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The Linnean Society of London in contributor 
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Sir James Edward Smith
Alexander Macleay
28 Feb 1814
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/AM/84, The Linnean Society of London

He has been confined to his house for two months with "debility & headaches", a consequence of influenza. His campaign [for botany professorship] is stationary; the present Cambridge vice-chancellor [John Davie] is not a friend so it is not expedient for [Thomas] Martyn to resign, but believes his interest is working as it is to their own concern to have an active professor. Nothing to be done with his knighthood until he is sure of Cambridge. Delayed in sending papers for Linnean Society meeting.

The Linnean Society of London
Sir James Edward Smith
James Sowerby
3 Feb 1814
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/JS/18, The Linnean Society of London

Sends 9 more drawings for "Flora Graeca" and 4 drawings to finish present volume of "English botany"; a "melancholy feeling" at finishing that work. Informed by David Booth George Don's death from putrid sore throat; his family left in poverty; has collected money for them; the family wish to sell the plants in his garden before they are dug up, asks for advice from [James] Dickson and the Andersons; Dawson Turner "very bountiful as usual, to this poor family". [William Jackson] Hooker to be married to Turner's eldest daughter [Maria Sarah (1797-1872)].

[Draft of letter in Sowerby's hand]: relates Don's death and plight of family and seeks recommendations for the family to sell the plants.

[Notes in pencil]: sums of money collected by Smith for Mrs Don.

The Linnean Society of London