Search: Joseph Dalton Hooker in collection 
Hooker (nee Symonds, then Jardine), Lady Hyacinth in correspondent 
1870-1879::1873::04::14 in date 
letter in document-type 
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Sir Joseph Dalton Hooker
Lady Hyacinth Hooker (nee Symonds, then Jardine)
14 April 1873
Source of text:
JDH/2/22/2 f.4-6, The Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew

JDH identifies, for Lady Hyacinth Jardine [later Hooker], an Epimedium as E. pinnatum & an Elm as an Elaeagnus probably E. hortensis, which is used for making sherbet in the East. Elaegnus odoratus is not a name known to JDH but it could be a newly introduced Japanese species. JDH sends his thanks for some moss, [John] Smith would like some more. He would also like Gualtherias & any Epimedium, Asarum & Sanguinaria to plant out in beds which he will name after Lady Jardine, he also offers greenhouse plants in exchange. He intends to try growing Cyclamen on the terrace by the new range & other similar things that would not ordinarily grow in the Kew soil. A planned trip has been postponed by the illness of Frances Hooker's brother George Henslow who has become paralysed. Frances is not well either & will go to stay with the Darwins. JDH sends his regards to Lady Jardine's husband Sir William. He appears to continue the letter after the signature, addressing Sir William's criticisms of his Flora, which relate to the presence of certain species in various Scottish localities: Erica cinerea in Sutherland, Solanum nigrum at Craigmillar & Epidendrum alpinum in Dumresshire, Hymenophyllum wilsonii in Loch Lomond & Typha angustifolia in Lochmaben.

Hooker Project