opinion; only criticism received so far is from his "honest but bigotted friend" [Thomas] Marhsam, "a furious friend of the slave trade & an enemy of Dr [Joseph] Priestly [(1733-1804), theologian]", who says he did wrong in mentioning Priestly.

[Letter incomplete: lower two-thirds of second folio cropped, text presumed destroyed]

The Linnean Society of London
Sir James Edward Smith
Thomas Jenkinson Woodward
3 Mar 1794
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/18/82, The Linnean Society of London

Glad Woodward enjoys "Zoology of New Holland"; he likes it and [George] Shaw "very much". History of the proposed biography of Linnaeus by [Joseph] Trapp, translated from [Dietrich Heinrich] Stoever's German biography; recommending all naturalists to subscribe. Lists new Fellows of the Linnean Society. Communicated information to Stoever for the original biography, particularly narrative of purchase of the collections. His paper on ferns [published by Turin Academy] is expected soon; intends to publish a translation. Sold more than 600 copies of his "Tour".

The Linnean Society of London
Sir James Edward Smith
Thomas Jenkinson Woodward
11 Jan 1795
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/18/92, The Linnean Society of London

Sending fourth number of "[Botany of] New Holland"; since printing has ascertained 3 more species of 'Styphelia'. Acquisition of coins. Woodward's 'Ulva' paper read and respectfully received. Requests [John] Stackhouse's paper [on 'Fucus punctata']. [Samuel] Goodenough confined with gout. Received [Thomas] Velley's "fine work" ["Coloured figures of marine plants"]. Woodward correct about 'Fucus concatenatus' and 'F. foeniculaceus', Velley has also remarked on this.

His father has been severely ill with a swollen leg but now recovering; "he is a counsellor & friend we could ill have spared, independent of the attachment we all have for him". Occupied by his work on "Georgian insects", after which he will return to his "Flora [Britannica"]. [William] Curtis has figured a 'Goodenia laevigata', believes it is his 'G. albida'.

The Linnean Society of London
Sir James Edward Smith
Thomas Jenkinson Woodward
14 Mar 1795
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/18/94, The Linnean Society of London

Death of his father, on 8 March, after long period of fluctuating health. His journey to Norwich in spite of his own ill health. Consolation that he had wrapped up all his business to his satisfaction and had no particular anxieties, especially as his brother, John, has given up going to America; both dreaded and hoped for final interview with Smith. His grandmother to move into the family home. Account of autopsy performed by Mr Martineau, which revealed an ulcerous kidney.

Responds to Woodward's letter of 21 January [1795]: defends 'Mimosa' against Mrs Woodward's accusations; has not heard from [Edmund] Davall for some time; [William] Curtis' 'Goodenia laevigata' is his 'G. albida', never saw it without white flowers till recently. Death of François [Borone] at Athens, by a fall from a window in his sleep; much affected by it.

The Linnean Society of London