Search: Turner, S W in author 
Smith, James Edward in correspondent 
Turner, S W in correspondent 
1800-1809 in date 
Linnean Society of London in repository 
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S W Turner
Sir James Edward Smith
26 Oct 1807
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/26/25, The Linnean Society of London

Received Smith's letter of 20 October [1807] today; has not yet received [Johann Baptist von] Albertini's "Conspectus Fungorum" from Germany; hopes Albertini will send a copy as he assisted in collecting materials for it. Encloses specimens of some of the fungi he sent for the work, and hopes to also send the copper plates.

Lists fungi he has found since his last letter to Smith: 'Boletus fimbriatus', 'B. mucidus', 'B. cinnabarinus', 'Thelephora hirsuta', 'T. calcea', 'T. polygonia', 'Tremella encephala', 'Agaricus amesthystinus', 'A. procenus', 'A. violaceus', 'A. fratensis', 'A. luridus', 'A. coccineus', 'A. conicus', 'A. poittacinus', 'A. seracius', 'A. punus', 'A. copinusdomesticus', 'A. frauncilus', 'A. caudicinus', 'A. semiglobatus', 'A. fascicularis', 'A. subdulcis', 'A. anuginosa', 'A. campestris', 'A. collinitus', 'Capninus extinclonius', 'C. candicans', 'Gymnopus latus', 'G. alboviolaceus', 'G. lactillacris', 'Boletus subtomentosus', 'B. fuscus', 'B. deofunctor', 'B. vitneus', 'B. hepaticus', 'Helvella cinerea' (very rare), 'Lycoperdon pratense', 'L. umbrinum', 'L. bovista', 'Filago rusa', 'Spumaria mucilago', 'Stemonitis ovala', 'S. fascicularis', 'Accidium tussilaginus', 'Amanila spadicea', 'Hydnum ochnaceum', 'Clavaria protensis', 'C. cornea', 'C. elurnia', 'C. mirani', 'Peziza sancoides', 'P. anomala', 'Sphaeria hypoxylon', S. digitata', 'S. fusca', 'S. poronia', 'S. deusta', 'S. doliolum', and 'S. disciformis'. Found all of the above with [Henry] Steinhauer at Kirklees Hall, the seat of Sir George Armitage.

Has sent Smith specimen of 'Anemone vernalis'. Will send a fern with the copper plates, variety of 'Cyathea fragilis' from Castleton, which he has been unable to find in "Flora Britannica", which he hopes will be completed.

The Linnean Society of London
S W Turner
Sir James Edward Smith
31 Oct 1807
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/26/26, The Linnean Society of London

Discusses his essay, "De Pisolitho", which he sent for Smith's opinion, and quoting of Scopoli's 'Lycoperdon arrizon' as a synonym for 'Pisolithus arenarius'; proposes naming it 'P. scopolii' [coloured drawing extant]. Apologises for delay in sending promised plates of [Johann Baptist von] Albertini's "Conspectus Fungorum", which his friend Mr Steinhaur will now do. Lists recent fungi he has found: 'Xyloma acerinum', 'Agaricus lactifluus var. deliciosus', 'Clavaria ericelorum', 'C. gyrans', 'Sphaeria militaris', 'Hydnum repandum', 'Peziza papillata', and 'Tremella auriformis'; always uses [Christiaan Hendrik] Persoon's names, despite some of them not seemingly appropriate for the plants they are meant to denominate.

He has minutely examined the fern mentioned in his last letter and concludes it is either new or a new variety, possibly of 'Aspidium spinulosum'. Found a variety of 'Blechnum boreale'; observations. Bolton's discovery of 'Hyminophyllum pyxidifenum'.

Coloured drawing labelled "'Pisolithus arenarius'.

The Linnean Society of London
S W Turner
Sir James Edward Smith
28 Dec 1807
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/26/27, The Linnean Society of London

Encloses two rare fungi he recently found [extant]: 'Xyloma pini' and 'Trichia reticulata', observations on his finding them. Thanks Smith for offer to send ferns; directions for sending. Will be glad to hear when the fourth part of "Flora Britannica" is published.

Two specimens, labelled, "'Trichia reticulata'" and "'Xyloma pini' Messrs de Albertini & de Schweiniz" [attached to JES/COR/26/26].

The Linnean Society of London
S W Turner
Sir James Edward Smith
4 Sep 1808
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/26/28, The Linnean Society of London

Thanks for parcel of plants, his joy at receiving "this treasure" from Smith, whom he considers his "teacher in botany". Account of his botanical education, which began with Smith's "Compendium florae Britannicae" when studying in Germany.

Enquires after protocol for sending papers to the Linnean Society. Discusses German botanical authors and their publications, including [Johann Friedrich] Blumenbach, [Albrecht Wilhelm] Roth, and [Friedrich Wilhelm von] Leysser; botanised with the latter. Hopes Smith received and enjoyed the medical paper he sent.

The Linnean Society of London
S W Turner
Sir James Edward Smith
30 Nov 1808
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/26/29, The Linnean Society of London

Intends to open a school for "young gentlemen" at Christmas, encloses card [extant], hopeful of its answering.

At Smith's request informs him of his family's acquaintance with Dr Hurlock, who cured his father "of a sort of cancer in his mouth". Asks if Smith saw the plants Hurlock received from Labrador, which were gathered by his [Turner's] mother, and his mother brought a box of roots when his parents returned to England. Mr Burkard probably the only person in Labrador still gathering plants. Does not remember much of the time he spent in Labrador as a child. Hopes to visit Smith next summer.

Card announcing Turner's school and cost of lessons.

The Linnean Society of London
S W Turner
Sir James Edward Smith
31 Mar 1809
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/26/30, The Linnean Society of London

Thanks for Smith's "delightful letter" of 11 March [1809] and Smith's sentiments concerning his fiancée. Pleased Smith was satisfied with the review of Smith's "Introduction to Botany" by his friend, [Henry] Steinhauer, who is now reviewing Parkinson's "Organic remains of a former world". Offers to translate review of the "Introduction" in Schrader's journal.

Recently found 'Galanthus nivalis' and 'Viola adorata' but no 'Anemone' or 'Ranunculus' has yet flowered with them. Remarks on various genera, including: 'Geranium', 'Erica', 'Smithia'. Asks if Smith ever received White's paper he sent on "Inflammation of the liver". Friends he has made through study of botany. Dispute with Sprengel over 'Aster salignus', which Sprengel sent as 'Boltonia salicifolia'; Sprengel's eccentricities regarding access to the Halle botanic garden.

He and his friends have proposed establishing a circulating library here, in spite of the narrow-mindedness of the locals, citing example of parents who were anxious at his teaching their children geography.

The Linnean Society of London
S W Turner
Sir James Edward Smith
16 Apr 1809
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/26/31, The Linnean Society of London

He and a friend have resolved to establish a botanic garden here; requests exotic seeds from Smith. Intends to visit the Liverpool botanic garden. Offers to translate review of Smith's "Introduction to Botany" in Schrader's journal. Asks after possibility of procuring Willdenow's edition of Linnaeus' "Species plantarum".

The Linnean Society of London